Abstract. In this paper we describe a decision support system for mar- itime traffic and operations, based on formal models and driven by data.
In this paper we describe a decision support system for maritime traffic and operations, based on formal models and driven by data from the environment.
A decision support system for maritime traffic and operations, based on formal models and driven by data from the environment is described, which brings ...
In this paper we describe a decision support system for maritime traffic and operations, based on formal models and driven by data from the environment.
This paper aims to describe the usage of distributed control system architecture based on Reference Petri Nets models for logistics processes management and ...
In this paper we describe a decision support system for maritime traffic and operations, based on formal models and driven by data from the environment.
This model could be used for the logistics process simulation and estimation, as well as translated into the interpretable Petri Nets bytecode that could be ...
Data-Driven Maritime Processes Management Using Executable ...
www-dev.fit.vutbr.cz › ... › Publikace
Tento model může být také použit k simulaci logistických procesů a odhadům dob trvání jednotlivých kroků. Stejně tak může být přeložen do interpretovatelné ...
Oct 22, 2024 · First, we explain the concept of the executable model, which is an essential condition for executing defined processes in a business process ...
This paper aims to delve deeper into the factors that affect maritime accident casualties by establishing a new database and conducting an accident casualty ...
Missing: Executable | Show results with:Executable