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New York (citate)

De Wikipedia, le encyclopedia libere
(Redirigite ab New York City)
New York

Bandiera de {{{official_name}}}
Scuto de armas of {{{official_name}}}
Scuto de armas
Nomine native New York
Classe Citate global, port settlement[*], citate del Statos Unite de America[*], citate, citate grande[*], largest city[*], citate in le stato de Nove York[*], metropole[*], Megacitate
Pais Statos Unite de America
Population 8 804 190
Area 1 213,369839 km² Edit this on Wikidata
Situate in New York
Altitude 11 m Edit this on Wikidata
Coordinatas 40°39'N, 74°3'W
Linguas official anglese
Citates gemine Budapest, Jerusalem, Johannesburg, Cairo, London, Madrid, Beijing, Santo Domingo, Tokyo, Brasilia, Borås Municipality[*], Oslo, Alger, Jakarta, Tel Aviv, Santiago de Cali, Shanghai, Marrakech, Seoul, La Paz, Târgoviște[*], Dubai[*], Citate de Mexico
Fuso horari Eastern Time Zone[*], UTC-05:00[*], UTC-04:00[*]
Geonames ID 5128581
Sito web: https://nyc.gov
Wikimedia Commons Category
New York City

New York[1] (in interlingua etiam Nove York; in anglese officialmente: City of New York, sovente abbreviate: New York City o NYC)[2] es le citate le plus populose del Statos Unite de America, e le secunde le plus populose de America del Nord (post le Citate de Mexico, le capital de Mexico). Situate in le stato de Nove York, apud le Oceano Atlantic, illo face parte del metropoles del costa oriental del Statos Unite.

New York City

In le censo statounitese de 2000 le agglomeration urban contava 21 199 865 habitantes. In 2020 le citate de Nove York ipse habeva 8 804 190 habitantes,[3] dividite in 5 municipios (boroughs): Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, Bronx e Staten Island.

New York es un loco importante – e financiari, e cultural – ubi le cordes respective es le Bursa de New York in Wall Street (Strata del Muro) e le districto del theatro Broadway (Via Large). A vices illo es surnominate informalmente "Le Grande Pomo" o "Le urbe que nunquam dormi" (in anglese: The Big Apple e The city that never sleeps). Iste metropole central in le societate statounitese e in le mundo occidental esseva ferite per un attacco terrorista aeree multo grave le 11 de septembre 2001.


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Le sito del actual citate era in le nord de Lenapehokung, le region del nation indigene le Lenape. Ante le arrivata de gente europee le insula de Manhattan (appellate Mannahatta in Munsee, le lingua del Lenape del nord) habeva un population estimate a esser inter 300 e 1.200 personas Lenape[4] in le estate e possibilemente un medie del population estive in le hiberno, ben que il es multo difficile estimar le numero con alcun grado de certitude.[5]

De Nove Amsterdam a Nove York a Nove Orange (1625-1674)

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Le burgo que cresceva a devenir le New York City de hodie comenciava in 1625 al extreme sud del insula de Manhattan como le village nederlandese de Nieuw Amsterdam (Nove Amsterdam). In 1664 le Imperio Nederlandese lo perdeva al Imperio Britannic, que lo reappellava New York (Nove York) in honor de James, duce de York (le fratre del rege anglese Charles II, qui in 1685 succedeva Charles e deveniva le rege James II). In 1673 Nederlandia reganiava le burgo in un guerra e lo reappellava Nieuw-Oranje (Nove Orange, in honor del dynastia de Orange nederlandese, cuje chef, Gulielmo de Orange, deveniva le rege anglese Gulielmo III de Anglaterra in 1689 post le Revolution Gloriose que subverteva James II). In le pace facite in 1674 le citrate reverteva al angleses, qui restaurava le nomine Nove York.

Era colonial anglese (1674-1776)

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  1. Derivation (in ordine alphabetic): (ca) Nova York || (de) New York City || (en) New York City || (es) Nueva York || (fr) New York || (it) New York || (pt) Nova Iorque || (ro) New York (oraș) || (ru) Нью-Йорк
  2. Le sigillo official del citate, que appare al centro del bandiera official del citate, ha in latino le motto Sigillum Civitatis Novi Eboraci, significante "Sigillo del Citate de Nove York" e usante le genitivo del nomine latin Novum Eboracum, que es basate in le nomine latin de su eponymo, le citate anglese de York. (Description del sigillo e bandiera in le sito official del citate: https://www1.nyc.gov/site/dcas/about/green-book-city-seal-and-flag.page)
  3. https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/newyorkcity/newyork/LND110220
  4. Mannahatta: A Natural History of New York, per Eric W.Anderson/Wildlife Conservation Society; Harry N. Abrams, Inc: 2009; p. 112: "We don't know for certain how many people lived in...Mannahatta; estimates carry from three hundred to twelve hundred individuals"
  5. Mannahatta: A Natural History of New York, per Eric W.Anderson/Wildlife Conservation Society; Harry N. Abrams, Inc: 2009; p. 300: "Estimating the population of Manahatta in 1609 with any degree of certainty is very difficult... To estimate the area of habitation sites, we assumed that...the Winter population (~300 people) was half the size of the summer population.