We propose two index structures for efficiently searching uncertain categorical data, one based on the R-tree and another based on an inverted index structure.
Oct 2, 2006 · This paper addresses the problem of indexing uncertain categorical data represented as a set of values with associ- ated probabilities. We ...
In this paper, we propose an inverted based index method for effciently searching uncertain categorical data over distributed environments. We adress two kinds ...
We propose two index structures for efficiently searching uncertain categorical data, one based on the R-tree and another based on an inverted index structure.
In this paper we extend traditional systems to explicitly handle uncertainty in data values. We propose two index structures for efficiently searching uncertain ...
Nov 9, 2015 · In this paper, we propose an inverted based index method for efficiently searching uncer- tain categorical data over distributed environments.
The goal is to build an index on P such that given a query interval I and a probability threshold τ, we can quickly report all points of. P that lie in I with ...
We present an optimal index for answering range queries on uncertain data where the probability threshold τ is fixed. Our index uses linear space and answers a ...
Querying uncertain data has emerged as an important problem in data management due to the imprecise nature of many measurement data.
In this paper we study answering range queries over uncertain data. Specifically, we are given a collection P of n points in R, each represented by its one- ...