DUC has mainly concentrated on intrinsic evaluation, attempting to run the evaluation at a large enough scale to allow significant differences between systems ...
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Nov 21, 2007 · This paper examines several major themes running through three major evaluations: SUMMAC, NTCIR and respectively DUC.
The themes are extrinsic and intrinsic evaluation, evaluation procedures and methods, generic versus focused summaries, single- and multi-document summaries, ...
Request PDF | DUC in context | Recent years have seen increased interest in text summarization with emphasis on evaluation of prototype systems.
The work reported in this paper attempt to design Dominant User Context (DUC) Filtering Framework for personalized search in the effort to solve the problem.
The focus of DUC 2005 was on developing new evaluation methods that take into account variation in content in human-authored summaries.
DUC proceedings serve as a medium for the dissemination of technical papers written by participants in the DUC workshops.
May 8, 2024 · The DUC model is proposed as a syntactic informational standard for representing conditions of use metadata, along with optional contextual data ...
DUC in context. Recent years have seen increased interest in text summarization with emphasis on evaluation of prototype systems. · The DUC summarization ...
The focus of DUC 2005 was on developing new evaluation methods that take into account variation in content in human-authored sum- maries.