We consider integer linear programming problems with a fixed coefficient matrix and varying objective function and right-hand-side vector.
We consider integer linear programming problems with a fixed coefficient matrix and varying objective function and right-hand-side vector.
We begin with a theorem on the distance between optimal solutions to an integer program and its linear programming relaxation. Theorem 1. Let A be an integral m ...
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What is sensitivity analysis in linear programming problem best described as?
A purpose of sensitivity analysis is to answer the question: How much can data be variied without destroying an optimal solution? In linear programming (LP) ...
Oct 22, 2024 · We consider integer linear programming problems with a fixed coefficient matrix and varying objective function and right-hand-side vector.
Sensitivity theorems in integer linear programming · Contents. Mathematical Programming: Series A and B. Volume 34, Issue 3 · NEXT ARTICLE. Linear ...
Jan 7, 2023 · Parametric/sensitivity analysis of a right hand side coefficient in an optimization problem with integer variables can be done, but it is messy.
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This paper presents the sensitivity analysis for integer linear programming (ILP) problem when changes in the objective function coefficients are occurred.
A new method of sensitivity analysis for mixed integer/linear programming (MILP) is derived from the idea of inference duality.
Linear and integer linear programming are known to capture well optimization problems ... Tardos, Sensitivity theorems in integer linear programming, Math.