Dec 8, 2023 · Our claim is that Sambin's overlap algebras have good enough features to deserve to be called that. Namely, they include the class of discrete locales.
Dec 8, 2023 · Namely, they include the class of discrete locales, they arise as smallest strongly dense sublocales (of overt locales), and hence they ...
Our claim is that Sambin's overlap algebras have good enough features to deserve to be called that. Namely, they include the class of discrete locales, they ...
Our claim is that Sambin's overlap algebras have good enough features to deserve to be called that. Namely, they include the class of discrete locales, they ...
Boolean locales are "almost discrete", in the sense that a spatial Boolean locale is just a discrete locale (that is, it corresponds to the frame of open ...
Dec 12, 2024 · In fact, discrete locales are never Boolean constructively, except for the trivial locale. So, what is an almost discrete locale constructively?
We show that Sambin's "overlap algebras" have good enough features to be called "almost discrete locales". Keywords. Strongly dense ...
The category of overlap algebras is studied as an extension of the category of sets and relations, and some basic facts about mono-epi-isomorphisms and ...
Title: Overlap Algebras as Almost Discrete Locales. Francesco Ciraulo. Journal-ref: Logical Methods in Computer Science, Volume 19, Issue 4 (December 8, 2023) ...
In fact, discrete locales are never Boolean constructively, except for the trivial locale. So, what is an almost discrete locale constructively? Our claim is ...