Apr 2, 1991 · The front-end parses the input text and outputs an object structure in the format used by the translation subsystem. It also reconstitutes the ...
This paper briefly describes the software tools developed within the framework of the EUROTRA machine translation programme and outlines future directions.
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What is the front end?
4.1 The Frontend. The frontend consists of three levels: ETS (Eurotra Text. Structure), ENT (Eurotra Normalised Text) and EMS (Eurotra. Morphological Structure) ...
integrated into an “administrative” front-end. This will provide a menu,based interface for both the translation module and the pre- and post-editing ...
A front-end programme package is being tested in EUROTRA-Denmark, from July to December 1989. It consists of a wordscanner written in C and an SGML parser. SGML ...
Some use a full-form dictionary and start the linguistic analysis at ECS; others have developed their own frontend. Experiments are still ongoing in this area.
This paper outlines a new architecture for a NLP/MT development environment for the EUROTRA project, which will be fully operational in the 1993-94 time frame ...
https://dblp.org/rec/conf/riao/Jaeger91. Niels Jaeger: The EUROTRA front end. RIAO 1991: 455-474. [+][–]. 1980 – 1989. FAQ. see FAQ. What is the meaning of the ...
For a unified account of text handling and inflection, the reader should refer to N. Jaeger's paper. <<The Front End of EUROTRA» (EUROTRA Internal Paper). 10.
Jun 4, 2011 · This communication gives a short overview of the Eurotra programme, the main conclusions and recommendations of the final evaluation and the ...