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Accordingly, we propose a contextual scene graph generation (C-SGG) method without using visual in- formation and introduce a context augmentation method. We ...
This repository includes the code for scene graph generation on three datasets VG, OpenPSG and OIDv6. Basic operating requirement: pip install -r requirements.
Accordingly, we propose a contextual scene graph generation (C-SGG) method without using visual information and introduce a context augmentation method. We ...
Accordingly, we propose a contextual scene graph generation (C-SGG) method without using visual information and introduce a context augmentation method. We ...
Accordingly, we propose a contextual scene graph generation (C-SGG) method without using visual in- formation and introduce a context augmentation method. We ...
A context guided visual scene graph generation method that alleviates long-tail bias and omits the huge computation of visual feature extraction to realize ...
Scene graph generation (SGG) methods have historically suffered from long-tail bias and slow inference speed. In this paper, we notice that humans can ...
As for the relation classification and graph construction stage, researchers try to tackle the longtail and biasing problem [6, 16, 26,67]. [54] adjust loss ...
Scene graph generation (SGG) methods have historically suffered from long-tail bias and slow inference speed. In this paper, we notice that humans can ...
Apr 7, 2023 · Scene graph generation aims to construct a semantic graph structure from an image such that its nodes and edges.
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