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We present a new data structure with the help of which such autocompletion queries can be processed, on the average, in time linear in the input plus output ...
Mar 4, 2008 · We present a new data structure with the help of which such autocompletion queries can be processed, on the average, in time linear in the input ...
A new data structure is presented with the help of which such autocompletion queries can be processed, on the average, in time linear in the input plus ...
We consider the following autocompletion search scenario: imagine a user of a search engine typing a query; then with every keystroke display those comple-.
We present a new data structure with the help of which such autocompletion queries can be processed, on the average, in time linear in the input plus output ...
We present a new data structure with the help of which such autocompletion queries can be processed, on the average, in time linear in the input plus output ...
We present a new data structure with the help of which such autocompletion queries can be processed, on the average, in time linear in the input plus output ...
Output-Sensitive Autocompletion Search. Hannah Bast, Christian Worm Mortensen, Ingmar Weber. Anthology ID: DBLP:conf/spire/BastMW06; Volume: String Processing ...
Bibliographic details on Output-sensitive autocompletion search.
Output. Output-sensitive autocompletion search. Journal Article. Original Resource. Authors, Holger Bast, Christian W. Mortensen, Ingmar Weber. Year, 2008.