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Mar 15, 1996 · Fully Automated Design of Super-High-Rise Building Structures by a Hybrid AI Model on a Massively Parallel Machine. AI Magazine, 17(3), 87.
Sep 1, 1996 · Fully Automated Design of Super–High-Rise Building Structures by a Hybrid AI Model on a Massively Parallel Machine ... Information. PDF · PDF.
This article presents an innovative research project where computationally elegant algorithms based on the integration of a novel connectionist computing ...
Dive into the research topics of 'Fully automated design of super-high-rise building structures by a hybrid AI model on a massively parallel machine'. Together ...
Bibliographic details on Fully Automated Design of Super-High-Rise Building Structures by a Hybrid AI Model on a Massively Parallel Machine.
Fully Automated Design of Super-High-Rise Building Structures by a Hybrid AI Model on a Massively Parallel Machine. Hojjat Adeli, H. S. Park. 87. PDF. Book ...
Adeli and H. S. Park, Fully automated design of super-high-rise building structures by a hybrid ai model on a massively parallel machine, AI Mag. 17 (1996) ...
Drift Control of High-Rise Buildings ... 다음글 Fully Automated Design of Super-High-Rise Building Structures by a Hybrid AI Model on a Massively Parallel Machine.
A modified neural dynamic model of Adeli and Park is used in this research to solve the many-objective optimization problem where the Normal Boundary ...
Fully Automated Design of Super-High-Rise Building Structures by a Hybrid AI Model on a Massively Parallel Machine. 연구자 : Hojjat Adeli , Hyo Seon Park.