A generalized hexagon, or simply a hexagon, is a bipartite graph with diameter 6 and girth 12. 1 These properties imply that a generalized hexagon is connected ...
Starting with the Tits' description of the Moufang hexagons we discuss the construction of the known generalized hexagons as group coset geometries and some ...
People also ask
What is the difference between a hexagon and a regular hexagon?
What is an example of a hexagon shape in everyday life?
A thick generalized hexagon fully embedded in a metasym- plectic space is either embedded in a classical residue, or it is isometrically em- bedded, that is, ...
Jun 14, 2024 · We observe that the line sets of generalized quadrangles, rank 3 polar spaces, spreads and generalized hexagons occur as regular sets in our ...
Polar spaces, generalized hexagons and perfect codes. Authors. J.A Thas. Publication date: 1980. Publisher: Published by Elsevier Inc.
Moreover, there is a bijection H ↔ quads of Γ, which induces an embedding of the hexagon H into the polar space A which is an epimorphism on points.
We classify the generalized hexagons which are laxly embedded in projective space such that the embedding is flat and polarized. Besides the standard exam-.
Sep 13, 2023 · It was first defined in generalized quadrangles by Thas [20], and was later extended naturally to finite classical polar spaces of higher rank ...
Oct 22, 2024 · We classify the generalized hexagons which are laxly embedded in projective space such that the embedding is flat and polarized.
Abstract. We classify the generalized hexagons which are laxly embedded in projective space such that the embedding is flat and polarized.