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We have several new papers by HCR Lab authors covering topics from assitive robotics, robot programming tools, and social robots for mental health coming up the HRI 2023 conference in Stockholm.


Our paper about FLEX-SDK, a suite of tools that allow creating programmable social robots with two tablets, was recently published at UIST 2022.


Maya Cakmak received the 2022 CRA-WP Anita Borg Early Career Award (BECA), which recognizes outstanding contributions to research and broadening participation by women in computing fields.


Michael Murray was selected as one of the 2022 UW + Amazon Science Hub inaugural fellows, in support of his work on robots that learn from human interactions.


Our work on localization-free navigation for mobile robots in the wild (HRI 2022) was featured as a guest article in IEEE Spectrum written by Nick Walker and Amal Nanavati. Read the artile here.

Our pictorial paper describing FLEXI, a customizable social robot harware toolkit, was recently published at the Designing Interactive Systems (DIS) Conference, 2022.


Our collaborator Henry Evans was recently featured in an article in the Washington Post titled “My day with Henry Evans — a quadriplegic who’s gaining movement through robotics.” The article describes our work, in collaboration with Hello Robot, to develop accessible, custom teleopreation interafaces to enable Henry to control a Stretch robot.

Our post-doc alumn Maru Cabrera has joined the University of Massachusetts Lowell (UML) as an Assistant Professor, starting her own lab to continue work on assistive robotics. Congratulations, Maru!

After successfully completing his PhD at the Allen School, Mike Chung joined Vicarious Robotics - a bay area robotics start-up with Willow Garage roots. He joins former HCR lab visitor Jimmy Baraglia there. Congratulations!