Kevin Gimpel and Noah A. Smith. 2008. Rich Source-Side Context for Statistical Machine Translation. In Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Statistical Machine ...
In this paper we leverage the existing linear model (Equation 2) to bring source-side context into phrase-based MT in a way that is robust to data sparseness.
This work explores the augmentation of statistical machine translation models with features of the context of each phrase to be translated, including the ...
Nov 12, 2024 · Rich Source-Side Context for Statistical Machine Translation. Download PDF · Open Webpage · Kevin Gimpel, Noah A. Smith. Published: 31 Dec 2007 ...
We explore the augmentation of statistical machine translation models with features of the context of each phrase to be translated.
Title, Rich Source-Side Context for Statistical Machine Translation ; Publication Type, Conference Paper ; Year of Publication, 2008 ; Authors, Gimpel K, Smith NA.
Bibliographic details on Rich Source-Side Context for Statistical Machine Translation.
[language model] A statistical language model is a probability distribution over sequences of words. Given such a sequence, say of length m, it assigns a ...
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Rich Source-Side Context for Statistical Machine Translation. Author. Gimpel, Kevin and Smith, Noah A. Conference. Proceedings of the Third Workshop on ...
Abstract. Current methods for statistical machine translation typically utilize only a limited context in the input sentence. Many language phenomena thus.