In this paper, we present an information content computing survey with a critical study. Then, we propose a new intrinsic information content computing method.
Then, we propose a new intrinsic information content computing method. This method attempts to improve the estimation of the semantic likeness between concepts.
Nov 8, 2018 · This paper presents a new measure for quantifying the degree of the semantic similarity between concepts and words based on the WordNet ...
This method uses the MeSH thesaurus as a knowledge resource and an intrinsic information content-based semantic similarity to measure the likeness between their ...
In this paper, we propose a novel knowledge based WSD method that disambiguates terms in the biomedical text. In fact, we aim to evaluate the performance of the ...
Oct 22, 2024 · This method uses the MeSH thesaurus as a knowledge resource and an intrinsic information content-based semantic similarity to measure the ...
This work proposes a biomedical query disambiguation method using K-means algorithm to cluster the different contexts of ambiguous query term (MeSH ...
Mar 28, 2016 · Taxonomic measures including the IC-based ones consume the topological parameters that must be extracted from taxonomies considered as Directed ...
In those measures, how many number of times a concept or any of its instance appears in a corpus has become the base for calculating IC of a concept. Such ...
MeSH-based disambiguation method using an intrinsic information content measure of semantic similarity. I Gabsi, H Kammoun, I Amous. Procedia computer science ...