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 Important remind for poster presenters: poster dimensions are up to 4X3 feet.

Bioinformatics, Systems Biology and Intelligent Computing are synergistic disciplines that hold great promise for the advancement of biomedical research and development through the design of intelligent systems to solve engineering practical problems as well as translational science problems. Research and development in these areas impact science and technology, and synergies among these disciplines provide enormous potential. The International Conference on Intelligent Biology and Medicine (ICIBM) aims to provide a forum for the cross-fertilization of ideas and promotion of interdisciplinary collaborations. Keeping these objectives in mind, ICIBM solicits original contributions in the following non-exclusive lists of areas.



Functional genomics, personalized medicine, genetics and genomics, multi-dimensional data integration, next generation sequencing analysis (including algorithms, tools and data analysis), microarray based data analysis, biomedical data analysis, bio-molecular and phylogenetic databases, bio-languages, interoperability in bio-databases, bio-ontology and data mining, identification and classification of genes, sequence search and alignment, protein structure prediction and molecular simulation, molecular evolution and phylogeny, proteomics, drug discovery, drug design, bioinformatics engineering, bio-data visualization, algorithms, modeling and simulation of bio-datasets, biomarker discovery, bio-imaging, signaling and computation.


Systems Biology

Modeling and simulation of biological processes, pathways, networks, regulatory networks, pipelines, mathematical and quantitative models of cellular and multi-cellular systems, emergence of properties in complex biological systems, methods to predict biological network behavior from incomplete information, statistical modeling of biological data, prediction and validation, synthetic biological systems, high performance bio-computing, self-organization in living systems (cells, organisms, swarms, ecosystems, etc.), platforms for computational modeling of living systems (parallel, distributed, and multi-resolution simulation methods), differential, discrete and/or stochastic modeling-language frameworks, applications of systems biology towards understanding disease mechanisms, pharmaceutical drug discovery and drug target validation.


Intelligent Computing

Machine learning, data mining, knowledge discovery, pattern recognition, natural langue processing, literature mining, semantic and ontology driven biological data analysis, neural computing, kernel methods, evolutionary computing, swarm intelligence and optimization, feature selection/extraction, ensemble methods, manifold learning theory, artificial life and artificial immune systems, technology to develop artificial components, systematization methodology for intelligent systems, and scientific principles related to artificial life.  


Papers and Awards

Detailed information about submitting a paper/abstract to ICIBM 2015 will be available soon. Accepted papers will be published in

  • BMC Genomics (IF 4.04)
  • BMC System Biology (IF 2.85)
  • International Journal of Computational Biology and Drug Design (IJCBDD)

  • Students are strongly encouraged to apply for the travel award (supported by a NSF grant).click here  

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    Keynote Speakers

    Keith Dunker

    Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
    Indiana University School of Medicine

    Sylvia Plevritis

    Professor, Radiology
    Professor , Management Science and Engineering
    Stanford University

    Chris Sander

    Chair, Computational Biology Program
    Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center

    Jiajie Zhang

    Dean and Dr. Doris L. Ross Professor at UTHealth School of Biomedical Informatics Director
    National Center for Cognitive Informatics and Decision Making
    The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston