We show that Ore operators can be desingularized by calculating a least common left multiple with a random operator of appropriate order, thereby turning a ...
We show that Ore operators can be desingularized by calculating a least common left multiple with a random operator of appropriate order. Our result generalizes ...
Aug 23, 2014 · We show that Ore operators can be desingularized by calculating a least common left multiple with a random operator of appropriate order. Our ...
The roots of the denominator are called the singularities of the equation. • If a solution f has a singularity at ξ and not at every point in.
We show that Ore operators can be desingularized by calculating a least common left multiple with a random operator of appropriate order.
ABSTRACT. Desingularization is the problem of finding a left multiple of a given Ore operator in which some factor of the leading co-.
x = 0 is called a singularity of this differential equation. Fact: If a linear ODE with polynomial coefficients has a meromorphic.
Desingularization is the problem of finding a left multiple of a given Ore operator in which some factor of the leading coefficient of the original operator ...
In the literature, there are some other applications of desingular- ization, such as extending P-recursive sequences [2] or explaining order-degree curve [10].
In the talk, we will present a surprisingly simple desingularization algorithm that works not only for differential operators but for general Ore operators.