This paper analyzes how these services interact and use this metadata and develops a data dictionary to support them. Main Content.
Oct 22, 2024 · This paper introduces a conceptual model for expressing the core concepts and requirements that appear in preservation guiding documents. It ...
This paper analyzes how these servicesinteract and use these metadata and develops a data dictionary to support them.11 This paper is based on the paper given ...
This paper analyzes how these services interact and use this metadata and develops a data dictionary to support them. Details. Creators: Dappert, Angela; ...
[PDF] Implementing Metadata that Guides Digital Preservation Services › papers
Effective digital preservation depends on a set of preserva- tion services that work together to ensure that digital objects can be preserved for the long-term.
This paper analyzes how digital preservation services interact and use metadata and develops a data dictionary to support them, which helps preserve digital ...
The METS schema, is a flexible XML framework designed for storing administrative, structural, and descriptive metadata about digital objects.
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May 10, 2009 · These services need digital preservation metadata, in particular, descriptions of the properties that digital objects may have and descriptions ...
Nov 9, 2023 · 1. Define your metadata goals ; 2. Choose your metadata standards ; 3. Implement your metadata workflows ; 4. Maintain your metadata quality ; 5.
This guide is aimed at digital preservation practitioners who must create, update and maintain digital preservation documentation as part of their work.