%0 Conference Proceedings %T On Quantization in Discrete-Time Control Systems: Stability Analysis of Ternary Controllers %+ Dynamical Interconnected Systems in COmplex Environments (DISCO) %+ Laboratoire des signaux et systèmes (L2S) %+ CentraleSupélec %+ GIPSA - Infinite Dimensional Dynamics (GIPSA-INFINITY) %A Valmorbida, Giorgio %A Ferrante, Francesco %< avec comité de lecture %B CDC 2020 - 59th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control %C Jeju Island (virtual), South Korea %P 2543-2548 %8 2020-12-14 %D 2020 %R 10.1109/CDC42340.2020.9304125 %Z Computer Science [cs]/Automatic Control EngineeringConference papers %X This paper studies feedback system with a state-feedback law with a ternary nonlinearity in the feedback loop. We propose a novel Lyapunov-based approach that takes advantage of a framework recently developed to assess positivity of generalized piece-wise quadratic forms. Such an approach is used to compute piece-wise quadratic function as stability certificates of the non-linear system. %G English %L hal-03092417 %U https://hal.science/hal-03092417 %~ UGA %~ CNRS %~ INRIA %~ INPG %~ GIPSA %~ INRIA-SACLAY %~ SUP_LSS %~ INRIA_TEST %~ SUP_SYSTEMES %~ TESTALAIN1 %~ CENTRALESUPELEC %~ INRIA2 %~ UNIV-PARIS-SACLAY %~ GIPSA-PAD %~ GIPSA-INFINITY %~ TEST-HALCNRS %~ UNIVERSITE-PARIS-SACLAY %~ UGA-EPE %~ ANR %~ GS-ENGINEERING %~ GS-COMPUTER-SCIENCE %~ GS-SPORT-HUMAN-MOVEMENT %~ DISCO-L2S