Abstract. We study the closely related problems of rewriting disjunc- tive datalog programs and non-Horn DL ontologies into plain datalog.
Abstract. We study the closely related problems of rewriting disjunc- tive datalog programs and non-Horn DL ontologies into plain datalog.
We study the closely related problems of rewriting disjunctive datalog programs and non-Horn DL ontologies into plain datalog programs that entail the same ...
In Section 5 we show that non-Horn ontologies exist that can be rewritten into datalog, but that have no strong rewritings. This highlights the limits of tech-.
Our empirical results suggest that a fair number of non-Horn ontologies are Datalog rewritable and that query answering over such ontologies becomes feasible ...
Apr 4, 2013 · In this paper, we study the possibilities of answering queries over non-Horn ontologies using datalog rewritings.
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In this paper, we study the possibilities of answering queries over non-Horn ontologies using datalog rewritings. We prove that this is impossible in general ...
We study the closely related problems of rewriting disjunctive datalog programs and non-Horn DL ontologies into plain datalog programs that entail the same ...
The method easily generalizes to trans- late non-Boolean queries, i.e., queries with output, to polynomially-sized nonrecursive Datalog programs with output. We ...
Abstract. We study the problem of answering instance queries over non-Horn ontologies by rewriting them into Datalog programs or First-.