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slate: A note taking CLI tool.

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Please see the README on Github at https://github.com/evuez/slate#readme

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Maintainer's Corner

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Versions [RSS],,,,,,,,,,,,,
Change log ChangeLog.md
Dependencies base (>=4.7 && <5), directory (>=1.3), filepath (>=1.4), htoml (>=1.0), optparse-applicative (>=0.14), process (>=1.6), slate, string-conversions (>=0.2), unordered-containers (>=0.2) [details]
License MIT
Copyright Copyright (c) 2017, evuez
Author evuez
Maintainer helloevuez@gmail.com
Home page https://github.com/evuez/slate#readme
Bug tracker https://github.com/evuez/slate/issues
Source repo head: git clone https://github.com/evuez/slate
Uploaded by evuez at 2018-02-24T15:58:29Z
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Status Docs available [build log]
Last success reported on 2018-02-24 [all 1 reports]

Readme for slate-

[back to package description]

slate - a note taking tool.

A simple tool to take notes from your terminal (and sync them between your devices).

Generates markdown task lists.

Lists are stored in ~/.config/slate/ and their default name is the name of your current directory. You can use any other name you want using the --name option.


$ stack install slate

Basic usage

$ slate --help

slate - a note taking tool.

Usage: slate COMMAND

Available options:
  -h,--help                Show this help text

Available commands:
  add                      Add a note.
  done                     Mark a note as done when given a note ID, display
                           done notes otherwise.
  todo                     Mark a note as todo when given a note ID, display
                           todo notes otherwise.
  remove                   Remove a note.
  display                  Display a slate.
  rename                   Rename a slate.
  wipe                     Wipe a slate.
  status                   Display the status of a slate.
  sync                     Sync every slate.

$ slate add "My *first* note."
$ slate add "New note!"
$ slate display
00 - My first note.
01 - New note!

$ slate done 0
$ slate display
00 - My first note.
01 - New note!

$ slate display --only=todo # or just slate todo
01 - New note!

$ slate status
1 done, 1 todo (2 total).

$ slate add "Fake note"
$ slate display
00 - My first note.
01 - New note!
02 - Fake note

$ slate remove 2
$ slate display
00 - My first note.
01 - New note!

$ slate wipe --only=todo
$ slate display
00 - My first note.

$ slate todo 0
$ slate display
00 - My first note.

The sync command

You can use slate sync to synchronize your slates. There's no default configuration for this command, you'll have to create the file ~/.config/slate/config.toml and add your sync command, for example:

sync = "git add . && git commit -m 'Update slates'; git pull --rebase origin master && git push origin master"

This would stage & commit every updates in ~/.config/slate/, update your local copy and push your updates to the origin remote.