This article discusses two important studies. First, the way the Kalibeber Wonosobo community han... more This article discusses two important studies. First, the way the Kalibeber Wonosobo community handles waste. Second, the model of waste management in the Kalibeber Wonosobo group. This research uses a Participatory Action Research approach. This approach involves the Kalibeber community as an object and subject as well as to deal with waste. The results of this study show two important scopes. First, the Kalibeber Wonosobo community has an initiative to deal with waste. The initiative emerged because the community felt the environment was dirty, the river water flow was obstructed, and many sufferers of itching. Second, the waste management model uses decentralization. Waste management is carried out in each sub-area to be able to reuse waste (recycling). This discourse is different from other studies. The most prominent differentiating side is the active role of the community by being able to separate organic and inorganic waste. The community operates independently with a voluntary financing mechanism. Keywords: waste; management model; the group of paguyuban peduli sampah Kalibeber Abstrak Artikel ini membahas dua kajian penting. Pertama, cara masyarakat Kalibeber Wonosobo menangani sampah. Kedua, model pengelolaan sampah kelompok paguyuban peduli sampah Kalibeber Wonosobo. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan Participatory Action Research. Pendekatan ini melibatkan masyarakat kalibeber sebagai obyek dan subyek sekaligus untuk menangani sampah. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan dua cakupan penting. Pertama, masyarakat Kalibeber Wonosobo memiliki inisiatif untuk menangani sampah. Inisiatif muncul karena masyarakat merasakan lingkungan kotor, aliran air sungai terhambat, dan banyak penderita penyakit gatal-gatal. Kedua, model pengelolaan sampah menggunakan desentralisasi.
The purpose of this study is to reveal two things, (1). Want to know how the aggressive behavior ... more The purpose of this study is to reveal two things, (1). Want to know how the aggressive behavior of adolescents in the Baleadi Village, Pati. (2). What is the religious parenting of parents towards adolescents in Baleadi Pati Village. This study used a qualitative approach with parents and adolescents in Baleadi Pati Village as the object of research. the results of the study showed that the aggressive behavior carried out by Baleadi Village adolescents most often carried out was fighting as a fight on the momentum of adolescent or village activities such as the takbir around, a celebration of seventeen. There were four forms of aggression, namely physical aggression, verbal, anger and hostility influenced by teenagers and the environment, each of which is highly curious to take part in a fight. There were three types of parenting, authoritarian, democratic and permissive.
Tujuan dari penelitian ini ingin mengungkapkan dua hal, (1). Ingin mengetahui bagaimana perilaku agresif remaja di Desa Baleadi Pati. (2). Bagaimana pola asuh keagamaan orang tua terhadap remaja di Desa Baleadi Pati. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan orang tua dan remaja di Desa Baleadi Pati sebagai obyek penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa perilaku agresif yang dilakukan oleh remaja Desa Baleadi yang paling sering dilakukan adalah berkelahi sebagaimana perkelahian pada momentum kegiatan remaja atau desa seperti takbir keliling, perayaan tujuh belasan. Bentuk agresif yang dilakukan ada empat yaitu agesi fisik, verbal, rasa marah serta sikap permusuhan yang dipengaruhi dari dalam diri remaja dan lingkungan yang masing-masing rasa ingin tahu yang tinggi untuk ikut melakukan perkelahian. Ada tiga tipe pola asuh orangtua yaitu otoriter, demokratis dan permisif.
The purpose of this study was to determine the leadership patterns of kiai politicians in increas... more The purpose of this study was to determine the leadership patterns of kiai politicians in increasing the emotional intelligence of students, and want to know the reality of the leadership pattern of politicians in improving the emotional intelligence of students in the Nurul Ulum Pemalang Islamic boarding school. This research uses natualistic qualitative research. The results showed that: (1) As a leader of a boarding school and at the same time as a figure of politician, the Kiai must understand who he is, how to carry out his roles, duties and responsibilities well, and fulfill various criteria that show his charisma as a leader. This is characterized by the characteristics of transformational, responsive and educational kiai which will later become the initial milestone for the creation of Emotional Spiritual Quotient (emotional intelligence) which ultimately leads to the principles of amar ma’ruf nahi munkar and Li-iqomatuddin; (2) In general, the realization of the leadership pattern of the politician’s kiai in increasing the emotional intelligence of students in the Nurul Ulum Pemalang Islamic Boarding School can be said to have achieved good results.
INJECT (Interdisciplinary Journal of Communication), 2016
This article specifically discusses the pattern of Islamic construction which is expected to make... more This article specifically discusses the pattern of Islamic construction which is expected to make up the individual identity and marks them as Muslim, both are shown in their behavior. Behavior looks like walking, eating, drinking, communicating with teachers, parents, friends and others. While the inner behavior proposed by Frank Burton Cheyne is sincere, don’t envy and other commendable attitudes rising from their inner feeling. From variety of thoughts above, the construction of the Islamic religion, addressed to children will be able to provide a steady view of life based on the values of Islam, and they were also able to get used to think, behave according to the norms of Islam or personality in accordance with the teachings of Islam although they have a different default factors
Jurnal Teknologi Pendidikan : Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pembelajaran, 2016
Learning Resource Centre has an important role in fostering quality learning outcomes. The learni... more Learning Resource Centre has an important role in fostering quality learning outcomes. The learning process that occurs in the institutions of education and training is no longer possible to do with a lot of "feeding" the participants of his protégé. Learners must actively seeking information that is required, while the teacher (teacher or instructor) are obligated to give referrals, example and encouragement. In addition the demands will be the flexibility and leeway time and place to learn the longer. Information sources diversified need identified, prepared, developed, and utilized to facilitate the occurrence of the learning process. For that reason then organizing learning resources become large enough, especially in his position as a suport system in learning systems. Managing and organizing learning resources in an educational institution can be realized in the form of a learning resource center (PSB) with strategic measures in support of quality learning outcomes.
Jurnal Madaniyah volume 1 Edisi III Januari 2012 , 2012
Artikel ini secara sederhana akan menguraikan tentang pentingnya strategi pembelajaran untuk meni... more Artikel ini secara sederhana akan menguraikan tentang pentingnya strategi pembelajaran untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar PAI. Dalam menggunakan strategi pembelajaran, guru hendaknya mampu mengelola semua komponen yang ada dalam kegiatan proses pembelajaran hendaknya disusun secara sistematis untuk membantu memudahkan siswa belajar. Komponen-komponen tersebut adalah guru, siswa, materi, metode, alat atau media, dan waktu. Tugas untuk menyusun rencana dan melaksanakan strategi pembelajaran memerlukan suatu kemampuan dari guru. Untuk itu guru harus memiliki pengetahuan tentang strategi pembelajaran akan memberikan landasan ilmiah tentang bagaimana menyusun dan menyelenggarakan kegiatan belajar mengajar yang dapat memudahkan siswa belajar sehingga tercapainya tujuan pembelajaran sesuai dengan harapan atau tujuan pendidikan nasional.
This article discusses two important studies. First, the way the Kalibeber Wonosobo community han... more This article discusses two important studies. First, the way the Kalibeber Wonosobo community handles waste. Second, the model of waste management in the Kalibeber Wonosobo group. This research uses a Participatory Action Research approach. This approach involves the Kalibeber community as an object and subject as well as to deal with waste. The results of this study show two important scopes. First, the Kalibeber Wonosobo community has an initiative to deal with waste. The initiative emerged because the community felt the environment was dirty, the river water flow was obstructed, and many sufferers of itching. Second, the waste management model uses decentralization. Waste management is carried out in each sub-area to be able to reuse waste (recycling). This discourse is different from other studies. The most prominent differentiating side is the active role of the community by being able to separate organic and inorganic waste. The community operates independently with a voluntary financing mechanism. Keywords: waste; management model; the group of paguyuban peduli sampah Kalibeber Abstrak Artikel ini membahas dua kajian penting. Pertama, cara masyarakat Kalibeber Wonosobo menangani sampah. Kedua, model pengelolaan sampah kelompok paguyuban peduli sampah Kalibeber Wonosobo. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan Participatory Action Research. Pendekatan ini melibatkan masyarakat kalibeber sebagai obyek dan subyek sekaligus untuk menangani sampah. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan dua cakupan penting. Pertama, masyarakat Kalibeber Wonosobo memiliki inisiatif untuk menangani sampah. Inisiatif muncul karena masyarakat merasakan lingkungan kotor, aliran air sungai terhambat, dan banyak penderita penyakit gatal-gatal. Kedua, model pengelolaan sampah menggunakan desentralisasi.
The purpose of this study is to reveal two things, (1). Want to know how the aggressive behavior ... more The purpose of this study is to reveal two things, (1). Want to know how the aggressive behavior of adolescents in the Baleadi Village, Pati. (2). What is the religious parenting of parents towards adolescents in Baleadi Pati Village. This study used a qualitative approach with parents and adolescents in Baleadi Pati Village as the object of research. the results of the study showed that the aggressive behavior carried out by Baleadi Village adolescents most often carried out was fighting as a fight on the momentum of adolescent or village activities such as the takbir around, a celebration of seventeen. There were four forms of aggression, namely physical aggression, verbal, anger and hostility influenced by teenagers and the environment, each of which is highly curious to take part in a fight. There were three types of parenting, authoritarian, democratic and permissive.
Tujuan dari penelitian ini ingin mengungkapkan dua hal, (1). Ingin mengetahui bagaimana perilaku agresif remaja di Desa Baleadi Pati. (2). Bagaimana pola asuh keagamaan orang tua terhadap remaja di Desa Baleadi Pati. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan orang tua dan remaja di Desa Baleadi Pati sebagai obyek penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa perilaku agresif yang dilakukan oleh remaja Desa Baleadi yang paling sering dilakukan adalah berkelahi sebagaimana perkelahian pada momentum kegiatan remaja atau desa seperti takbir keliling, perayaan tujuh belasan. Bentuk agresif yang dilakukan ada empat yaitu agesi fisik, verbal, rasa marah serta sikap permusuhan yang dipengaruhi dari dalam diri remaja dan lingkungan yang masing-masing rasa ingin tahu yang tinggi untuk ikut melakukan perkelahian. Ada tiga tipe pola asuh orangtua yaitu otoriter, demokratis dan permisif.
The purpose of this study was to determine the leadership patterns of kiai politicians in increas... more The purpose of this study was to determine the leadership patterns of kiai politicians in increasing the emotional intelligence of students, and want to know the reality of the leadership pattern of politicians in improving the emotional intelligence of students in the Nurul Ulum Pemalang Islamic boarding school. This research uses natualistic qualitative research. The results showed that: (1) As a leader of a boarding school and at the same time as a figure of politician, the Kiai must understand who he is, how to carry out his roles, duties and responsibilities well, and fulfill various criteria that show his charisma as a leader. This is characterized by the characteristics of transformational, responsive and educational kiai which will later become the initial milestone for the creation of Emotional Spiritual Quotient (emotional intelligence) which ultimately leads to the principles of amar ma’ruf nahi munkar and Li-iqomatuddin; (2) In general, the realization of the leadership pattern of the politician’s kiai in increasing the emotional intelligence of students in the Nurul Ulum Pemalang Islamic Boarding School can be said to have achieved good results.
INJECT (Interdisciplinary Journal of Communication), 2016
This article specifically discusses the pattern of Islamic construction which is expected to make... more This article specifically discusses the pattern of Islamic construction which is expected to make up the individual identity and marks them as Muslim, both are shown in their behavior. Behavior looks like walking, eating, drinking, communicating with teachers, parents, friends and others. While the inner behavior proposed by Frank Burton Cheyne is sincere, don’t envy and other commendable attitudes rising from their inner feeling. From variety of thoughts above, the construction of the Islamic religion, addressed to children will be able to provide a steady view of life based on the values of Islam, and they were also able to get used to think, behave according to the norms of Islam or personality in accordance with the teachings of Islam although they have a different default factors
Jurnal Teknologi Pendidikan : Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pembelajaran, 2016
Learning Resource Centre has an important role in fostering quality learning outcomes. The learni... more Learning Resource Centre has an important role in fostering quality learning outcomes. The learning process that occurs in the institutions of education and training is no longer possible to do with a lot of "feeding" the participants of his protégé. Learners must actively seeking information that is required, while the teacher (teacher or instructor) are obligated to give referrals, example and encouragement. In addition the demands will be the flexibility and leeway time and place to learn the longer. Information sources diversified need identified, prepared, developed, and utilized to facilitate the occurrence of the learning process. For that reason then organizing learning resources become large enough, especially in his position as a suport system in learning systems. Managing and organizing learning resources in an educational institution can be realized in the form of a learning resource center (PSB) with strategic measures in support of quality learning outcomes.
Jurnal Madaniyah volume 1 Edisi III Januari 2012 , 2012
Artikel ini secara sederhana akan menguraikan tentang pentingnya strategi pembelajaran untuk meni... more Artikel ini secara sederhana akan menguraikan tentang pentingnya strategi pembelajaran untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar PAI. Dalam menggunakan strategi pembelajaran, guru hendaknya mampu mengelola semua komponen yang ada dalam kegiatan proses pembelajaran hendaknya disusun secara sistematis untuk membantu memudahkan siswa belajar. Komponen-komponen tersebut adalah guru, siswa, materi, metode, alat atau media, dan waktu. Tugas untuk menyusun rencana dan melaksanakan strategi pembelajaran memerlukan suatu kemampuan dari guru. Untuk itu guru harus memiliki pengetahuan tentang strategi pembelajaran akan memberikan landasan ilmiah tentang bagaimana menyusun dan menyelenggarakan kegiatan belajar mengajar yang dapat memudahkan siswa belajar sehingga tercapainya tujuan pembelajaran sesuai dengan harapan atau tujuan pendidikan nasional.
Papers by imam subqi
Tujuan dari penelitian ini ingin mengungkapkan dua hal, (1). Ingin mengetahui bagaimana perilaku agresif remaja di Desa Baleadi Pati. (2). Bagaimana pola asuh keagamaan orang tua terhadap remaja di Desa Baleadi Pati. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan orang tua dan remaja di Desa Baleadi Pati sebagai obyek penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa perilaku agresif yang dilakukan oleh remaja Desa Baleadi yang paling sering dilakukan adalah berkelahi sebagaimana perkelahian pada momentum kegiatan remaja atau desa seperti takbir keliling, perayaan tujuh belasan. Bentuk agresif yang dilakukan ada empat yaitu agesi fisik, verbal, rasa marah serta sikap permusuhan yang dipengaruhi dari dalam diri remaja dan lingkungan yang masing-masing rasa ingin tahu yang tinggi untuk ikut melakukan perkelahian. Ada tiga tipe pola asuh orangtua yaitu otoriter, demokratis dan permisif.
Tujuan dari penelitian ini ingin mengungkapkan dua hal, (1). Ingin mengetahui bagaimana perilaku agresif remaja di Desa Baleadi Pati. (2). Bagaimana pola asuh keagamaan orang tua terhadap remaja di Desa Baleadi Pati. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan orang tua dan remaja di Desa Baleadi Pati sebagai obyek penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa perilaku agresif yang dilakukan oleh remaja Desa Baleadi yang paling sering dilakukan adalah berkelahi sebagaimana perkelahian pada momentum kegiatan remaja atau desa seperti takbir keliling, perayaan tujuh belasan. Bentuk agresif yang dilakukan ada empat yaitu agesi fisik, verbal, rasa marah serta sikap permusuhan yang dipengaruhi dari dalam diri remaja dan lingkungan yang masing-masing rasa ingin tahu yang tinggi untuk ikut melakukan perkelahian. Ada tiga tipe pola asuh orangtua yaitu otoriter, demokratis dan permisif.