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Online conformance checking: relating event streams to process models using prefix-alignments. SJ van Zelst, A Bolt, M Hassani, BF van Dongen, WMP van der Aalst.
I am Sebastiaan, an entrepreneurial-minded scientist in the field of process mining. I'm currently leading the Process Mining Innovation team of Celonis.
I am a computer scientist studying and developing algorithms, tools, techniques and methods in the field of process mining.
List of computer science publications by Sebastiaan J. van Zelst.
Affiliations: [Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Information Technology FIT Germany, RWTH Aachen University, Sankt Augustin, Germany].
Nov 27, 2024 · Cool overview of the latest and greatest innovation at Celonis, including several contributions of the #Aachen Engineering&Innovation Lab!
Mining Behavioral Patterns for Conformance Diagnostics · Context-Based Activity Label-Splitting · Event Data-Driven Feasibility Checking of Process Schedules.