An N-fail-safe (NFS) machine S̄ of S is then defined as a sequential machine with ternary (i.e., 0, 1, or N) input and ternary output such that: 1) S is a ...
An NFS machine is then realized by a binary sequential circuit. (BSC) composed of binary logic components and delay elements.
An N-fail-safe (NFS) machine S of S is then defined as a sequential machine with ternary (i.e., 0, 1, or N) input and ternary output such that: 1) S is a ...
A fail-safe sequential machine is one that produces safe-side output when failures occur in the machine. This paper presents a new method of realization of fail ...
The main purpose of this paper is to construct a fail-safe BSC with the smallest number of DELAY's. First we construct a positive BSC with the smallest number ...
For the N-fail-safe case, two approaches are discussed one uses three-valued logic, the other uses a binary encoding. The appropriate checking circuits are also ...
A new fail-safe realisation of sequential machines has been proposed in this paper. A module consisting of a two-level MOSFET network has been introduced.
This paper presents a study of the failures in the input combinational circuit and of the feasibility conditions of sequential machines with states coded by ...
A fail-safe sequential machine is one that produces error signal when failures occure in the machine. This paper presents a new method of realization of fail- ...
Missing: N- | Show results with:N-
Fail-safe sequential machines can be constructed in such a way that if a failure happens in the sequential part, the ulterior functioning must carry on outside ...