Real estate appraiser is the person that is expected to have the essential qualifications, abilit... more Real estate appraiser is the person that is expected to have the essential qualifications, ability, and experience and act in a manner that is independent, fair, and objective while performing the profession. It is more proper to inquire a specific value of a real estate (e.g. alternative use value, compulsory purchase value, existing use value, market value, residual value, value in use etc.) than just looking into its value not specified. Such an inquiry requires professional knowledge that real estate appraisers (valuers) possess. A real estate appraiser must have competency and knowledge about construction type, construction materials, research methods, calculation, law, finance, economics, reporting, negotiation, and other required skills in order to come up with a value estimate. Different countries have defined different requirements to become real estate appraiser. In this paper, four countries from three continents have been selected to investigate the qualifications required to be a real estate appraiser. United States of America, Canada, Japan, and Turkiye (the bridge between Asia and Europe) have been analyzed with respect to their requirements to obtain real estate appraiser qualification and responsible institutions.Real estate apparaisal is of great importance in terms of
In the past year a brand new term, Development Peace, has been introduced by the Ministry of Envi... more In the past year a brand new term, Development Peace, has been introduced by the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization of Turkey (MEUT) to register the constructions contrary to development and finance urban regeneration activities. Development Peace has been announced as a regulation in order to establish agreement between the owners of the irregular constructions and the government by providing Construction Registration Deed (CRD) on condition that a certain payment must be made based on the property value. The irregular properties except those constructed on private land and on public land reserved for social facilities will benefit from the regulation. Development Peace covers all kinds of constructions that are not in accordance with the Development Law. In May 18th, 2018 a temporary article explaining this new regulation has been added to the Development Law No. 3194 in Turkey. The anomalous constructions are not a newly discovered problem in Turkey and come from the past. The MEUT has taken the initiative and offered a solution for the majority of the buildings in Turkey. The Development Peace, in addition to its many benefits for the people owning irregular properties, will support urban regeneration projects with the income collected through its implementation. While the government forgives the citizens involved in illegitimacy, the law abiding citizens might be demoralized as the formers are getting rewarded. Development Peace-like regulations might have a pitfall such as encouraging the people that have tendency to violate laws. Therefore, the government should take precautions instead of authorizing irregular constructions. On the other hand, this new regulation covers all kinds of constructions no matter how resilient they are against natural hazards (esp. earthquakes), which is the other flawed side of the regulation.
Global navigasyon uydu sistemleri, karada, denizde ve havada bulunan sabit veya hareketli nesnele... more Global navigasyon uydu sistemleri, karada, denizde ve havada bulunan sabit veya hareketli nesnelerin konumlarını, hassas zaman bilgisi ve uzay geriden kestirme tekniğine dayalı olarak belirleyen sistemlerdir. Günümüzde, dünya çapında kullanılan Amerika Birleşik Devletleri 'ne ait Global Konum Belirleme Sistemi (Global Positioning System-GPS) ve Rusya'ya ait GLONASS (Globalnaya Navigatsionnaya Sputnikova Sistema) sistemleri olmak üzere iki global navigasyon uydu sistemi bulunmaktadır. Her iki sistem de askeri ihtiyaçlar sonucunda ortaya çıkmış ve halen bu iki devletin savunma bakanlıkları tarafından finanse edilmekte ve işletilmektedirler. Sivil otoritenin denetimi altında, sivil ve ticari kullanımı hedefleyen GALILEO sistemi, üçüncü global navigasyon uydu sistemi olma yolunda hızla ilerlemektedir. Hazırda varolan sistemlere ilave olarak yeni bir sisteme neden gerek duyulduğu, sistemin oluşum aşamaları ve geldiği nokta, getireceği faydalar bu yazının konuları arasındadır.
Imar planlari, yerlesim yerlerindeki yapilasmalarin saglikli, planli ve cevre sartlarina uygun ol... more Imar planlari, yerlesim yerlerindeki yapilasmalarin saglikli, planli ve cevre sartlarina uygun olarak gerceklestirilmesini saglamak amaciyla tasarlanirlar. Imar planlarinin uygulanmasi farkli sekillerde gerceklestirilebilir. (i) Kamulastirma, (ii) Tasinmaz sahibinin istegi uzerine yapilan uygulamalar (ifraz ve tevhid), (iii) Arsa ve Arazi Duzenlemesi seklinde tanimlanan uc yontemle imar planlarinin ongordugu duzenlemeler hayata gecirilir. Bu uc yontemden ikincisi parsel bazinda imar uygulamasi sekli olup, tasinmaz sahiplerinin parsellerinin kamu hizmetlerine rastlayan kisimlarini bedelsiz kamuya birakmalarini, diger bir ifadeyle terk etmelerini gerektirir. Kamu hizmetleri icin yapilan bedelsiz terklerin, imar uygulama yontemlerinden ucuncusu olan Arsa ve Arazi Duzenlemesi esnasinda bu kamu hizmetlerinin saglanmasi amaciyla kesilen duzenleme ortaklik payi (DOP) ile iliskilendirilmesi gerekmektedir. Bu calismada, arsa ve arazi duzenlemesi oncesi yapilan bedelsiz terk oraninin, arsa ve...
Several definitions can be made for the term 'outlier' such as a single observation far away from... more Several definitions can be made for the term 'outlier' such as a single observation far away from the rest of the observation set. The outlier is the observation that not includes systematic and gross errors but random errors and differs from the other data with its distribution. It is assumed that geodetic observations free from systematic and gross errors always have random errors which are in normal distribution. If an observation is separated from the other data with respect to its random error which is not in normal distribution, that observation is named 'outlier'. PS 5.4-GNSS Processing and Applications Yuksel BOZ and Ertan GOKALP Robust Estimation of the Outliers in GPS Baseline Components Shaping the Change XXIII FIG Congress
GPS (Global Positioning System) devices can be used in many applications which require accurate p... more GPS (Global Positioning System) devices can be used in many applications which require accurate point positioning in geosciences. Accuracy of GPS decreases due to outliers resulted from the errors inherent in GPS observations. Several approaches have been developed to detect outliers in geodetic observations. It is important to determine which method is most effective at distinguishing outliers from normal observations. This paper investigates the behavior of conventional statistical test methods (Data Snooping (DS), Tau and t tests), some robust methods (Andrews's M-Estimation, Huber's M-Estimation, Tukey's M-Estimation, Danish Method, Yang-I M-Estimation, Yang-II M-Estimation, and fuzzy logic method in detection of outliers for three GPS networks having different characteristics. Test results are evaluated and the performances of different methods are presented quantitatively.
... velocity field in central and southern California, J. Geophys. Res., 98, 2166721712, 1993. M... more ... velocity field in central and southern California, J. Geophys. Res., 98, 2166721712, 1993. McClusky, S., Balassanian, S., Barka, A., Demir, C., Ergintav, S., Georgiev, I., Gurkan. O., Hamburger, M., Hurst, K., Kahle, H., Kastens, K ...
Afyon, Burdur and Fethiye region, southwest of Turkey is located on a tectonically active area. A... more Afyon, Burdur and Fethiye region, southwest of Turkey is located on a tectonically active area. According to historical recordings, the region was destructed by earthquakes many times. In Afyon region more than 35 earthquakes occurred, whose magnitudes are more than 4, from the beginning of the 20 th century. Seven earthquakes recorded which magnitudes are between 5.
Farkli amaclar icin gerekli olan gayrimenkul degerinin tahmin edilmesi icin gerekli yeterlige, ye... more Farkli amaclar icin gerekli olan gayrimenkul degerinin tahmin edilmesi icin gerekli yeterlige, yetenege ve deneyime sahip olan ve bu tahmini gerceklestirirken de bagimsiz, tarafsiz ve objektif davranacagi beklenen kisilere “degerleme uzmani” adi verilir. Bir gayrimenkulun degerinin ne oldugundan ziyade o gayrimenkule iliskin belirli bir degerin (Ornegin; alternatif kullanim degeri, zorunlu satin alma degeri, mevcut kullanim degeri, piyasa degeri, artik deger, kullanimdaki degeri vd.) ne oldugu sorusu daha dogru olacaktir. Bu tur bir sorgulama ozel uzmanlik bilgisi gerektirir ve bu noktada gayrimenkul degerleme uzmanlari devreye girer. Gayrimenkul degerleme uzmaninin deger konusuda bir yargiya varabilmesi icin gayrimenkulun insaat bicimi, malzemesi, arastirma yontemleri, hesaplama, hukuk, finansman, ekonomi, raporlama, muzakere ve daha bircok konuda yetenek ve bilgi sahibi olmasi gerekir. Bu yeterliliklerin degerleme uzmanlarina kazandirilmasi icin farkli ulkeler farkli gereksinimler...
It is assumed that the geodetic observations always have random errors and these errors are norma... more It is assumed that the geodetic observations always have random errors and these errors are normally distributed. The measurements have random errors that deviate from the normal distribution are called as 'outliers'. Outlier investigation is one of the first interest areas of the statisticians and different approaches have been developed for this purpose so far. In the literature, there isn't a method as the best over all. In the conventional methods like 'Data Snooping (DS)', 'Tau', and 't' tests, outliers are determined iteratively by the statistical test theory and removed from the observation set. In the fuzzy logic approach, fuzzy set relations and the statistical tests are used together to detect the outliers. Fuzzy membership relations are used among the residuals and observation errors. In this study, commonly used conventional methods (statistical tests) and fuzzy logic method have been applied to several GPS networks with different characteristics. It has been aimed to find which algorithm is convenient among the methods used in this study for outlier detection in GPS observations. The baseline components ∆ X, ∆ Y, and ∆ Z of the GPS baselines have been taken as the measurements. The conventional methods have been applied to the networks at different significance levels. As the significance level gets greater, the sensitivity of the tests for outlier increase and more outliers appear. It is appropriate to determine the significance level regarding the number of the observations in the network. The capabilities of the fuzzy logic approach to be an alternative method have been examined. Also, it has been seen that the results of this method are completely dependent on the statistical tests. Unlike conventional methods, no measurement is removed from the observation set, thus the shape of the network isn't defected.
The Burdur Fethiye fault zone in southwestern Turkey is located in a tectonically active area. Ac... more The Burdur Fethiye fault zone in southwestern Turkey is located in a tectonically active area. According to historical recordings, the region has been destroyed by earthquakes many times. In this region alone, more than 90 earthquakes with magnitudes of more than 5 have occurred since the beginning of the 20th century. Seven of them were recorded with magnitudes between 5.0 and 7.5 in the region between Burdur and Fethiye (October 3, 1914 Burdur: M 7.0, August 7, 1925 Dinar: M 6.0, May 12, 1971 Burdur: M 6.2, April 25, 1957 Fethiye: M 7.1, October 1, 1995 Dinar: M 6.1, December 15, 2000 Aksehir: M 5.9, February 3, 2002 Cay: M 6.0). To determine tectonic characteristics of the region, a network of ten sites was established and GPS measurements were made on this network. After the first year, the network was extended with six new points and additional GPS measurements were made with the financial support of TUBITAK (Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey). GPS data were processed using the GAMIT/GLOBK software package. After three years, GPS measurements were processed and tectonic movements of Burdur Fethiye fault zone were observed. Velocity values of tectonic movements, fault plane solutions and the geological structure of the zone show that the zone is active.
GPS (Global Positioning System) devices can be used in many applications which require accurate p... more GPS (Global Positioning System) devices can be used in many applications which require accurate point positioning in geosciences. Accuracy of GPS decreases due to outliers resulted from the errors inherent in GPS observations. Several approaches have been developed to detect outliers in geodetic observations. It is important to determine which method is most effective at distinguishing outliers from normal observations. This paper investigates the behavior of conventional statistical test methods (Data Snooping (DS), Tau and t tests), some robust methods (Andrews's M-Estimation, Huber's M-Estimation, Tukey's M-Estimation, Danish Method, Yang-I M-Estimation, Yang-II M-Estimation, and fuzzy logic method in detection of outliers for three GPS networks having different characteristics. Test results are evaluated and the performances of different methods are presented quantitatively.
Several definitions can be made for the term 'outlier' such as a single observation far away from... more Several definitions can be made for the term 'outlier' such as a single observation far away from the rest of the observation set. The outlier is the observation that not includes systematic and gross errors but random errors and differs from the other data with its distribution. It is assumed that geodetic observations free from systematic and gross errors always have random errors which are in normal distribution. If an observation is separated from the other data with respect to its random error which is not in normal distribution, that observation is named 'outlier'. PS 5.4 -GNSS Processing and Applications Yuksel BOZ and Ertan GOKALP Robust Estimation of the Outliers in GPS Baseline Components Shaping the Change XXIII FIG Congress
Afyonkarahisar, Burdur and Fethiye region, southwest of Turkey is located on a tectonically activ... more Afyonkarahisar, Burdur and Fethiye region, southwest of Turkey is located on a tectonically active area. According to the historical recordings, the region was destructed by earthquakes many times. Since the beginning of the 20th century, more than 35 earthquakes with magnitudes bigger than 4 occurred in Afyonkarahisar region. Seven earthquakes recorded over the last 90 years in the region between Burdur and Fethiye whose magnitudes are between 5.0 and 7.0. This new project “Monitoring of Deformations Along Fethiye-Burdur Fault Zone With GPS”, is founded by The Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK), Istanbul Technical University (ITU), Karadeniz Technical University (KTU) and Afyon Kocatepe University (AKU). The aim of the project is to determine strain accumulation of the study area. To determine tectonic characteristic of the region, a network having ten sites is established. First and second campaigns were carried out with in August 2003 and March 2004. The duration of measurements in each day was about 12 hours. After first two periods, our network is extended with six new points. Then, the third campaign was performed with 16 sites at two stages in 6 days. In this period the duration of measurements in each day was about 8 hours. The GPS measurements for three campaigns are processed by using GAMIT/GLOBK software package. This paper examines the results from the three GPS campaigns. The velocity vectors between the SRKK and SLVR points show an opening which is caused by the activeness of the movements between the area of Çay Tatarlý in the South of Sultandağı fault. The GPS velocities of SLVR and ISRT points show that the horizontal velocities of the area are in the same direction showing that there isn’t active movement in this area. The velocity vectors of GKPN and KYBS stations are interpreted that constriction is dominant in the area and it is because of the left lateral oblique faults in the region. Examining SIRA and KZLR stations confirm that the area is active and that there are left lateral faults in the region.
Real estate appraiser is the person that is expected to have the essential qualifications, abilit... more Real estate appraiser is the person that is expected to have the essential qualifications, ability, and experience and act in a manner that is independent, fair, and objective while performing the profession. It is more proper to inquire a specific value of a real estate (e.g. alternative use value, compulsory purchase value, existing use value, market value, residual value, value in use etc.) than just looking into its value not specified. Such an inquiry requires professional knowledge that real estate appraisers (valuers) possess. A real estate appraiser must have competency and knowledge about construction type, construction materials, research methods, calculation, law, finance, economics, reporting, negotiation, and other required skills in order to come up with a value estimate. Different countries have defined different requirements to become real estate appraiser. In this paper, four countries from three continents have been selected to investigate the qualifications required to be a real estate appraiser. United States of America, Canada, Japan, and Turkiye (the bridge between Asia and Europe) have been analyzed with respect to their requirements to obtain real estate appraiser qualification and responsible institutions.Real estate apparaisal is of great importance in terms of
In the past year a brand new term, Development Peace, has been introduced by the Ministry of Envi... more In the past year a brand new term, Development Peace, has been introduced by the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization of Turkey (MEUT) to register the constructions contrary to development and finance urban regeneration activities. Development Peace has been announced as a regulation in order to establish agreement between the owners of the irregular constructions and the government by providing Construction Registration Deed (CRD) on condition that a certain payment must be made based on the property value. The irregular properties except those constructed on private land and on public land reserved for social facilities will benefit from the regulation. Development Peace covers all kinds of constructions that are not in accordance with the Development Law. In May 18th, 2018 a temporary article explaining this new regulation has been added to the Development Law No. 3194 in Turkey. The anomalous constructions are not a newly discovered problem in Turkey and come from the past. The MEUT has taken the initiative and offered a solution for the majority of the buildings in Turkey. The Development Peace, in addition to its many benefits for the people owning irregular properties, will support urban regeneration projects with the income collected through its implementation. While the government forgives the citizens involved in illegitimacy, the law abiding citizens might be demoralized as the formers are getting rewarded. Development Peace-like regulations might have a pitfall such as encouraging the people that have tendency to violate laws. Therefore, the government should take precautions instead of authorizing irregular constructions. On the other hand, this new regulation covers all kinds of constructions no matter how resilient they are against natural hazards (esp. earthquakes), which is the other flawed side of the regulation.
Global navigasyon uydu sistemleri, karada, denizde ve havada bulunan sabit veya hareketli nesnele... more Global navigasyon uydu sistemleri, karada, denizde ve havada bulunan sabit veya hareketli nesnelerin konumlarını, hassas zaman bilgisi ve uzay geriden kestirme tekniğine dayalı olarak belirleyen sistemlerdir. Günümüzde, dünya çapında kullanılan Amerika Birleşik Devletleri 'ne ait Global Konum Belirleme Sistemi (Global Positioning System-GPS) ve Rusya'ya ait GLONASS (Globalnaya Navigatsionnaya Sputnikova Sistema) sistemleri olmak üzere iki global navigasyon uydu sistemi bulunmaktadır. Her iki sistem de askeri ihtiyaçlar sonucunda ortaya çıkmış ve halen bu iki devletin savunma bakanlıkları tarafından finanse edilmekte ve işletilmektedirler. Sivil otoritenin denetimi altında, sivil ve ticari kullanımı hedefleyen GALILEO sistemi, üçüncü global navigasyon uydu sistemi olma yolunda hızla ilerlemektedir. Hazırda varolan sistemlere ilave olarak yeni bir sisteme neden gerek duyulduğu, sistemin oluşum aşamaları ve geldiği nokta, getireceği faydalar bu yazının konuları arasındadır.
Imar planlari, yerlesim yerlerindeki yapilasmalarin saglikli, planli ve cevre sartlarina uygun ol... more Imar planlari, yerlesim yerlerindeki yapilasmalarin saglikli, planli ve cevre sartlarina uygun olarak gerceklestirilmesini saglamak amaciyla tasarlanirlar. Imar planlarinin uygulanmasi farkli sekillerde gerceklestirilebilir. (i) Kamulastirma, (ii) Tasinmaz sahibinin istegi uzerine yapilan uygulamalar (ifraz ve tevhid), (iii) Arsa ve Arazi Duzenlemesi seklinde tanimlanan uc yontemle imar planlarinin ongordugu duzenlemeler hayata gecirilir. Bu uc yontemden ikincisi parsel bazinda imar uygulamasi sekli olup, tasinmaz sahiplerinin parsellerinin kamu hizmetlerine rastlayan kisimlarini bedelsiz kamuya birakmalarini, diger bir ifadeyle terk etmelerini gerektirir. Kamu hizmetleri icin yapilan bedelsiz terklerin, imar uygulama yontemlerinden ucuncusu olan Arsa ve Arazi Duzenlemesi esnasinda bu kamu hizmetlerinin saglanmasi amaciyla kesilen duzenleme ortaklik payi (DOP) ile iliskilendirilmesi gerekmektedir. Bu calismada, arsa ve arazi duzenlemesi oncesi yapilan bedelsiz terk oraninin, arsa ve...
Several definitions can be made for the term 'outlier' such as a single observation far away from... more Several definitions can be made for the term 'outlier' such as a single observation far away from the rest of the observation set. The outlier is the observation that not includes systematic and gross errors but random errors and differs from the other data with its distribution. It is assumed that geodetic observations free from systematic and gross errors always have random errors which are in normal distribution. If an observation is separated from the other data with respect to its random error which is not in normal distribution, that observation is named 'outlier'. PS 5.4-GNSS Processing and Applications Yuksel BOZ and Ertan GOKALP Robust Estimation of the Outliers in GPS Baseline Components Shaping the Change XXIII FIG Congress
GPS (Global Positioning System) devices can be used in many applications which require accurate p... more GPS (Global Positioning System) devices can be used in many applications which require accurate point positioning in geosciences. Accuracy of GPS decreases due to outliers resulted from the errors inherent in GPS observations. Several approaches have been developed to detect outliers in geodetic observations. It is important to determine which method is most effective at distinguishing outliers from normal observations. This paper investigates the behavior of conventional statistical test methods (Data Snooping (DS), Tau and t tests), some robust methods (Andrews's M-Estimation, Huber's M-Estimation, Tukey's M-Estimation, Danish Method, Yang-I M-Estimation, Yang-II M-Estimation, and fuzzy logic method in detection of outliers for three GPS networks having different characteristics. Test results are evaluated and the performances of different methods are presented quantitatively.
... velocity field in central and southern California, J. Geophys. Res., 98, 2166721712, 1993. M... more ... velocity field in central and southern California, J. Geophys. Res., 98, 2166721712, 1993. McClusky, S., Balassanian, S., Barka, A., Demir, C., Ergintav, S., Georgiev, I., Gurkan. O., Hamburger, M., Hurst, K., Kahle, H., Kastens, K ...
Afyon, Burdur and Fethiye region, southwest of Turkey is located on a tectonically active area. A... more Afyon, Burdur and Fethiye region, southwest of Turkey is located on a tectonically active area. According to historical recordings, the region was destructed by earthquakes many times. In Afyon region more than 35 earthquakes occurred, whose magnitudes are more than 4, from the beginning of the 20 th century. Seven earthquakes recorded which magnitudes are between 5.
Farkli amaclar icin gerekli olan gayrimenkul degerinin tahmin edilmesi icin gerekli yeterlige, ye... more Farkli amaclar icin gerekli olan gayrimenkul degerinin tahmin edilmesi icin gerekli yeterlige, yetenege ve deneyime sahip olan ve bu tahmini gerceklestirirken de bagimsiz, tarafsiz ve objektif davranacagi beklenen kisilere “degerleme uzmani” adi verilir. Bir gayrimenkulun degerinin ne oldugundan ziyade o gayrimenkule iliskin belirli bir degerin (Ornegin; alternatif kullanim degeri, zorunlu satin alma degeri, mevcut kullanim degeri, piyasa degeri, artik deger, kullanimdaki degeri vd.) ne oldugu sorusu daha dogru olacaktir. Bu tur bir sorgulama ozel uzmanlik bilgisi gerektirir ve bu noktada gayrimenkul degerleme uzmanlari devreye girer. Gayrimenkul degerleme uzmaninin deger konusuda bir yargiya varabilmesi icin gayrimenkulun insaat bicimi, malzemesi, arastirma yontemleri, hesaplama, hukuk, finansman, ekonomi, raporlama, muzakere ve daha bircok konuda yetenek ve bilgi sahibi olmasi gerekir. Bu yeterliliklerin degerleme uzmanlarina kazandirilmasi icin farkli ulkeler farkli gereksinimler...
It is assumed that the geodetic observations always have random errors and these errors are norma... more It is assumed that the geodetic observations always have random errors and these errors are normally distributed. The measurements have random errors that deviate from the normal distribution are called as 'outliers'. Outlier investigation is one of the first interest areas of the statisticians and different approaches have been developed for this purpose so far. In the literature, there isn't a method as the best over all. In the conventional methods like 'Data Snooping (DS)', 'Tau', and 't' tests, outliers are determined iteratively by the statistical test theory and removed from the observation set. In the fuzzy logic approach, fuzzy set relations and the statistical tests are used together to detect the outliers. Fuzzy membership relations are used among the residuals and observation errors. In this study, commonly used conventional methods (statistical tests) and fuzzy logic method have been applied to several GPS networks with different characteristics. It has been aimed to find which algorithm is convenient among the methods used in this study for outlier detection in GPS observations. The baseline components ∆ X, ∆ Y, and ∆ Z of the GPS baselines have been taken as the measurements. The conventional methods have been applied to the networks at different significance levels. As the significance level gets greater, the sensitivity of the tests for outlier increase and more outliers appear. It is appropriate to determine the significance level regarding the number of the observations in the network. The capabilities of the fuzzy logic approach to be an alternative method have been examined. Also, it has been seen that the results of this method are completely dependent on the statistical tests. Unlike conventional methods, no measurement is removed from the observation set, thus the shape of the network isn't defected.
The Burdur Fethiye fault zone in southwestern Turkey is located in a tectonically active area. Ac... more The Burdur Fethiye fault zone in southwestern Turkey is located in a tectonically active area. According to historical recordings, the region has been destroyed by earthquakes many times. In this region alone, more than 90 earthquakes with magnitudes of more than 5 have occurred since the beginning of the 20th century. Seven of them were recorded with magnitudes between 5.0 and 7.5 in the region between Burdur and Fethiye (October 3, 1914 Burdur: M 7.0, August 7, 1925 Dinar: M 6.0, May 12, 1971 Burdur: M 6.2, April 25, 1957 Fethiye: M 7.1, October 1, 1995 Dinar: M 6.1, December 15, 2000 Aksehir: M 5.9, February 3, 2002 Cay: M 6.0). To determine tectonic characteristics of the region, a network of ten sites was established and GPS measurements were made on this network. After the first year, the network was extended with six new points and additional GPS measurements were made with the financial support of TUBITAK (Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey). GPS data were processed using the GAMIT/GLOBK software package. After three years, GPS measurements were processed and tectonic movements of Burdur Fethiye fault zone were observed. Velocity values of tectonic movements, fault plane solutions and the geological structure of the zone show that the zone is active.
GPS (Global Positioning System) devices can be used in many applications which require accurate p... more GPS (Global Positioning System) devices can be used in many applications which require accurate point positioning in geosciences. Accuracy of GPS decreases due to outliers resulted from the errors inherent in GPS observations. Several approaches have been developed to detect outliers in geodetic observations. It is important to determine which method is most effective at distinguishing outliers from normal observations. This paper investigates the behavior of conventional statistical test methods (Data Snooping (DS), Tau and t tests), some robust methods (Andrews's M-Estimation, Huber's M-Estimation, Tukey's M-Estimation, Danish Method, Yang-I M-Estimation, Yang-II M-Estimation, and fuzzy logic method in detection of outliers for three GPS networks having different characteristics. Test results are evaluated and the performances of different methods are presented quantitatively.
Several definitions can be made for the term 'outlier' such as a single observation far away from... more Several definitions can be made for the term 'outlier' such as a single observation far away from the rest of the observation set. The outlier is the observation that not includes systematic and gross errors but random errors and differs from the other data with its distribution. It is assumed that geodetic observations free from systematic and gross errors always have random errors which are in normal distribution. If an observation is separated from the other data with respect to its random error which is not in normal distribution, that observation is named 'outlier'. PS 5.4 -GNSS Processing and Applications Yuksel BOZ and Ertan GOKALP Robust Estimation of the Outliers in GPS Baseline Components Shaping the Change XXIII FIG Congress
Afyonkarahisar, Burdur and Fethiye region, southwest of Turkey is located on a tectonically activ... more Afyonkarahisar, Burdur and Fethiye region, southwest of Turkey is located on a tectonically active area. According to the historical recordings, the region was destructed by earthquakes many times. Since the beginning of the 20th century, more than 35 earthquakes with magnitudes bigger than 4 occurred in Afyonkarahisar region. Seven earthquakes recorded over the last 90 years in the region between Burdur and Fethiye whose magnitudes are between 5.0 and 7.0. This new project “Monitoring of Deformations Along Fethiye-Burdur Fault Zone With GPS”, is founded by The Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK), Istanbul Technical University (ITU), Karadeniz Technical University (KTU) and Afyon Kocatepe University (AKU). The aim of the project is to determine strain accumulation of the study area. To determine tectonic characteristic of the region, a network having ten sites is established. First and second campaigns were carried out with in August 2003 and March 2004. The duration of measurements in each day was about 12 hours. After first two periods, our network is extended with six new points. Then, the third campaign was performed with 16 sites at two stages in 6 days. In this period the duration of measurements in each day was about 8 hours. The GPS measurements for three campaigns are processed by using GAMIT/GLOBK software package. This paper examines the results from the three GPS campaigns. The velocity vectors between the SRKK and SLVR points show an opening which is caused by the activeness of the movements between the area of Çay Tatarlý in the South of Sultandağı fault. The GPS velocities of SLVR and ISRT points show that the horizontal velocities of the area are in the same direction showing that there isn’t active movement in this area. The velocity vectors of GKPN and KYBS stations are interpreted that constriction is dominant in the area and it is because of the left lateral oblique faults in the region. Examining SIRA and KZLR stations confirm that the area is active and that there are left lateral faults in the region.
Papers by yuksel boz