The language used in EcosimPro simulation tool for modeling dynamic systems based on equations and discrete events is named EL, which is the official language ...
[PDF] EcosimPro and its EL Object-Oriented Modeling Language - EOOLT › presentation-paper10
EL, is therefore one of the pioneer languages that has to deal with this new way of Modeling physical systems. I- Advantages for the modeller. - minimise global ...
This paper introduce the modeling and simulation tool EcosimPro and the possibility in the new version 4 of using object orientation in its modeling ...
Jul 2, 2008 · This paper introduce the modeling and simulation tool EcosimPro and the possibility in the new version 4 of using object orientation in its ...
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For advanced users EcosimPro provides an intuitive modeling language to guide the user through the process of creating new component libraries in a simple way.
The modelling of physical components is based on a basic “EcosimPro language” (EL), an object-oriented programming language which is very similar to other.
The modelling of physical components is based on the EcosimPro language (EL) which is very similar to other conventional Object-oriented programming ...
EL on the other hand is a language developed by EA. International specifically for use with EcosimPro, its tool for modelling and simulating physical systems.
♢ Object-oriented modeling language with the latest capabilities such as multiple inheritance, assertions, virtual equations, etc. ♢ Calculation of ...
EcosimPro and its EL Object-Oriented Modeling Language. A Jorrín, C de Prada ... New features of EcosimPro 4.6 for the modelling and simulation of ECLSSs and LHPs.