This educational application can be considered an example of “semantic mashup” for narrative, a discovering method which is gaining attention and it is ...
Mar 8, 2021 · The goal of this paper is to describe the objective, the pre-requisites, the methodology and the evaluation process of a Multiplier Formation ...
This is the first book to provide a systematic foundation that integrates together narratology, AI, and computational linguistics.
This study presents the process of the transformational design of a young adult novel into an alternate reality game (ARG) for educational purposes, creating ...
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Andrea Bolioli, Matteo Casu, Maurizio Lana, and Renato Roda. Exploring the Betrothed Lovers. In 2013 Workshop on Computational Models of Narrative.
The document describes a project called Sèduco that aims to develop digital tools for creating and sharing educational content in Italian high schools.