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Apache Harmony is retired at the Apache Software Foundation since Nov 16, 2011.

The information on these pages may be out of date, or may refer to resources that have moved or have been made read-only.
For more information please refer to the Apache Attic

Welcome to Apache Harmony™ - Open Source Java™ SE

Welcome to Apache Harmony - Open Source Java SE.

Apache Harmony software is a modular Java runtime with class libraries and associated tools.

We aim to support wide range of different platforms. The main criteria for whether a particular platform is supported or not is the involvement of people in running tests on regular basis, reporting build status, finding and fixing bugs for that platform, and so on. We have a list of platforms we are actively maintaining at the moment.

Please see the following "Getting Started" guides:

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Harmony News

Apache Harmony 5.0M15 and Apache Harmony 6.0M3
The Apache Harmony development team are pleased to announce the immediate availability of their latest stable builds, Apache Harmony 5.0 Milestone 15 and Apache Harmony 6.0 Milestone 3.

All users are encouraged to update to the latest milestones and enjoy the benefits of numerous bug fixes and enhancements. The changes are outlined in the 5.0M15 release notes for fixes in both code streams, and 6.0M3 release notes for additional fixes specific to the 6.0 stream.

Source code, binary builds, and Debian packages are available via the project download site.

Whether you are a user or developer we always welcome your comments on the Harmony mailing list.

Apache Harmony 5.0M14 and Apache Harmony 6.0M2
The Apache Harmony development team are pleased to announce the immediate availability of 5.0 Milestone 14 and 6.0 Milestone 2 builds.

These new Apache Harmony milestones contain a number of important fixes and enhancements to both implementation and test suites, resulting in our most stable and capable builds to date.

Comprehensive lists of issues fixed in 5.0M14 and additional fixes in the 6.0M2 milestone are available from our bug tracking system.

Source code, binary builds, and Debian packages are available via the project download site.

Please send any comments to the Harmony developers' mailing list. (2010-06-07)

Apache Harmony 5.0M13 plus new Apache Harmony 6.0M1 available!
The Apache Harmony development team are delighted to announce the availability of the next regular 5.0 stream milestone, labelled 5.0M13, together with the first ever milestone release of the 6.0 code stream -- Apache Harmony 6.0M1.

The new 5.0M13 milestone contains a number of important fixes and enhancements to the implementation and test suites, resulting in the most stable build yet.

Milestone 6.0M1 is the first stable build available from the 6.0 APIs code stream, and while there are still known missing APIs, this first milestone is already very capable. Feedback is encouraged for both releases.

Source code, binary builds and Debian packages are available from our download site.

Please send any comments to the Harmony developers' mailing list. (2010-03-10)

Apache Harmony M12a maintenance release
The Apache Harmony development team have identified an issue with source file comments in one particular file included in the 5.0M12 milestone release. To avoid any confusion or ambiguity arising about the use of that file, the development team have released 5.0M12a as a maintenance release.

Details of the issue are available on the Harmony developers' mailing list.

Milestone 5.0M12a is functionally equivalent to 5.0M12, and the source code, binary builds and Debian packages are available from our download site.

Please send any feedback to the Harmony developers' mailing list. (2010-01-27)

New milestone build published
The Apache Harmony developers are proud to announce the immediate availability of our latest stable build, Apache Harmony 5.0 Milestone 12.

This new milestone includes a number of bug fixes and enhancements, including performance improvements in archive file handling and the logging framework. A full list of issues resolved is available via our tracking system.

Apache Harmony 5.0 M12 source code, binary builds and Debian packages are available from our download site.

Please send any feedback on these builds to the Harmony developers' mailing list. (2009-12-05)

Archived articles are here.

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Project Status

How are we doing? We're making steady progress:

  1. Continuous Integration using Hudson builds
  2. Regular milestone builds.
  3. JRE can run popular programs like Apache Tomcat, Eclipse™, Apache Maven, Apache Derby, Apache Ant
  4. More than 99% of Java 5 API complete. (not compatible, just completed)
  5. More than 1.25 Million Lines of Code

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