Multi-view Stereo (MVS) is a common solution in pho- togrammetry applications for the dense reconstruction of a static scene from images.
Multi-view Stereo (MVS) is a common solution in photogrammetry applications for the dense reconstruction of a static scene from images.
In our work, we focus on a new scenario of reconstruct- ing scenes with non-rigid changes from a few images, and estimate deformations that satisfy each view.
[PDF] Deep Facial Non-Rigid Multi-View Stereo - CVF Open Access › papers › B...
We solve 3D face reconstruction from multi-view im- ages with different expressions by a novel Non-Rigid Multi-. View Stereo (NRMVS) optimization framework.
Source code for CVPR 2020 paper "Deep Facial Non-Rigid Multi-View Stereo". License: GPL-3.0 license. 167 stars. 25 forks.
Multi-view Stereo (MVS) is a common solution in photogrammetry applications for the dense reconstruction of a static scene from images.
Multi-view Stereo (MVS) is a common solution in pho- togrammetry applications for the dense reconstruction of a static scene from images.
Deep Facial Non-Rigid Multi-View Stereo - Papers With Code › paper › deep-facia...
We present a method for 3D face reconstruction from multi-view images with different expressions. We formulate this problem from the perspective of ...
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It is shown that a dense reconstruction of a scene with non-rigid changes from a few images is possible, and it is demonstrated that the method can be used ...
PDF | We present a method for 3D face reconstruction from multi-view images with different expressions. We formulate this problem from the perspective.