The aim of the research was to determine whether enrichment of the atmosphere in an incubator wit... more The aim of the research was to determine whether enrichment of the atmosphere in an incubator with carbon dioxide (CO2) and oxygen (O2) and eggshell thickness (EST) affected embryonic death (ED), hatchability of fertile eggs (HFE) and hatching time (HT). A total of 320 Ross 308 eggs were used and the experiment was repeated twice. Eggshell thickness was classified as thin (<31 μm), medium (31 - 32 μm) and thick (>32 μm). The incubators were operated with their internal atmosphere enriched with CO2 (1.57% CO2; 20.23% O2) or O2 (0.50% CO2; 22.44% O2). Embryonic death, HFE and HT data were monitored at three periods, namely early (<486 hours), middle (486 - 492 hours), and late (492 - 510 hours). Early ED, late ED and hatchability of fertile eggs were not affected by EST or by the incubator’s internal atmosphere (P >0.05). Thus, O2 supplementation to the incubator was deemed unnecessary at 822 m altitude. There was a highly significant interaction between EST and HT. Eggs w...
BackgroundThe effect of stocking density on slaughter performance and meat quality were primarily... more BackgroundThe effect of stocking density on slaughter performance and meat quality were primarily investigated in this research. Pekin ducks were reared until slaughter age (42 days) in three different stocking density groups (three, five and seven ducklings/m2) in four replicate pens. To compare the slaughter performance of the ducklings’ live weight, carcass weight, carcass yield, thigh and breast meat weight and yield, and edible giblets weight (heart, liver and gizzard) were investigated. The meat quality was compared between the treatment groups based on dry matter ratio, cooking loss, water holding capacity, pH values, and colour parameters (L*, a*, b*, c*, h* and ΔE* values). Results Carcass weight, carcass yield, thigh and breast meat weight were found to decrease in parallel to the increasing stocking density, resulting in a reduction in thigh and breast meat weights and ratios (P˂0.05). Increasing the stocking density decreased the heart weight, and positively improved the...
Bu arastirmada kulucka performansina bildircinlarda (Coturnix coturnix japonica) tuy renginin etk... more Bu arastirmada kulucka performansina bildircinlarda (Coturnix coturnix japonica) tuy renginin etkisi incelenmistir. Dolluluk orani (D), erken donem (ED) ve son donem + kabugunu kirmis cikamamis (SDEM + KKC) embriyo olumleri ile cikis gucu (CG) bu arastirmada incelenen kulucka performansiyla ilgili ozellikler olmustur. Arastirmada orta yasli (15 hafta) orijinal (kircilli kahverengi) ve beyaz tuylu damizlik bildircinlardan elde edilen toplam 144 kuluckalik yumurta kullanilmistir. Orjinal ve beyaz tuylu bildircin yumurtalari icin sirasiyla % 73.11 ve 72.90 D, % 4.44 ve % 4.88 ED, % 11.92 ve % 6.29 SDEM + KKC, % 78.86 ve % 80.20 CG degerleri elde edilmistir. Sonuc olarak orjinal renkte tuylere sahip bildircinlara gore beyaz tuylulerden elde edilen kuluckalik yumurtalarda rakamsal olarak D oraninin biraz dusuk, ED oranlarinin biraz yuksek, buna karsilik LPU oranlarinin biraz dusuk ve buna bagli olarak CG oranlarinin da biraz daha yuksek oldugu gorulmustur. Ancak muameleler arsindaki fark...
The effect of plumage colours of Japanese quails (Coturnix coturnix japonica) on some egg quality... more The effect of plumage colours of Japanese quails (Coturnix coturnix japonica) on some egg quality parameters and their relations amongst were studied in this study. A total of 144 hatching eggs which were obtained from middle-aged (13 week) quail breeders having two different (original and white) plumage colours (77 orginal and 77 white) were used in the experiment. Egg weight (EW), egg length (EL), egg width (EWd) and shape index (SI) were studied parameters for egg quality. Coefficient correlation and regretion were analyzed for relation among these parameters. Average EW were 10.79 g and 9.54 g, EL were 31.59 mm and 31.57 mm, EWd were 25.85 mm and 24.68 mm, SI were 81.86 and 78.29 in eggs of quails with original and white plumage of this study respectively. EW, EWd and SI values were higher in quails with black feathers than those with white feathers (P 0.05) in both treatment groups in the experiment. When the correlation coefficients were examined, it was found that the correla...
Bu arastirma, 2015-2016 yillari arasinda Bolca Hindi A.Ş.’ye ait arastirma ve uygulama deneme ala... more Bu arastirma, 2015-2016 yillari arasinda Bolca Hindi A.Ş.’ye ait arastirma ve uygulama deneme alaninda, farkli kibele gubre uygulamalarinin feslegen ( Ocimum basilicum L.) bitkisinin verim degerlerine olan etkisini belirlemek amaciyla yurutulmustur. Bu kapsamda, kibele gubresinin 4 farkli dozu (750, 1000, 1250 ve 1500 kg da -1 ) kullanilmistir. Feslegen bitkisine ait bitki boyu, bitki basina dusen dal sayisi, yas herba ve kuru herba verimine iliskin degerlerin degisimi incelenmistir. Arastirma sonuclarina gore; toplam yesil herba verimi 1764.96–4751 kg da -1 , kuru herba verimi 316.58–744.30 kg da -1 arasinda degisim gostermistir. En yuksek toplam yas ve kuru herba degerleri kontrol uygulamasindan elde edilmis olup, 750 kg da -1 kibele gubre dozundan elde edilen verim degerleri ile kontrolden elde edilen verim degerleri benzerlik gostermektedir. Artan gubre dozlarina bagli olarak bitki veriminde azalma belirlenmistir. Sonuc olarak, incelenen dozlar arasindan 750 kg da -1 kibele gubr...
Relation among some parameters used for determining egg quality was studied in this research. Egg... more Relation among some parameters used for determining egg quality was studied in this research. Egg weight (EW), egg length (EL), egg width (EWd) and shape index (SI) was the studied parameters. A total of 1920 hatching eggs which were obtained from middle-aged (39 week) broiler breeders were used. In the first stage of this study, EW, EL, EWd were measured and SI values were calculated from these parameters. Average EW was 64.40 ± 0.04 g, EL was 57.35 ± 1.31 mm, EWd was 44.81 ± 0.61 mm and SI was 78.19 ± 0.10 in eggs of this study. In the second stage, coefficients of variation, correlation coefficients and regression equations were calculated for determining of relations among these parameters. Significant (p < 0.05) and significant correlation levels among EW and EL and EWd were determined (r = 0.582 and 0.734, respectively). Meanwhile, significant and high coefficient correlation among EW and SI was not found (p > 0.05) like egg width and egg length. Meanwhile, it was determ...
The experiment was designed to investigate the effects of actual stocking density on the growth p... more The experiment was designed to investigate the effects of actual stocking density on the growth performance parameters in Pekin ducks. A total of 240 mixed sex ducklings were used with stocking densities of 3, 5 and 7 poults m -2 during the 42 day growing period. Live weight, live weight gain, feed consumption, feed conversion ratio, mortality rate and productivity index parameters were investigated to determine growth performance. As the stocking density decreases, LW values were found to be increasing visibly after 3 weeks of age (P<0.05), live weight gain and total live weight values were found to be increasing from the first week (P<0.05). The achieved total live weight in unit area increased parallel to increasing stocking density catching the peak at 7 ducklings m -2 stocking density (P<0.05). Feed conversion values were found to be increasing in low stocking density groups from the first week (P<0.05). Therewithal, feed conversion ratio was found to be increasing ...
The aim of the research was to determine whether enrichment of the atmosphere in an incubator wit... more The aim of the research was to determine whether enrichment of the atmosphere in an incubator with carbon dioxide (CO2) and oxygen (O2) and eggshell thickness (EST) affected embryonic death (ED), hatchability of fertile eggs (HFE) and hatching time (HT). A total of 320 Ross 308 eggs were used and the experiment was repeated twice. Eggshell thickness was classified as thin (<31 μm), medium (31 - 32 μm) and thick (>32 μm). The incubators were operated with their internal atmosphere enriched with CO2 (1.57% CO2; 20.23% O2) or O2 (0.50% CO2; 22.44% O2). Embryonic death, HFE and HT data were monitored at three periods, namely early (<486 hours), middle (486 - 492 hours), and late (492 - 510 hours). Early ED, late ED and hatchability of fertile eggs were not affected by EST or by the incubator’s internal atmosphere (P >0.05). Thus, O2 supplementation to the incubator was deemed unnecessary at 822 m altitude. There was a highly significant interaction between EST and HT. Eggs w...
BackgroundThe effect of stocking density on slaughter performance and meat quality were primarily... more BackgroundThe effect of stocking density on slaughter performance and meat quality were primarily investigated in this research. Pekin ducks were reared until slaughter age (42 days) in three different stocking density groups (three, five and seven ducklings/m2) in four replicate pens. To compare the slaughter performance of the ducklings’ live weight, carcass weight, carcass yield, thigh and breast meat weight and yield, and edible giblets weight (heart, liver and gizzard) were investigated. The meat quality was compared between the treatment groups based on dry matter ratio, cooking loss, water holding capacity, pH values, and colour parameters (L*, a*, b*, c*, h* and ΔE* values). Results Carcass weight, carcass yield, thigh and breast meat weight were found to decrease in parallel to the increasing stocking density, resulting in a reduction in thigh and breast meat weights and ratios (P˂0.05). Increasing the stocking density decreased the heart weight, and positively improved the...
Bu arastirmada kulucka performansina bildircinlarda (Coturnix coturnix japonica) tuy renginin etk... more Bu arastirmada kulucka performansina bildircinlarda (Coturnix coturnix japonica) tuy renginin etkisi incelenmistir. Dolluluk orani (D), erken donem (ED) ve son donem + kabugunu kirmis cikamamis (SDEM + KKC) embriyo olumleri ile cikis gucu (CG) bu arastirmada incelenen kulucka performansiyla ilgili ozellikler olmustur. Arastirmada orta yasli (15 hafta) orijinal (kircilli kahverengi) ve beyaz tuylu damizlik bildircinlardan elde edilen toplam 144 kuluckalik yumurta kullanilmistir. Orjinal ve beyaz tuylu bildircin yumurtalari icin sirasiyla % 73.11 ve 72.90 D, % 4.44 ve % 4.88 ED, % 11.92 ve % 6.29 SDEM + KKC, % 78.86 ve % 80.20 CG degerleri elde edilmistir. Sonuc olarak orjinal renkte tuylere sahip bildircinlara gore beyaz tuylulerden elde edilen kuluckalik yumurtalarda rakamsal olarak D oraninin biraz dusuk, ED oranlarinin biraz yuksek, buna karsilik LPU oranlarinin biraz dusuk ve buna bagli olarak CG oranlarinin da biraz daha yuksek oldugu gorulmustur. Ancak muameleler arsindaki fark...
The effect of plumage colours of Japanese quails (Coturnix coturnix japonica) on some egg quality... more The effect of plumage colours of Japanese quails (Coturnix coturnix japonica) on some egg quality parameters and their relations amongst were studied in this study. A total of 144 hatching eggs which were obtained from middle-aged (13 week) quail breeders having two different (original and white) plumage colours (77 orginal and 77 white) were used in the experiment. Egg weight (EW), egg length (EL), egg width (EWd) and shape index (SI) were studied parameters for egg quality. Coefficient correlation and regretion were analyzed for relation among these parameters. Average EW were 10.79 g and 9.54 g, EL were 31.59 mm and 31.57 mm, EWd were 25.85 mm and 24.68 mm, SI were 81.86 and 78.29 in eggs of quails with original and white plumage of this study respectively. EW, EWd and SI values were higher in quails with black feathers than those with white feathers (P 0.05) in both treatment groups in the experiment. When the correlation coefficients were examined, it was found that the correla...
Bu arastirma, 2015-2016 yillari arasinda Bolca Hindi A.Ş.’ye ait arastirma ve uygulama deneme ala... more Bu arastirma, 2015-2016 yillari arasinda Bolca Hindi A.Ş.’ye ait arastirma ve uygulama deneme alaninda, farkli kibele gubre uygulamalarinin feslegen ( Ocimum basilicum L.) bitkisinin verim degerlerine olan etkisini belirlemek amaciyla yurutulmustur. Bu kapsamda, kibele gubresinin 4 farkli dozu (750, 1000, 1250 ve 1500 kg da -1 ) kullanilmistir. Feslegen bitkisine ait bitki boyu, bitki basina dusen dal sayisi, yas herba ve kuru herba verimine iliskin degerlerin degisimi incelenmistir. Arastirma sonuclarina gore; toplam yesil herba verimi 1764.96–4751 kg da -1 , kuru herba verimi 316.58–744.30 kg da -1 arasinda degisim gostermistir. En yuksek toplam yas ve kuru herba degerleri kontrol uygulamasindan elde edilmis olup, 750 kg da -1 kibele gubre dozundan elde edilen verim degerleri ile kontrolden elde edilen verim degerleri benzerlik gostermektedir. Artan gubre dozlarina bagli olarak bitki veriminde azalma belirlenmistir. Sonuc olarak, incelenen dozlar arasindan 750 kg da -1 kibele gubr...
Relation among some parameters used for determining egg quality was studied in this research. Egg... more Relation among some parameters used for determining egg quality was studied in this research. Egg weight (EW), egg length (EL), egg width (EWd) and shape index (SI) was the studied parameters. A total of 1920 hatching eggs which were obtained from middle-aged (39 week) broiler breeders were used. In the first stage of this study, EW, EL, EWd were measured and SI values were calculated from these parameters. Average EW was 64.40 ± 0.04 g, EL was 57.35 ± 1.31 mm, EWd was 44.81 ± 0.61 mm and SI was 78.19 ± 0.10 in eggs of this study. In the second stage, coefficients of variation, correlation coefficients and regression equations were calculated for determining of relations among these parameters. Significant (p < 0.05) and significant correlation levels among EW and EL and EWd were determined (r = 0.582 and 0.734, respectively). Meanwhile, significant and high coefficient correlation among EW and SI was not found (p > 0.05) like egg width and egg length. Meanwhile, it was determ...
The experiment was designed to investigate the effects of actual stocking density on the growth p... more The experiment was designed to investigate the effects of actual stocking density on the growth performance parameters in Pekin ducks. A total of 240 mixed sex ducklings were used with stocking densities of 3, 5 and 7 poults m -2 during the 42 day growing period. Live weight, live weight gain, feed consumption, feed conversion ratio, mortality rate and productivity index parameters were investigated to determine growth performance. As the stocking density decreases, LW values were found to be increasing visibly after 3 weeks of age (P<0.05), live weight gain and total live weight values were found to be increasing from the first week (P<0.05). The achieved total live weight in unit area increased parallel to increasing stocking density catching the peak at 7 ducklings m -2 stocking density (P<0.05). Feed conversion values were found to be increasing in low stocking density groups from the first week (P<0.05). Therewithal, feed conversion ratio was found to be increasing ...
Papers by Sabri Arda Eratalar