We consider a repeated sequential game between a learner, who plays first, and an opponent who responds to the chosen action. We seek to design strategies for ...
We consider a repeated sequential game between a learner, who plays first, and an opponent who responds to the chosen action. We seek to design strategies ...
Jul 10, 2020 · Abstract:We consider a repeated sequential game between a learner, who plays first, and an opponent who responds to the chosen action.
Abstract. We consider a repeated sequential game between a learner, who plays first, and an opponent who responds to the chosen action.
The paper considers the case in which the learner plays according to a mixed (randomized) strategy, while the opponent responds to the realized action according ...
Jul 10, 2020 · We consider a repeated sequential game between a learner, who plays first, and an opponent who responds to the chosen action.
This work considers a repeated sequential game between a learner, who plays first, and an opponent who responds to the chosen action, and proposes a novel ...
People also ask
What is the theory of sequential games?
What is the difference between sequentially and simultaneously played games?
Learning to Play Sequential Games versus Unknown Opponents. Meta Review. Four knowledgeable referees all recommended that the paper be accepted. The reviewers ...
Dec 27, 2024 · We consider the problem of a learning agent who has to repeatedly play a general sum game against a strategic opponent who acts to maximize their own payoff.
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