Hidayet ve Dalâleti Allah’a Nispet Eden Âyetler Nuzul Doneminde Nasil Algilaniyordu? Hidayet ve d... more Hidayet ve Dalâleti Allah’a Nispet Eden Âyetler Nuzul Doneminde Nasil Algilaniyordu? Hidayet ve dalâleti Allah’a nispet eden âyetlerin nuzul doneminde nasil algilandigi konusu, bir zihniyet tarihi meselesidir. Anladigimiz kadariyla bu âyetler, Kur’an soyleminin karakteristik ifadelerindendir ve Muslumanlarin ilahi irade tarafindan secilmis bir topluluk oldugunu ilan eder. Dolayisiyla politik bir soylemin parcasidir ve pratik yonu on plandadir. Bu âyetler, ozellikle Mekke doneminde kulun ozgur iradesi uzerinden tartisilmamistir. Beri taraftan sonraki donemlerde Muslumanlar soz konusu âyetlere referansta bulunurken farkli bir algilama ile hareket etmis olabilirler. Tarihi perspektif, sonraki donemlerin zihniyetini tasvire yonelik calismalari da nuzul donemi kadar degerli gorur
... Çagatay, Neset, Basalangıçtan Abbâsîlere Kadar (Dinî, çtimaî-Siyasî Açıdan) İslâm Tarihi, Tür... more ... Çagatay, Neset, Basalangıçtan Abbâsîlere Kadar (Dinî, çtimaî-Siyasî Açıdan) İslâm Tarihi, Türk Tarih Kurumu Yay., Ankara 1993. ... İbnu'l-Kelbî, Ebû'l-Munzir Hisâm b. Muhammed b. es-Sâib, Kitâbu'l-esnâm, tahk.: Ahmed Zeki Pasa, Matbaatu Dâru'l-Kutubi'l-Mısriyye, Kahire 1343 ...
... Na-mazın emir vermesi, hem de bunun genel anlamda ahlakî bir duyarlılık kazan-dırmak biçimind... more ... Na-mazın emir vermesi, hem de bunun genel anlamda ahlakî bir duyarlılık kazan-dırmak biçiminde olmaktan çok teferruatlı emirler biçiminde olması, ifadenin anlamlılığı ve tutarlılığı bakımlarından bir anlatım bozukluğu doğurmaktadır. ...
Kur'ân âyetlerinin ya da pasajlarinin kronolojisine dair gorus serdedenler sadece kendi ongor... more Kur'ân âyetlerinin ya da pasajlarinin kronolojisine dair gorus serdedenler sadece kendi ongorulerine bagli kalmislar, konuyu aydinlatacak nesnel bir yontem arayisina girmemislerdir. Biz Kur'ân ifade kaliplarini takip ederek Kur'ân pasajlarinin tarihlerini buyuk oranda tespit edebilecegimiz somut bir yontem gelistirebiliriz. Bunun icin ele aldigimiz pasajda bulunan kalip ifadelerden hareket edebiliriz. Bunlarin icinde bir kelimeden fazla olup Kur'ân'in cesitli yerlerinde tekrarlanmis olan kalip ifadeler esas alinir. Bu kalip ifadelerden her birinin tarihini, Kur'ân'da gectigi baska pasajlara ait kronoloji bilgilerinden hareketle tespit edebiliriz. Ardindan bu ifade kaliplarina ait tarihlerin cakistigi dar tarih araligini cikaririz. Bahse konu dar tarih araligi, konumuzu teskil eden ve ilgili butun ifade kaliplarini bunyesinde barindiran pasajin nuzul tarihidir. Bu makale soz konusu yontem onerisinin Muzzemmil suresi ozelinde bir denemesidir. Abstract Can t...
Tefsirde yontem arayislari modernizmin tesiri altinda gelismistir. Bununla birlikte soz konusu ca... more Tefsirde yontem arayislari modernizmin tesiri altinda gelismistir. Bununla birlikte soz konusu calismalarin geleneksel Islami ilimler icindeki tefsir perspektifinden sadece sureta farklilasabildigi anlasilmaktadir. Ozellikle akademik tefsir calismalari ile Islami ilimler arasindaki yaklasim farkinin ve iliskinin iyi kavranmasi onemlidir. Akademik calisma prensipleri tutarli bicimde tefsir calismalarina tasinirsa evrensel anlamda gecerli akademik bir birikim elde edebiliriz. Ote yandan bizim icin en az onun kadar onemli olan tefsir faaliyetlerinin de kendi mecrasinda bu birikimden yararlanarak gelisimi ve yenilenmesi temin edilebilir.
gun Bir Nakil Bicimi Olarak Vucuh ve Nezâir Edebiyati Erken donem tefsir edebiyati ve ozellikle v... more gun Bir Nakil Bicimi Olarak Vucuh ve Nezâir Edebiyati Erken donem tefsir edebiyati ve ozellikle vucuh ve nezâir calismalari, yazili ve ozgun bir nakil yolunu temsil etmektedir. Mukâtil’den baslamak suretiyle elimizdeki matbu nushalardan hareketle bu edebiyatin baslangicina ve seyrine dair ciddi verilere ulasmak mumkundur. Elde edilen birikim her nesilde neredeyse hic fire vermeden tekrarlanmis ve bu birikime ilavelerde bulunulmustur. Vucuh ve nezâir calismalarinda gerceklestirilen donusum sadece yeni madde basliklarinin eklenmesi ile ilgili degil, ayni zamanda eserlerin tasnif tarziyla da alakalidir. Calismalar giderek sozluk formuna burunmuslerdir. Bu calismalar bir kac nakil yolundan da yararlanmis olabilir. Ayrica vucuh ve nezâir calismalarinda belli ilim merkezlerinde karakterini bulan dil ekollerinin tesiri de gozlenmektedir
Journal of Divinity Faculty of Hitit University, Dec 30, 2019
Islam’in erken donemine iliskin calismalar, hem referans degeri hem de duygusal anlami nedeniyle ... more Islam’in erken donemine iliskin calismalar, hem referans degeri hem de duygusal anlami nedeniyle Muslumanlar icin cok onemli olagelmistir. Bu bilgilerin guvenilirligi ise bugun de Kur’an’a arz edilerek saglanmaya calisilmaktadir. Kur’an’in kaynakligi hem batililarin hem de Muslumanlarin yaptigi calismalarda Kur’an-siyer-tefsir iliskisi baglaminda yeniden one cikmistir. Batida son yuz elli yillik tarih boyunca Kur’an kronolojisini tespite iliskin gayretler, Kur’an metninden bir tarih kaynagi olarak yararlanmaya yonelik altyapi calismalaridir. Batililardan etkilenseler de Muslumanlar icin kronoloji bilgileri, Kur’an’i anlama gayretlerinin ancak tesrii amacli bir parcasi olmustur. Muslumanlar bu temel perspektife ek paradigmatik bir durusu hâlâ benimseyememistir. Ozellikle literalist modernizmin ve onu takip eden tarihselci yaklasimin tum klasik Islami ilimlerin yerine gecirdigi bir neo-tefsir perspektifi de Muslumanlarin yaptigi her turlu calismayi ayni tesrii dogrultuda etkisi altina almistir. Buna siyer ve tarih calismalari da dâhildir. Dolayisiyla temel bir yenilikten soz edilemez. Bizim Kur’an’in tarihi kaynaklik degerini ortaya cikarmak ve saglikli bilgiler uretmek icin Kur’an nuzul tarihini ve Kur’an kronolojisini tefsir amacli degil, tarih amacli mustakil mesai alanlarina donusturmemiz gerekmektedir. Bunlarin siyer, tefsir, fikih gibi klasik Islami ilimlere faydasi ise oncelikle dikkate almayacagimiz sonraki bir adim olarak gorulmelidir. Kisisel ve toplumsal beklentilerin donusturmedigi kendisi icin uretilmis saglikli bilgi birikimi ancak boyle saglanir.
In early Islamic era, in mind of illiterate Arabs, there was a structural relation
between the so... more In early Islamic era, in mind of illiterate Arabs, there was a structural relation between the social self-image and their Qur'an Image. Arab social identity was constructed on the contradiction between illiterate Arabs and the people of the scripture. Ka'bah was the central symbol. But Arabs were emulating thelr neigbbours and they were desiring to achieve a scripture like them. This caused a big tension in their mind until Qur'an. When the Qur'an came, it was imagined as a suggestion about changing the settled illiterale social identity, its symbol and reference with a scripture. Politically, it caused a social split. After this identity stage, Arabs preferred the Qur'an/new scıipture as base of identity. But this stage suggests for the new scripture an (even though it was being written) illiterate, valid, practical structure. The Prophet made the Qur'an felt and concealed by his self presence. In the last stage, when the Prophet (the concrete base of the identity and the scripture) died, illiterate muslim Arabs needed a literally standardized whole scripture. The Qur'an started to be imagined as an officially wholly and literally concealed and therefore unique valid scripture.
Hitit Üniversitesi Çorum İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 2009
A considerable part of who discuss the method of understanding of the Qur’an don’t critique the d... more A considerable part of who discuss the method of understanding of the Qur’an don’t critique the data impartially and they put the conclusion forward to which they like to achieve. The most important cause is that they move in the influence of different factors from the historical concern. Some social and individual expectations for the Qur’an designate our image and understanding thesis of Qur’an. Different expectations also cause alternative Qur’an images come out. It is a null claim to achieve the essential character/true image of the Qur’an and to accept it as a criterion about the Qur’an understanding process. We need to be aware of this and to channel our academic studies about the Qur’an and tafseer imaginations of Muslims. Thus we can obtain a common ground on which we will outcome the results from historical data about whether the Qur’an understanding tradition has got a method in the past or not.
Keywords: Understanding of the Qur’an, method, tafseer historianship, tafseer.
Hitit Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 2010
Early Qur'anic exegetical literature and especially the al-wujuh wa'n-nazair works represent a wr... more Early Qur'anic exegetical literature and especially the al-wujuh wa'n-nazair works represent a written and genuine form of narration. Through the published books, the oldest of which is that of Muqatil, we can get valuable information about the inception and trajectory of this literature. The legacy of al-wujuh wa'n-nazair has been reproduced and enriched almost in every generation. The transformation in al-wujuh wa'n-nazair literature is not confined to the addition of new chapter headings; rather, it extends to the method of the classification of the works. These works turned gradually to lexicographical studies. The authors of this literature might have benefited from a few ways of narration. Furthermore, one can observe the influence of different linguistic schools on this literature.
Hitit Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 2010
Those who set forth views about the chronology of the Qur'anic passages and verses have relied mo... more Those who set forth views about the chronology of the Qur'anic passages and verses have relied mostly on their assumptions, failing to produce an objective method concerning this issue. In fact, we can develop an objective method for ascertaining the chronological order of the Qur'anic passages by the chronology of the Qur'anic patterns of expression. For this, we can trace the narrations and accounts about the chronology of the other Qur'anic passages which include these patterns of expression. This article consists of an exemplary application of this method to the Surah al-Muzzammil.
Hitit Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2018
In this paper, we will introduce a method that we try to develop to detect the Qur'anic chronolog... more In this paper, we will introduce a method that we try to develop to detect the Qur'anic chronology in a way that is not speculative. For this we will use a method that matches the chronological knowledge we have and the expression patterns contained in the Qur'anic passages. In fact, it is argued that we can more accurately detect the chronology of expressions rather than the chronology data of passages on the basis of this method. Because the data concerning the history of Qur'anic passages are insufficient and controversial. We can be closer to the truth if we test the contradictions and alliances of the narrations and the evaluations at the level that the narrators and evaluaters never planned, that is, at the level of expression. Then we can use the history of different expression patterns to determine the history of any passage that brings them together.
Hitit Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 2010
The question of how the Qur'anic verses that attribute the human Act of going onto the straight p... more The question of how the Qur'anic verses that attribute the human Act of going onto the straight path and going astray to Allah were understood in the period of the revelation of the Qur'an is a question of the mentality history. As far as I understand, these verses seem to be characteristic expressions of the Qur'anic discourse, declaring that the Muslim community is chosen by the di vi ne will. Therefore, they are part of the political discourse and of a practical character. These verses were not discussed in the cantext of the free w ili of the human being especially in the Meccan period. On the other hand, it is probable that theMuslimsin the later periods mig ht have had different concerns in referring to the verses in question. The histarical perspective appreciates the studies that are intended to investigate and deseribe the mentality of the fallawing periods as valuable as those which focus on the mental character of the revelation period.
Key words: Guidance, astray, the Qur'an, theology, history, method.
Hitit Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 2016
The tools we have are limited when determining the chronology of the Meccan Qur’ân passages. In t... more The tools we have are limited when determining the chronology of the Meccan Qur’ân passages. In this context, one of the outstanding research issues is the decisive role of the time priod that al-Rahmân name is used by the Qur’ân revelation.While working, some Western scholars have acted with prejudice that the Muhammad had a reveal policy to follow by the naming his god and we need to make it clear. Consequently, they have reached two conclusions that the name al-Rahmân used during the middle of Meccan period and this name not derived from root of rahmah because it must be cited from nighboring cultures by the Prophet. On the other hand, we can say that the Muslim researchers who critics this biased approacah confused determining the ideological goal with testing the accuracy of the reached conclusion and they acted with a rough defensive reflect.
Key Words: The Qur’ân, Meccan, the descent chronology, al-Rahmân
Hidayet ve Dalâleti Allah’a Nispet Eden Âyetler Nuzul Doneminde Nasil Algilaniyordu? Hidayet ve d... more Hidayet ve Dalâleti Allah’a Nispet Eden Âyetler Nuzul Doneminde Nasil Algilaniyordu? Hidayet ve dalâleti Allah’a nispet eden âyetlerin nuzul doneminde nasil algilandigi konusu, bir zihniyet tarihi meselesidir. Anladigimiz kadariyla bu âyetler, Kur’an soyleminin karakteristik ifadelerindendir ve Muslumanlarin ilahi irade tarafindan secilmis bir topluluk oldugunu ilan eder. Dolayisiyla politik bir soylemin parcasidir ve pratik yonu on plandadir. Bu âyetler, ozellikle Mekke doneminde kulun ozgur iradesi uzerinden tartisilmamistir. Beri taraftan sonraki donemlerde Muslumanlar soz konusu âyetlere referansta bulunurken farkli bir algilama ile hareket etmis olabilirler. Tarihi perspektif, sonraki donemlerin zihniyetini tasvire yonelik calismalari da nuzul donemi kadar degerli gorur
... Çagatay, Neset, Basalangıçtan Abbâsîlere Kadar (Dinî, çtimaî-Siyasî Açıdan) İslâm Tarihi, Tür... more ... Çagatay, Neset, Basalangıçtan Abbâsîlere Kadar (Dinî, çtimaî-Siyasî Açıdan) İslâm Tarihi, Türk Tarih Kurumu Yay., Ankara 1993. ... İbnu'l-Kelbî, Ebû'l-Munzir Hisâm b. Muhammed b. es-Sâib, Kitâbu'l-esnâm, tahk.: Ahmed Zeki Pasa, Matbaatu Dâru'l-Kutubi'l-Mısriyye, Kahire 1343 ...
... Na-mazın emir vermesi, hem de bunun genel anlamda ahlakî bir duyarlılık kazan-dırmak biçimind... more ... Na-mazın emir vermesi, hem de bunun genel anlamda ahlakî bir duyarlılık kazan-dırmak biçiminde olmaktan çok teferruatlı emirler biçiminde olması, ifadenin anlamlılığı ve tutarlılığı bakımlarından bir anlatım bozukluğu doğurmaktadır. ...
Kur'ân âyetlerinin ya da pasajlarinin kronolojisine dair gorus serdedenler sadece kendi ongor... more Kur'ân âyetlerinin ya da pasajlarinin kronolojisine dair gorus serdedenler sadece kendi ongorulerine bagli kalmislar, konuyu aydinlatacak nesnel bir yontem arayisina girmemislerdir. Biz Kur'ân ifade kaliplarini takip ederek Kur'ân pasajlarinin tarihlerini buyuk oranda tespit edebilecegimiz somut bir yontem gelistirebiliriz. Bunun icin ele aldigimiz pasajda bulunan kalip ifadelerden hareket edebiliriz. Bunlarin icinde bir kelimeden fazla olup Kur'ân'in cesitli yerlerinde tekrarlanmis olan kalip ifadeler esas alinir. Bu kalip ifadelerden her birinin tarihini, Kur'ân'da gectigi baska pasajlara ait kronoloji bilgilerinden hareketle tespit edebiliriz. Ardindan bu ifade kaliplarina ait tarihlerin cakistigi dar tarih araligini cikaririz. Bahse konu dar tarih araligi, konumuzu teskil eden ve ilgili butun ifade kaliplarini bunyesinde barindiran pasajin nuzul tarihidir. Bu makale soz konusu yontem onerisinin Muzzemmil suresi ozelinde bir denemesidir. Abstract Can t...
Tefsirde yontem arayislari modernizmin tesiri altinda gelismistir. Bununla birlikte soz konusu ca... more Tefsirde yontem arayislari modernizmin tesiri altinda gelismistir. Bununla birlikte soz konusu calismalarin geleneksel Islami ilimler icindeki tefsir perspektifinden sadece sureta farklilasabildigi anlasilmaktadir. Ozellikle akademik tefsir calismalari ile Islami ilimler arasindaki yaklasim farkinin ve iliskinin iyi kavranmasi onemlidir. Akademik calisma prensipleri tutarli bicimde tefsir calismalarina tasinirsa evrensel anlamda gecerli akademik bir birikim elde edebiliriz. Ote yandan bizim icin en az onun kadar onemli olan tefsir faaliyetlerinin de kendi mecrasinda bu birikimden yararlanarak gelisimi ve yenilenmesi temin edilebilir.
gun Bir Nakil Bicimi Olarak Vucuh ve Nezâir Edebiyati Erken donem tefsir edebiyati ve ozellikle v... more gun Bir Nakil Bicimi Olarak Vucuh ve Nezâir Edebiyati Erken donem tefsir edebiyati ve ozellikle vucuh ve nezâir calismalari, yazili ve ozgun bir nakil yolunu temsil etmektedir. Mukâtil’den baslamak suretiyle elimizdeki matbu nushalardan hareketle bu edebiyatin baslangicina ve seyrine dair ciddi verilere ulasmak mumkundur. Elde edilen birikim her nesilde neredeyse hic fire vermeden tekrarlanmis ve bu birikime ilavelerde bulunulmustur. Vucuh ve nezâir calismalarinda gerceklestirilen donusum sadece yeni madde basliklarinin eklenmesi ile ilgili degil, ayni zamanda eserlerin tasnif tarziyla da alakalidir. Calismalar giderek sozluk formuna burunmuslerdir. Bu calismalar bir kac nakil yolundan da yararlanmis olabilir. Ayrica vucuh ve nezâir calismalarinda belli ilim merkezlerinde karakterini bulan dil ekollerinin tesiri de gozlenmektedir
Journal of Divinity Faculty of Hitit University, Dec 30, 2019
Islam’in erken donemine iliskin calismalar, hem referans degeri hem de duygusal anlami nedeniyle ... more Islam’in erken donemine iliskin calismalar, hem referans degeri hem de duygusal anlami nedeniyle Muslumanlar icin cok onemli olagelmistir. Bu bilgilerin guvenilirligi ise bugun de Kur’an’a arz edilerek saglanmaya calisilmaktadir. Kur’an’in kaynakligi hem batililarin hem de Muslumanlarin yaptigi calismalarda Kur’an-siyer-tefsir iliskisi baglaminda yeniden one cikmistir. Batida son yuz elli yillik tarih boyunca Kur’an kronolojisini tespite iliskin gayretler, Kur’an metninden bir tarih kaynagi olarak yararlanmaya yonelik altyapi calismalaridir. Batililardan etkilenseler de Muslumanlar icin kronoloji bilgileri, Kur’an’i anlama gayretlerinin ancak tesrii amacli bir parcasi olmustur. Muslumanlar bu temel perspektife ek paradigmatik bir durusu hâlâ benimseyememistir. Ozellikle literalist modernizmin ve onu takip eden tarihselci yaklasimin tum klasik Islami ilimlerin yerine gecirdigi bir neo-tefsir perspektifi de Muslumanlarin yaptigi her turlu calismayi ayni tesrii dogrultuda etkisi altina almistir. Buna siyer ve tarih calismalari da dâhildir. Dolayisiyla temel bir yenilikten soz edilemez. Bizim Kur’an’in tarihi kaynaklik degerini ortaya cikarmak ve saglikli bilgiler uretmek icin Kur’an nuzul tarihini ve Kur’an kronolojisini tefsir amacli degil, tarih amacli mustakil mesai alanlarina donusturmemiz gerekmektedir. Bunlarin siyer, tefsir, fikih gibi klasik Islami ilimlere faydasi ise oncelikle dikkate almayacagimiz sonraki bir adim olarak gorulmelidir. Kisisel ve toplumsal beklentilerin donusturmedigi kendisi icin uretilmis saglikli bilgi birikimi ancak boyle saglanir.
In early Islamic era, in mind of illiterate Arabs, there was a structural relation
between the so... more In early Islamic era, in mind of illiterate Arabs, there was a structural relation between the social self-image and their Qur'an Image. Arab social identity was constructed on the contradiction between illiterate Arabs and the people of the scripture. Ka'bah was the central symbol. But Arabs were emulating thelr neigbbours and they were desiring to achieve a scripture like them. This caused a big tension in their mind until Qur'an. When the Qur'an came, it was imagined as a suggestion about changing the settled illiterale social identity, its symbol and reference with a scripture. Politically, it caused a social split. After this identity stage, Arabs preferred the Qur'an/new scıipture as base of identity. But this stage suggests for the new scripture an (even though it was being written) illiterate, valid, practical structure. The Prophet made the Qur'an felt and concealed by his self presence. In the last stage, when the Prophet (the concrete base of the identity and the scripture) died, illiterate muslim Arabs needed a literally standardized whole scripture. The Qur'an started to be imagined as an officially wholly and literally concealed and therefore unique valid scripture.
Hitit Üniversitesi Çorum İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 2009
A considerable part of who discuss the method of understanding of the Qur’an don’t critique the d... more A considerable part of who discuss the method of understanding of the Qur’an don’t critique the data impartially and they put the conclusion forward to which they like to achieve. The most important cause is that they move in the influence of different factors from the historical concern. Some social and individual expectations for the Qur’an designate our image and understanding thesis of Qur’an. Different expectations also cause alternative Qur’an images come out. It is a null claim to achieve the essential character/true image of the Qur’an and to accept it as a criterion about the Qur’an understanding process. We need to be aware of this and to channel our academic studies about the Qur’an and tafseer imaginations of Muslims. Thus we can obtain a common ground on which we will outcome the results from historical data about whether the Qur’an understanding tradition has got a method in the past or not.
Keywords: Understanding of the Qur’an, method, tafseer historianship, tafseer.
Hitit Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 2010
Early Qur'anic exegetical literature and especially the al-wujuh wa'n-nazair works represent a wr... more Early Qur'anic exegetical literature and especially the al-wujuh wa'n-nazair works represent a written and genuine form of narration. Through the published books, the oldest of which is that of Muqatil, we can get valuable information about the inception and trajectory of this literature. The legacy of al-wujuh wa'n-nazair has been reproduced and enriched almost in every generation. The transformation in al-wujuh wa'n-nazair literature is not confined to the addition of new chapter headings; rather, it extends to the method of the classification of the works. These works turned gradually to lexicographical studies. The authors of this literature might have benefited from a few ways of narration. Furthermore, one can observe the influence of different linguistic schools on this literature.
Hitit Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 2010
Those who set forth views about the chronology of the Qur'anic passages and verses have relied mo... more Those who set forth views about the chronology of the Qur'anic passages and verses have relied mostly on their assumptions, failing to produce an objective method concerning this issue. In fact, we can develop an objective method for ascertaining the chronological order of the Qur'anic passages by the chronology of the Qur'anic patterns of expression. For this, we can trace the narrations and accounts about the chronology of the other Qur'anic passages which include these patterns of expression. This article consists of an exemplary application of this method to the Surah al-Muzzammil.
Hitit Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2018
In this paper, we will introduce a method that we try to develop to detect the Qur'anic chronolog... more In this paper, we will introduce a method that we try to develop to detect the Qur'anic chronology in a way that is not speculative. For this we will use a method that matches the chronological knowledge we have and the expression patterns contained in the Qur'anic passages. In fact, it is argued that we can more accurately detect the chronology of expressions rather than the chronology data of passages on the basis of this method. Because the data concerning the history of Qur'anic passages are insufficient and controversial. We can be closer to the truth if we test the contradictions and alliances of the narrations and the evaluations at the level that the narrators and evaluaters never planned, that is, at the level of expression. Then we can use the history of different expression patterns to determine the history of any passage that brings them together.
Hitit Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 2010
The question of how the Qur'anic verses that attribute the human Act of going onto the straight p... more The question of how the Qur'anic verses that attribute the human Act of going onto the straight path and going astray to Allah were understood in the period of the revelation of the Qur'an is a question of the mentality history. As far as I understand, these verses seem to be characteristic expressions of the Qur'anic discourse, declaring that the Muslim community is chosen by the di vi ne will. Therefore, they are part of the political discourse and of a practical character. These verses were not discussed in the cantext of the free w ili of the human being especially in the Meccan period. On the other hand, it is probable that theMuslimsin the later periods mig ht have had different concerns in referring to the verses in question. The histarical perspective appreciates the studies that are intended to investigate and deseribe the mentality of the fallawing periods as valuable as those which focus on the mental character of the revelation period.
Key words: Guidance, astray, the Qur'an, theology, history, method.
Hitit Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 2016
The tools we have are limited when determining the chronology of the Meccan Qur’ân passages. In t... more The tools we have are limited when determining the chronology of the Meccan Qur’ân passages. In this context, one of the outstanding research issues is the decisive role of the time priod that al-Rahmân name is used by the Qur’ân revelation.While working, some Western scholars have acted with prejudice that the Muhammad had a reveal policy to follow by the naming his god and we need to make it clear. Consequently, they have reached two conclusions that the name al-Rahmân used during the middle of Meccan period and this name not derived from root of rahmah because it must be cited from nighboring cultures by the Prophet. On the other hand, we can say that the Muslim researchers who critics this biased approacah confused determining the ideological goal with testing the accuracy of the reached conclusion and they acted with a rough defensive reflect.
Key Words: The Qur’ân, Meccan, the descent chronology, al-Rahmân
Papers by Selim Türcan
between the social self-image and their Qur'an Image. Arab
social identity was constructed on the contradiction between illiterate Arabs
and the people of the scripture. Ka'bah was the central symbol. But
Arabs were emulating thelr neigbbours and they were desiring to achieve a
scripture like them. This caused a big tension in their mind until Qur'an.
When the Qur'an came, it was imagined as a suggestion about changing
the settled illiterale social identity, its symbol and reference with a scripture.
Politically, it caused a social split. After this identity stage, Arabs preferred
the Qur'an/new scıipture as base of identity. But this stage suggests
for the new scripture an (even though it was being written) illiterate, valid,
practical structure. The Prophet made the Qur'an felt and concealed by his
self presence. In the last stage, when the Prophet (the concrete base of the
identity and the scripture) died, illiterate muslim Arabs needed a literally
standardized whole scripture. The Qur'an started to be imagined as an officially
wholly and literally concealed and therefore unique valid scripture.
studies about the Qur’an and tafseer imaginations of Muslims. Thus we can obtain a common ground on which we will outcome the results from historical data about whether the Qur’an understanding tradition has got a method in the past or not.
Keywords: Understanding of the Qur’an, method, tafseer historianship, tafseer.
Keywords: Qur’anic chronology, dating, expression patterns, method
that are intended to investigate and deseribe the mentality of the fallawing periods as valuable as those which focus on the mental character of the revelation period.
Key words: Guidance, astray, the Qur'an, theology, history, method.
al-Rahmân used during the middle of Meccan period and this name not derived from root of rahmah because it must be cited from nighboring cultures by the Prophet. On the other hand, we can say that the Muslim researchers who critics this biased approacah confused determining the
ideological goal with testing the accuracy of the reached conclusion and they acted with a rough defensive reflect.
Key Words: The Qur’ân, Meccan, the descent chronology, al-Rahmân
between the social self-image and their Qur'an Image. Arab
social identity was constructed on the contradiction between illiterate Arabs
and the people of the scripture. Ka'bah was the central symbol. But
Arabs were emulating thelr neigbbours and they were desiring to achieve a
scripture like them. This caused a big tension in their mind until Qur'an.
When the Qur'an came, it was imagined as a suggestion about changing
the settled illiterale social identity, its symbol and reference with a scripture.
Politically, it caused a social split. After this identity stage, Arabs preferred
the Qur'an/new scıipture as base of identity. But this stage suggests
for the new scripture an (even though it was being written) illiterate, valid,
practical structure. The Prophet made the Qur'an felt and concealed by his
self presence. In the last stage, when the Prophet (the concrete base of the
identity and the scripture) died, illiterate muslim Arabs needed a literally
standardized whole scripture. The Qur'an started to be imagined as an officially
wholly and literally concealed and therefore unique valid scripture.
studies about the Qur’an and tafseer imaginations of Muslims. Thus we can obtain a common ground on which we will outcome the results from historical data about whether the Qur’an understanding tradition has got a method in the past or not.
Keywords: Understanding of the Qur’an, method, tafseer historianship, tafseer.
Keywords: Qur’anic chronology, dating, expression patterns, method
that are intended to investigate and deseribe the mentality of the fallawing periods as valuable as those which focus on the mental character of the revelation period.
Key words: Guidance, astray, the Qur'an, theology, history, method.
al-Rahmân used during the middle of Meccan period and this name not derived from root of rahmah because it must be cited from nighboring cultures by the Prophet. On the other hand, we can say that the Muslim researchers who critics this biased approacah confused determining the
ideological goal with testing the accuracy of the reached conclusion and they acted with a rough defensive reflect.
Key Words: The Qur’ân, Meccan, the descent chronology, al-Rahmân