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Human-Computer Interaction
Summer EXPO 2024 Recap
The Summer EXPO 2024 for HCI/HCS, CS and GE was a great success! A large number of visitors were able to experience up to 120 different demos and projects.
HiAvA at the final meeting of the BMBF-funded XR research consortia
Summer Expo 2024 Invitation
This year's summer expo is on the 19th of July 2024. Feel free to visit and experience a lot of interesting projects.
AI and eXtended Reality at the Medienstudierendentagung
The HCI Chair and PIIS working group showcased innovative research at the Medienstudierendentagung (MeStuTa)
XR Hub @ Girls' Day
The Girls' Day took place on April 25th, 2024, and was a great success! Together with the XR Hum Nuremberg we conducted parallel workshops where the girls got familiar with XR technologies and learned about the background of designing XR experiences.
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Recent Publications

Smi Hinterreiter, Martin Wessel, Fabian Schliski, Isao Echizen, Marc Erich Latoschik, Timo Spinde, NewsUnfold: Creating a News-Reading Application That Indicates Linguistic Media Bias and Collects Feedback, In Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media, Vol. 19. 2025. Conditionally accepted for publication
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@article{hinterreiter2025newsunfold, author = {Smi Hinterreiter and Martin Wessel and Fabian Schliski and Isao Echizen and Marc Erich Latoschik and Timo Spinde}, journal = {Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media}, url = {https://arxiv.org/abs/2407.17045}, year = {2025}, volume = {19}, title = {NewsUnfold: Creating a News-Reading Application That Indicates Linguistic Media Bias and Collects Feedback} }
Abstract: Media bias is a multifaceted problem, leading to one-sided views and impacting decision-making. A way to address digital media bias is to detect and indicate it automatically through machine-learning methods. However, such detection is limited due to the difficulty of obtaining reliable training data. Human-in-the-loop-based feedback mechanisms have proven an effective way to facilitate the data-gathering process. Therefore, we introduce and test feedback mechanisms for the media bias domain, which we then implement on NewsUnfold, a news-reading web application to collect reader feedback on machine-generated bias highlights within online news articles. Our approach augments dataset quality by significantly increasing inter-annotator agreement by 26.31% and improving classifier performance by 2.49%. As the first human-in-the-loop application for media bias, the feedback mechanism shows that a user-centric approach to media bias data collection can return reliable data while being scalable and evaluated as easy to use. NewsUnfold demonstrates that feedback mechanisms are a promising strategy to reduce data collection expenses and continuously update datasets to changes in context.
Sophia Maier, Sebastian Oberdörfer, Marc Erich Latoschik, Ballroom Dance Training with Motion Capture and Virtual Reality, In Proceedings of Mensch Und Computer 2024 (MuC '24), pp. 617-621. New York, NY, USA: Association for Computing Machinery, 2024.
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@inproceedings{maier2024ballroom, author = {Sophia Maier and Sebastian Oberdörfer and Marc Erich Latoschik}, url = {https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3670653.3677499}, year = {2024}, booktitle = {Proceedings of Mensch Und Computer 2024 (MuC '24)}, publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, pages = {617-621}, doi = {10.1145/3670653.3677499}, title = {Ballroom Dance Training with Motion Capture and Virtual Reality} }
Abstract: This paper investigates the integration of motion capture and virtual reality (VR) technologies in competitive ballroom dancing (slow walz, tango, slow foxtrott, viennese waltz, quickstep), aiming to analyze posture correctness and provide feedback to dancers for posture enhancement. Through qualitative interviews, the study identifies specific requirements and gathers insights into potentially helpful feedback mechanisms. Using Unity and motion capture technology, we implemented a prototype system featuring real-time visual cues for posture correction and a replay function for analysis. A validation study with competitive ballroom dancers reveals generally positive feedback on the system’s usefulness, though challenges like cable obstruction and bad usability of the user interface are noted. Insights from participants inform future refinements, emphasizing the need for precise feedback, cable-free movement, and user-friendly interfaces. While the program is promising for ballroom dance training, further research is needed to evaluate the system’s overall efficacy.
Sebastian Oberdörfer, Sophia C Steinhaeusser, Amiin Najjar, Clemens Tümmers, Marc Erich Latoschik, Pushing Yourself to the Limit - Influence of Emotional Virtual Environment Design on Physical Training in VR, In ACM Games. 2024. accepted for publication
@article{oberdorfer2024pushing, author = {Sebastian Oberdörfer and Sophia C Steinhaeusser and Amiin Najjar and Clemens Tümmers and Marc Erich Latoschik}, journal = {ACM Games}, year = {2024}, title = {Pushing Yourself to the Limit - Influence of Emotional Virtual Environment Design on Physical Training in VR} }
Abstract: The design of virtual environments (VEs) can strongly influence users' emotions. These VEs are also an important aspect of immersive Virtual Reality (VR) exergames - training system that can inspire athletes to train in a highly motivated way and achieve a higher training intensity. VR-based training and rehabilitation systems can increase a user's motivation to train and to repeat physical exercises. The surrounding VE can potentially predominantly influence users' motivation and hence potentially even physical performance. Besides providing potentially motivating environments, physical training can be enhanced by gamification. However, it is unclear whether the surrounding VE of a VR-based physical training system influences the effectiveness of gamification. We investigate whether an emotional positive or emotional negative design influences the sport performance and interacts with the positive effects of gamification. In a user study, we immerse participants in VEs following either an emotional positive, neutral, or negative design and measure the duration the participants can hold a static strength-endurance exercise. The study targeted the investigation of the effects of 1) emotional VE design as well as the 2) presence and absence of gamification. We did not observe significant differences in the performance of the participants independent of the conditions of VE design or gamification. Gamification caused a dominating effect on emotion and motivation over the emotional design of the VEs, thus indicating an overall positive impact. The emotional design influenced the participants' intrinsic motivation but caused mixed results with respect to emotion. Overall, our results indicate the importance of using gamification, support the commonly used emotional positive VEs for physical training, but further indicate that the design space could also include other directions of VE design.
Larissa Brübach, Marius Röhm, Franziska Westermeier, Carolin Wienrich, Marc Erich Latoschik, The Influence of a Low-Resolution Peripheral Display Extension on the Perceived Plausibility and Presence, In 30th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST). ACM, 2024. Accepted for publication
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@inproceedings{brubach2024influence, author = {Larissa Brübach and Marius Röhm and Franziska Westermeier and Carolin Wienrich and Marc Erich Latoschik}, url = {https://downloads.hci.informatik.uni-wuerzburg.de/2024_vrst_bruebach_peripheral_display_extension.pdf}, year = {2024}, booktitle = {30th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST)}, publisher = {ACM}, doi = {10.1145/3641825.3687713}, title = {The Influence of a Low-Resolution Peripheral Display Extension on the Perceived Plausibility and Presence} }
Abstract: The Field of View (FoV) is a central technical display characteristic of Head-Mounted Displays (HMDs), which has been shown to have a notable impact on important aspects of the user experience. For example, an increased FoV has been shown to foster a sense of presence and improve peripheral information processing, but it also increases the risk of VR sickness. This article investigates the impact of a wider but inhomogeneous FoV on the perceived plausibility, measuring its effects on presence, spatial presence, and VR sickness as a comparison to and replication of effects from prior work. We developed a low-resolution peripheral display extension to pragmatically increase the FoV, taking into account the lower peripheral acuity of the human eye. While this design results in inhomogeneous resolutions of HMDs at the display edges, it also is a low complexity and low-cost extension. However, its effects on important VR qualities have to be identified. We conducted two experiments with 30 and 27 participants, respectively. In a randomized 2x3 within-subject design, participants played three rounds of bowling in VR, both with and without the display extension. Two rounds contained incongruencies to induce breaks in plausibility. In experiment 2, we enhanced one incongruency to make it more noticeable and improved the shortcomings of the display extension that had previously been identified. However, neither study measured the low-resolution FoV extension's effect in terms of perceived plausibility, presence, spatial presence, or VR sickness. We found that one of the incongruencies could cause a break in plausibility without the extension, confirming the results of a previous study.
Larissa Brübach, Mona Röhm, Franziska Westermeier, Marc Erich Latoschik, Carolin Wienrich, Manipulating Immersion: The Impact of Perceptual Incongruence on Perceived Plausibility in VR, In 23rd IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR). IEEE Computer Society, 2024. Accepted for publication
@inproceedings{brubach2024manipulating, author = {Larissa Brübach and Mona Röhm and Franziska Westermeier and Marc Erich Latoschik and Carolin Wienrich}, year = {2024}, booktitle = {23rd IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR)}, publisher = {IEEE Computer Society}, title = {Manipulating Immersion: The Impact of Perceptual Incongruence on Perceived Plausibility in VR} }
Abstract: This work presents a study where we used incongruencies on the cognitive and the perceptual layer to investigate their effects on perceived plausibility and, thereby, presence and spatial presence. We used a 2x3 within-subject design with the factors familiar size (cognitive manipulation) and immersion (perceptual manipulation). For the different levels of immersion, we implemented three different tracking qualities: rotation-and-translation tracking, rotation-only tracking, and stereoscopic-view-only tracking. Participants scanned products in a virtual supermarket where the familiar size of these objects was manipulated. Simultaneously, they could either move their head normally or need to use the thumbsticks to navigate their view of the environment. Results show that both manipulations had a negative effect on perceived plausibility and, thereby, presence. In addition, the tracking manipulation also had a negative effect on spatial presence. These results are especially interesting in light of the ongoing discussion about the role of plausibility and congruence in evaluating XR environments. The results can hardly be explained by traditional presence models, where immersion should not be an influencing factor for perceived plausibility. However, they are in agreement with the recently introduced Congruence and Plausibility (CaP) model and provide empirical evidence for the model's predicted pathways.
Christian Rack, Lukas Schach, Felix Achter, Yousof Shehada, Jinghuai Lin, Marc Erich Latoschik, Motion Passwords, In Proceedings of the 30th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology. New York, NY, USA: Association for Computing Machinery, 2024. accepted
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@conference{rack2024motion, author = {Christian Rack and Lukas Schach and Felix Achter and Yousof Shehada and Jinghuai Lin and Marc Erich Latoschik}, url = {http://downloads.hci.informatik.uni-wuerzburg.de/2024-rack-motion-passwords.pdf}, year = {2024}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 30th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology}, publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, series = {VRST '24}, doi = {10.1145/3641825.3687711}, title = {Motion Passwords} }
Felix Scheuerpflug, Christian Aulbach, Daniel Pohl, Sebastian von Mammen, Experimental Immersive 3D Camera Setup for Mobile Phones, In 2024 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (VRW), pp. 881--882. 2024.
@inproceedings{Scheuerpflug:2024aa, author = {Felix Scheuerpflug and Christian Aulbach and Daniel Pohl and Sebastian von Mammen}, year = {2024}, booktitle = {2024 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (VRW)}, pages = {881--882}, title = {Experimental Immersive 3D Camera Setup for Mobile Phones} }
Marc Mußmann, Daniel Nicolas Hofstadler, Sebastian von Mammen, An Agent-based, Interactive Simulation Model of Root Growth, In ALIFE 2024: Proceedings of the 2024 Artificial Life Conference. 2024.
@inproceedings{Mussmann:2024aa, author = {Marc Mußmann and Daniel Nicolas Hofstadler and Sebastian von Mammen}, year = {2024}, booktitle = {ALIFE 2024: Proceedings of the 2024 Artificial Life Conference}, title = {An Agent-based, Interactive Simulation Model of Root Growth} }
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