In this paper we develop I/O-efficient algorithms for the problem of computing the areas of a terrain that are flooded in a given flash flood event due to water ...
This article studies a number of flow-query-related problems: Given a terrain Σ, represented as a triangulated xy-monotone surface with n vertices, and a ...
In this paper we develop practically I/O-efficient algorithms for the problem of computing the areas of a terrain that are flooded in a given flash flood event ...
In this paper we develop practically I/O-efficient algorithms for the problem of computing the areas of a terrain that are flooded in a given flash flood event ...
Flash flood risk assessment. Our algorithm computes the areas of a terrain that are flooded in a given flash flood event by simulating how water flows on ...
The algorithm operates by flooding DEMs inwards from their edges using a priority queue to determine the next cell to be flooded. The resultant DEM has no ...
Abstract. An important problem in terrain analysis is modeling how water flows across a terrain and creates floods by filling up depressions.
We develop efficient algorithms for flood-risk analysis under the multiflow-directions (MFD) model, in which water at a point can flow along multiple downslope ...
An important problem in terrain analysis is modeling how water flows across a terrain and creates floods by filling up depressions.
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We present an I/O-efficient algorithm that solves this problem using O(sort(X) log (X/M) + sort(N)) I/Os, where N is the number of terrain vertices, X is the ...