Onur Kenan Aydoğdu
I was born in 2002 in Turkey/Trabzon. I started my high school education at Beşikdüzü Science High School and completed it at Kanuni Anatolian High School. Simultaneously, I graduated from the Science and Art Center (Bilsem), where I studied for 10 years and where gifted students are educated. During my education at Bilsem, I took Robotics, Space and Aviation, Mechatronics, Software-Coding courses, mainly Physics. I participated in many competitions such as Tübitak 4006, Science and Art Festival, Teknofest Istanbul Aviation, Space and Technology Festival. I was professionally interested in athletics, swimming and chess. Currently, I continue my undergraduate education at Hacettepe University Biology Department and Anadolu University Philosophy Department. I have taken part in many university societies, especially as a board member of Hacettepe University Philosophy Society. I am the founder and manager of the websites and channels of Bilimolog, which publishes in the field of Science, and Felsefelog, which publishes in the field of Philosophy. I work as an article and video translator in the fields of Religion, Science and Philosophy, as well as writing articles and preparing videos.
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Papers by Onur Kenan Aydoğdu
2. Deney: Bitkilerde Su ve Suda Çözünmüş Maddelerin Taşındığı Ksilem Dokusunun İncelenmesi
3.Deney: Hücre Zarlarının Permeabilitelerinin İncelenmesi
4. Deney: Hücrenin Plazmoliz, Deplazmoliz ve Turgor Halinin İncelenmesi
5. Deney: Hücre Özsuyu Osmotik Potansiyelinin Limit Plazmoliz ile Belirlenmesi
2. Deney: Bitkilerde Su ve Suda Çözünmüş Maddelerin Taşındığı Ksilem Dokusunun İncelenmesi
3.Deney: Hücre Zarlarının Permeabilitelerinin İncelenmesi
4. Deney: Hücrenin Plazmoliz, Deplazmoliz ve Turgor Halinin İncelenmesi
5. Deney: Hücre Özsuyu Osmotik Potansiyelinin Limit Plazmoliz ile Belirlenmesi