Generic programming is an especially attractive paradigm for developing libraries for high-performance computing because it simultaneously emphasizes gener.
Summary form only given. Generic programming is an attractive paradigm for developing libraries for high-performance computing because of the simultaneous ...
Generic programming is an emerging programming paradigm for creating highly reusable domain-specific soft- ware libraries. Several aspects of this approach make ...
Generic programming is an attractive paradigm for de-veloping libraries for high-performance computing because of the simultaneous emphases placed on ...
Generic programming is an attractive paradigm for developing libraries for high-performance computing because of the simultaneous emphases placed on ...
People also ask
What is meant by generic programming?
What are the advantages of generic programming over non-generic programming?
Which programming language has the best standard library?
Which is used for generic programming?
In this paper we advocate better syntactic and semantic support for concepts and describe some straightforward language features that could better support them.
This paper advocates better syntactic and semantic support to make concepts first-class and presents results demonstrating the kinds of improvements that ...
Generic Programming [10, 84] is a powerful paradigm for software development. What makes it attractive for high-performance computing is simultaneous emphasis ...
Abstract. We report on a programming environment for the develop- ment of generic mathematical libraries based on functors (parameterized.
Nov 8, 2023 · This work describes a design approach that allows the integration of low-level and verbose programming tools into high-level generic algorithms.