Professor, Hosei University, Japan - 引用: 6292 件 - deep learning - computer vision - machine learning - medical engineering
List of computer science publications by Hitoshi Iyatomi.
Hitoshi IYATOMI, Professor | Cited by 5063 | of Hosei University, Tokyo | Read 151 publications | Contact Hitoshi IYATOMI.
Affiliation: Hosei University
Research interests: Deep Learning, Computer Vision, Machine Learning, and more
Affiliations: [Department of Applied Informatics, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Hosei University, Tokyo, Japan].
Investigation to answer three key questions concerning plant pest identification and development of a practical identification framework.
Research Scientist working on Vision & Language with Deep Learning.
Hitoshi Iyatomi · Most frequent co-Author · Most cited colleague · Most frequent Affiliation.
[24] Lesion Border Detection in Dermoscopy Images, M. Emre Celebi, Hitoshi Iyatomi, Gerald Schaefer, and William V. Stoecker, Computerized Medical Imaging and ...
Hitoshi Iyatomi: 31 Followers, 8 Following, 157 Research papers. Research interests: Molecular Biology and genetics, Gastroenterology, and Molecular and…