Abstract. We initiate a general study of the feasibility of implementing (huge) random objects, and demonstrate its applicability to a number of areas in ...
We initiate a general study of the feasibility of implementing (huge) random objects, and demonstrate its applicability to a number of areas in which random ...
We initiate a general study of the feasibility of implementing (huge) random objects, and demonstrate its applicability to a number of areas in which random ...
We initiate a general study of pseudo-random implemen- tations of huge random objects, and apply it to a few areas in which random objects occur naturally.
We initiate a general study of pseudo-random implementations of huge random objects, and apply it to a few areas in which random objects occur naturally.
We initiate a general study of pseudo-random implementations of huge random objects, and apply it to a few areas in which random objects occur naturally.
Abstract. We initiate a general study of the feasibility of implementing (huge) random objects, and demonstrate its applicability to a number of areas in ...
We initiate a general study of the feasibility of implementing (huge) random objects, and demonstrate its applicability to a number of areas in which random ...
We initiate a general study of pseudo-random implementations of huge random objects, and apply it to a few areas in which random objects occur naturally.
Abstract. We initiate a general study of pseudo-random implementations of huge random objects, and apply it to a few areas in which random ...