Journal Articles by Akhmad Rizqon Khamami
Contemporary Islam, 2022
This article discusses contemporary developments in Islam in Indonesia by specifically looking at... more This article discusses contemporary developments in Islam in Indonesia by specifically looking at Muslims living in rural Java. Whereas most studies examine urban Muslims and mostly define Islamization that leads to the emergence of the middle class and the so-called "conservative turn," this article offers a brief discussion of the transformation of non-practicing Muslims or abangan. Through fieldwork in a remote village in Tulungagung, East Java, the article argues that the massive Islamization in contemporary Java has invited the abangan to construct their new identity of Nasionalis-cum-Nahdliyin. While the term "Nasionalis" refers to a modern ideological category, "Nahdliyin" represents a mode of religiosity that confirms local customs and traditions. Looking at their communal ceremonies, such as yasinantahlilan, this new identity has given the abangan a means to maintain their communal bond with their ancestral spirits on the one hand and community cohesion on the other. These communal activities are an amalgam of santri and abangan traditions with which the latter exercise their communal piety in the public space.
Al-Tahrir: Jurnal Pemikiran Islam, 2019
This article discusses the roots of Gulen's view on gender equality and its roles within the move... more This article discusses the roots of Gulen's view on gender equality and its roles within the movement, which constitutes an example of an Islamic movement that can adapt in the contemporary era and becomes progressive Islam. Conversely, Gulen’s view on gender belongs to the conservative movement. By employing functionalism, this article tries to seek and delve into the theme. It further argues that the movements' mission to create “the ideal community” is the driving ideology on gender relations. Examining some important scholarly findings on the movement and works by its founder Fethullah Gulen, the women’s position is unequally subordinated to that of men, as their initial functions to obey their husbands and to maintain family’s honor. Importantly, their role is limited to educate their children to deliver "the next golden generation”. Thus, it is reasonably true that Gulen’s view on women’s rights and gender relations is envisioned along with the movement's mission to transform the society towards the ideal community that in turn sacrifices women’s freedom and liberty.
Tsaqafah: Jurnal Peradaban Islam, 2019
This article examines the source of Fethullah Gulen's controversy in his da’wah, that is golden g... more This article examines the source of Fethullah Gulen's controversy in his da’wah, that is golden generation and their infiltration into state institutions. Golden generation is the main goal of Gulen's mission. He creates golden generations through his educational activities. He founded schools, dormitories and isik evler. After undergoing training, golden generations are urged to pursue their further education in top universities. Afterwards, they are encouraged to pursue careers in any state institutions. Facts have it, Gulen succeeded in placing the golden generation in all state institutions, including the police, prosecutors, judiciary and military institutions. They reach some high posts in the state institution. This very way is Gulen’s method to ‘Islamize the persons of the state institutions’ rather than to ‘Islamize the institution’. Later on this very method and bringing the golden generation into the state institutions give birth to a controversy that culminated in the 2016 Turkish coup. This article concludes that the coup is originated from Gulen's concept of the golden generation and his encouragement for the golden generations to take into state institutions and carry out 'Islamization' from within the institution.
Ulul Albab: Jurnal Studi Islam, 2018
This article examines an approach to prove the existence of God that of which of Iqbal’s and Nurs... more This article examines an approach to prove the existence of God that of which of Iqbal’s and Nursi’s. Their approaches come in mid of onslaughts of atheism and materialism. Both thinkers use different approaches. While Iqbal is reconstructing the arguments of God and offering a religious experience, Nursi uses teleological arguments which is inherited from the previous Islamic scholars to counter the attack of atheists and materialists. In addition to teleological argument Nursi benefits from scientific findings. While Iqbal uses philosophical approach, Nursi resorts to simple language to make it easy for lay people to absorb his messages through story, dialogue, analogy, argument of order of the world and of the universe. Instead of the thinkers use different approaches, both of which use science as basis for their arguments. While Nursi benefits from the latest discoveries in science, Iqbal uses epistemology to prove the existence of God.
Islamica: Jurnal Studi Keislaman, Mar 1, 2018
This article seeks to examine Fethullah Gulen's da'wah activities by which he integrates his move... more This article seeks to examine Fethullah Gulen's da'wah activities by which he integrates his movement into the globalized world. Despite the fact that Turkish Coup in 2016 tarnished Gulen and his movement, and scholars come to question Gulen's intentions, Gulen's activities are to be explored so as for Islamic movements somewhere else to emulate his success in da'wah. This article offers a perspective using the da'wah approach. Question under discussion in this article is as to which steps of da'wah lead Gulen movement to be a respected Islamic movement prior to the 2016. Gulen managed to widen the da'wah from merely conventional da'wah such a that of preaching into educations, dialogues, and economic. It is indeed Gulen's emotional preaching that fascinates listeners and drives them voluntarily to engage in his activities of da'wah and to give hand to his missionary works which include building schools, TV stations, radios, hospitals, and banks. Gulen's da'wah in economic goes in line with his effort to broaden his influence on international level which in turn leads the movement integrated into the global economy. It is interfaith dialogue and pluralism that bring Gulen into integrating Islam with cosmopolitanism in the globalized world. Muslims no longer belong solely to ummah, but they are citizen of the globalized world.
Jurnal Review Politik, 2017
This article discusses a hegemonic project of Gulen Movement in Turkey. To read this hegemonic pr... more This article discusses a hegemonic project of Gulen Movement in Turkey. To read this hegemonic project does this article use a Neo-Gramscian approach. The accumulation of Gulen Movement triggers a friction between Gulen Movement and the already existed hegemonic block, that is of political Islam. The feud of these Islamic groups started when Gulen Movement makes use of an existing neo-liberal system, both at the national and international levels, to build its accumulations on economy, social and politic sphere. The success of the accumulation leads Gulen Movement into a counter-hegemonic block which eventually triggered a Turkish coup 15 July 2016.
Episteme: Jurnal Pengembangan Ilmu Keislaman, 2017
Artikel ini mengupas integrasi Gulen Movement ke dalam ekonomi neoliberal. Meskipun saat ini Gule... more Artikel ini mengupas integrasi Gulen Movement ke dalam ekonomi neoliberal. Meskipun saat ini Gulen mengalami persekusi hebat di bawah Presiden Erdogan dan dituduh sebagai FETO (Fethullah Terrorist Organization), namun cerita kesuksesan ekonomi Gulen menarik untuk dikaji dan diikuti. Berbeda dari kelompok Islam revivalis yang menolak ekonomi neoliberal, Gulen justru menerima ekonomi neoliberal dengan tangan terbuka. Ia mampu mengintegrasikan ekonomi neoliberal dengan Islam. Penerimaan Gulen pada ekonomi neoliberal ternyata mendorong gerakan ini mengadopsi prinsip neoliberal lain seperti HAM, multikulturalisme, kosmopolitanisme dan lainnya. Gulen memperlihatkan cara berislam yang lebih terbuka. Penulis mendapati bahwa dakwah Gulen bersifat elastis. Berdasarkan kesediaan Gulen untuk meleburkan diri ke dalam sistem neoliberalisme, pemikiran Gulen dapat dikategorikan ke dalam barisan Islam progresif. Kendati demikian, Gulen juga memperlihatkan sikap kritis terhadap ekonomi kapitalis bersamaan dengan sikap penerimaannya dalam sistem ekonomi ini. Penulis berargumen bahwa adopsi Gulen terhadap ekonomi adalah salah satu metode dakwah yang digagasnya. Penulis menyebutnya sebagai " dakwah ekonomi ". Ternyata, adopsi Gulen pada ekonomi neoliberal tidak muncul serta-merta, tetapi melalui proses yang berangsur sejalan dengan tiga tahap perubahan dakwah dalam tubuh Gulen Movement: transformasi individu, transformasi sosial dan negara.
Teosofi: Jurnal Tasawuf dan Pemikiran Islam, Jun 2016
This article seeks to display a development of sufi without tarîqah in two countries, namely Turk... more This article seeks to display a development of sufi without tarîqah in two countries, namely Turkey and Indonesia. In spite of the banning of sufi orders in Turkey, hitherto Sufism lingers in the Republic. Several sufi orders work in silent, but they do make contribution on the socio-political sphere of Turkey. On the other side, some Turkish sufi practitioners transform themselves into sufi without tarîqah as an adaptation to the secular state's strict policy on religion, such those as Bediuzzaman Said Nursi dan Fethullah Gülen. In Indonesia, Sufism has arisen conspicuously among the Salafi after for some times being lied down due to an accusation of being the source for backwardness of Muslim community. In turn, it is that sufi without tarîqah eventually take shape. Due to differing on socio-political condition and on intellectual debates of the both countries, the sufi without tarîqah leads to different ways in respective country. While Turkish sufi without tarîqah turn out to be a movement taking part in secular Turkey, sufi without tarîqah in Indonesia—particularly that of Salafi—tends to be a mode of self-entertaining for the sake of religious sensation.
Al-Tahrir: Jurnal Pemikiran Islam, 2016
This article seeks to disclose the conflicts of the military coup attempt of Turkey on July 15, 2... more This article seeks to disclose the conflicts of the military coup attempt of Turkey on July 15, 2016. Research question under discussion is as to why Fethullah Gülen is accused as the mastermind behind the failed coup? Obviously, the current coup is a story of a spat between Erdoğan and Gülen. To grab a clear understanding on the spat this article utilizes three conflicting actors in the coup, namely: secularists, political Islam and cultural Islam. While military represents secularists, Erdoğan plays a role of political Islam, and Gülen represents cultural Islam. Undoubtedly, Gülen was to be an inspiring source for the coup. The conflict between Gülen and Erdoğan is triggered by a competing for gaining influences in Turkey. After all, the conflict is a spat between two Muslims representing to two different Islamic perspectives despite both of which stemming from the same religion (Islam) and the same school (Sunni). While Gülen uses apolitical cultural Islam, Erdoğan resorts to post-Islamism Political Islam.
Islamica: Jurnal Studi Keislaman, 2015
This paper discusses the contributions of Nurcu movement in strengthening Islam in contemporary T... more This paper discusses the contributions of Nurcu movement in strengthening Islam in contemporary Turkey. In consonance with the rise of Turkey as a strong country in political and economical sphere on global level, this country is said to be a symbol of Islamic renaissance of the Muslim world. The four consecutive victories of Erdoğan's party in Turkey's general election are seen as a solely factor for the Islamic renaissance of Turkey. But this article argues that there is yet another Islamic movement which worked on Islamic da'wah far before AKP grabbed the power. Nurcu is of this type. It has a large number of members ranging from businessmen, intellectuals, students, and housewives. The businessmen of Nurcu are known as " Anatolian Tigers " who have contributed to developing economy of Turkey since Turgut Özal opened up liberal economy and integrated its economy into greater lap of the world economy in the 1980s. This development of the Turkey economy goes hand in hand with the spirit of Islamic way of life within Turkish community. This article assumes that the movement has paved the way for AKP's victories; and is currently for Recep Tayyip Erdoğan to receive the tittle of newly-found Islamic hero of the contemporary Islam in the Indonesian political Islamists' view.
Tsaqafah: Jurnal Peradaban Islam, 2015
This article examines Said Nursi’s idea on reconciliation of science and Islam. He offers an epis... more This article examines Said Nursi’s idea on reconciliation of science and Islam. He offers an epistemological approach which integrate Islam and science. By using of Ian Barbour’s theory, that is of four possibilities as science meets religion: conflict, independence, dialogue, and integration, this article delves into Nursi’s thought on his attempt to integrate science and Islam. In line with Barbour’s theory, his first step is to get rid of philosophy of materialism since the philosophy is to impass processes of the integration. His second step is to make his own understanding on the universe through Islamic perspective and in light with the Qur’an in which he differs between ismi and harfi. Ismi is the empirical existence, while harfi is human understanding of nature which begin with a self-perception constantly aware of its contingency and dependence on God. He also emphasizes on science as a prescription for developing new civilization in Muslim communities in compete to the advanced modernity of European countries. Being a Muslim thinker of twentieth century his thought is of no different to other thinkers of the time which put the Qur’an in the center of Islamic revivalism. So did Nursi. His thought is that the Qur’an is in the very heart of the prescription which lead him to compile his magnum opus Risale-i Nur.
Al-Tahrir: Jurnal Pemikiran Islam, 2014
Ketika beberapa orang meragukan peran agama dalam menciptakan perdamaian, dan bahkan menuduh agam... more Ketika beberapa orang meragukan peran agama dalam menciptakan perdamaian, dan bahkan menuduh agama sebagai sumber peperangan, sejumlah orang justru ingin membuktikan bahwa agama adalah sumber perdamaian. Tulisan ini mengangkat pemikiran Mohammed Abu-Nimer tentang resolusi konflik dan peace building. Ia melakukan identifikasi berbagai pendekatan dalam studi tentang non-violence dalam Islam. Ia juga membentuk kerangka prinsip-prinsip Islam tentang non-violence dan peace building. Dengan membaca taksonomi Abu-Nimer ini, artikel ini berusaha mengidentifikasi beragam inisiatif non-violence dan peace building yang berdasarkan pada agama di kalangan umat Islam serta membaca argumentasi dan pemikiran Abu-Nimer dalam menyelesaikan konflik dengan menggunakan dialog antar-iman. Bagi Abu-Nimer, dialog antar-iman adalah sarana untuk menciptakan perdamaian di dunia. Dengan dialog, menurut Abu-Nimer, manusia dapat menghindari permusuhan dan kekerasan atas nama agama. Dengan meminjam teori pluralisme, menurut penulis, Abu-Nimer masuk dalam kategori pluralisme komunikatif yang menggabungkan kubu partikularis dan kubu universalis. Pemikiran Abu-Nimer menggambarkan pendekatan yang unik dan menarik dibanding dengan pemikiran tokoh antar-iman lainnya.
Religio: Jurnal Studi Agama-agama, 2012
Books by Akhmad Rizqon Khamami
IAIN Tulungagung Press & Institute for Javanese Islam Research (IJIR), 2017
Buku yang hadir di tangan pembaca ini merupakan hasil penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Institute fo... more Buku yang hadir di tangan pembaca ini merupakan hasil penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Institute for Javanese Islam Research (IJIR). Penelitian lalu memfokuskan perhatiannya pada tema Bhinneka Tunggal Ika. Penelitian yang berlangsung selama empat bulan ini telah menjadi penelitian sejarah dengan menggunakan theoretical framework yang baru dalam menafsirkan warisan benda-benda sejarah dan arkeologi yang berjajar di kawasan Selatan dan Barat pulau Jawa, tepatnya di wilayah Tulungagung, Jawa Timur.
Journal Articles by Akhmad Rizqon Khamami
Books by Akhmad Rizqon Khamami