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When Bob acquires a new IP address, all established connections with Alice will be lost. Assume two hosts, Alice and Bob. with IP addresses IPA and IPB respec-.
Abstract. The predominance of short-lived connections in today's Internet has created the perception that it is perfectly acceptable to change a host's IP ...
Abstract. The predominance of short-lived connections in today's In- ternet has created the perception that it is perfectly acceptable to change a host's IP ...
In this paper we present a kernel-based mechanism that recognizes address changes and recovers from them. Furthermore, we discuss the security implications of ...
In this paper we present a kernel-based mechanism that recognizes address changes and recovers from them. Furthermore, we discuss the security implications of ...
Oct 19, 2014 · The TCP connection cannot stay open with a changing IP, because a connection is defined by source IP+Port and destination IP+Port.
Missing: Preserving | Show results with:Preserving
Aug 14, 2015 · As for my understanding of TCP, asserting "Keeping TCP connections alive" is misleading, as there is no TCP-protocol-specific mechanism ...
Missing: Preserving Across
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May 23, 2022 · In this blog post, you'll learn how the Proxy Protocol preserves a client's IP address when that client's connection passes through a proxy.
Jan 5, 2016 · If a host disconnects from the other and you still see its connection as ESTABLISHED, it's probably related to the fact it's not honoring the TCP protocol.
Missing: Preserving Across