Feb 19, 2019 · The University Library is one of six UK and Irish legal deposit libraries entitled to a free copy of any British or Irish publication.
Apr 6, 2013 · Under the current legal deposit regime every printed work that is published in the UK is deposited with the British Library and, upon request, ...
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The Legal Deposit Libraries (Non-Print Works) Regulations 2013 extended the right to collect, preserve and make accessible digital publications and websites ...
Contains data on 131 countries, indicating whether or not published books are subject to a mandatory deposit requirement at the national level.
Abstract. Legal deposit is the statutory requirement for any publisher to deposit a copy of their publications with designated libraries.
Non-print legal deposit material can only be accessed and viewed by registered users within the reading rooms of the UK & Ireland legal deposit libraries.
Apr 8, 2019 · The purpose of the regulations was to extend the system that requires every printed work published in the UK to be deposited with the British Library.
Legal deposit is a legal requirement that a person or group submit copies of their publications to a repository, usually a library.
Apr 5, 2013 · These Regulations provide for the Legal Deposit Libraries Act 2003 (“the Act”), under which works published in print in the United Kingdom ...
The legislation governing legal deposit was first introduced in 1662. In 2013 it was updated to include electronic and non-print publications.