Querying and analyzing source code interactively is a critical task in reverse engineering and program understanding. Current source code query systems lack ...
SCA provides a formal data model for source code, an algebraic expression-based query language, and opportunities for query optimization.
Querying Source Code using an Algebraic Query Language. Santanu Paul. Atul Prakash. Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. University of Michigan ...
Querying and analyzing source code interactively is a critical task in reverse engineering and program understanding. Current source code query systems lack ...
The purpose of this project is to expand my knowledge of relational algebra by attempting to implement a simple query system using the primitive operations ...
In this paper, we describe a Relational Algebra Query Language (RAQL) and Relational Algebra. Query (RAQ) software product we have developed that allows ...
ABSTRACT. This paper describes the design and implementation of. CRAQL (Composable Repository Analysis and Query Language), a new query language for source ...
The benefits of using an algebra as the basis for a query language include the ability to provide formal specifications for query language constructs, the ...
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What is the query language of relational algebra?
What is a query in a program language such as structured query language SQL can be used to?
An algebraic model of source code addresses the issues of conceptual integrity, expressive power, and performance of a source code query system within a uni ed ...
... use the algebra itself as a low-level query language, and opportunities for query optimization. The need for a special-purpose algebra for source code stems ...