Abstract: In many geographical applications there is a need to model spatial phenom- ena not simply by sharp objects but rather through indeterminate or ...
People also ask
What is an example of vague language?
What are regions examples?
What does it mean to be vague?
What is a cognitive region?
Cognitive regions are regions in the mind, reflecting informal ways individuals and cultural groups organize their understanding of earth landscapes.
Vagueness abounds in natural language descriptions of geographical space. We frequently refer to place names for which no universally agreed boundaries ...
The idea is to describe a vague region by ordered sharp regions, which represent different ways to render a precise spatial location of a vague region. The goal ...
Nov 21, 2024 · The formal framework is based on a general exact model of spatial data types. On the one hand, this simplifies the definition of the vague model ...
We have found this structure suitable to represent vague regions since these type of regions are fuzzy by nature. Thus, vague regions need a fuzzy ...
A vague region is a region with a broad boundary, i.e., its boundary is not a sharp line, but a zone of transition, and current work on vague regions either ...
Most work on vagueness in spatial information is dedicated to vague regions and topological relations between them. A vague region is a region with a broad.
This paper focuses on topological relationships and uncertainty in spatial data regions. We discuss the representation of vague regions using the RCC-8 theory ...
Jun 7, 2005 · To support such applications we present a model of vague regions which covers and extends previous approaches. The formal framework is based on ...