About outbound dialing

Reach out to prospects and customers by running outbound dialing and digital campaigns that contact lists of people in accordance with programmable rules.

Planning guides

If you’re getting started with outbound dialing, it is helpful to download and print the Genesys Cloud outbound dialing planning guide. This guide identifies information to have on-hand when configuring an outbound dialing campaign. The outbound dialing section of the contact center planning resources explains how outbound dialing affects agent organization and contact center operation.

Outbound dialing concepts

Dial phone lists automatically. Screen out answering machines, busy signals, and non-completed calls. Populate agent displays with information about the call, the customer, and your campaign goals. Collect information entered or updated by agents.

Campaigns dashboard

Displays campaigns that are currently in an active state. The dashboard indicates each campaign’s dialing mode with statistics that help an outbound dialing administrator track dialing progress, connect rate, and other details.

Campaign Management view – Campaigns tab

Campaign Management view – Sequences tab

Define a sequence of chained campaigns. Instead of starting and stopping campaigns one at a time, administrators start or stop the sequence.

Campaign Management view – Schedule tab

Execute outbound campaigns in accordance with a schedule. Each schedule entry defines a start and a stop time for a campaign or a sequence.

List Management view – Contact Lists tab

Manage do-not-call and contact lists. Upload customer or prospect numbers to dial. Upload numbers never to dial. Limit contact attempts. Apply a contact list filter. Use automatic time zone mapping to determine compliant dialing times for contacts in a contact list.

List Management view – Contact Lists Templates tab

Create a contact list template to configure the columns required for building contact lists with an Import template.

List Management view – Import Templates tab

Create an Import template to build contact lists from a .csv file.

List Management view – File Specification Templates tab

Create a file specification template to use when building your contact lists.

List Management view – Contact List Filters tab

List Management view – Do Not Contact Lists tab

List Management view – Attempt Controls tab

Contactable Time Sets view

Call Analysis Responses view

Call analysis detects whether a live person or an answering machine answers a call. Tell the system what action to take for each type of call analysis result. Assign the resulting response table to a campaign. Afterward, the Edge device acts on each call analysis result in accordance with campaign settings.

Rule Management view

Wrap-up Code Mappings view

Configure outbound dialing to flag a single number or an entire contact as uncallable based on the wrap-up code assigned after an interaction.

Event Viewer view

Examine errors that occurred with one or more of your running campaigns.

Outbound Settings view

Configure settings that apply to all campaigns in your organization.


Learn about scripts. Script designers create instructions, called scripts, to help agents process interactions. Scripts display editable records and directions to each agent that handles a particular type of interaction. Scripts present agents with details about the caller or contact, often with fields for collecting or updating information. Properly designed scripts ensure consistent handling of interactions.