Kazuo Hashimoto was a Japanese inventor who registered over 1,000 patents throughout the world, including patents for a Caller-ID system and telephone answering machines. Wikipedia
Died: August 1995
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What did Kazuo Hashimoto invent?
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Kazuo Hashimoto was a Japanese inventor who registered over 1,000 patents throughout the world, including patents for a Caller-ID system and telephone ...
Kazuo Hashimoto (M'06) was born in Tokyo in 1953. He received the Ph.D. degree in Information Science from Tohoku University in 2001. He is currently a ...
Kazuo Hashimoto has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents ...
I studied mainly Formal Semantics, Linguistics, Temporal Logic, Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science.
Dr. Kazuo Hashimoto has been the professor at the Center for Research Strategy, Waseda University since 2014. In a variety of projects, he serves as a ...
Hashimoto is widely regarded as the Edison of Japan for inventing Caller ID and over 1000 other patented innovations. I kept a promise to Hashimoto and have ...