found: NUCMC data from R.I. Hist. Soc. for United States Custom House, Providence, R.I., records, 1789-1900(name not given)
found: LC manual auth. cd.(hdg.: United States. Customs Service; Division of Customs of Treasury Dept. created 1875; in 1927 division abolished and Bureau of Customs (also informally referred to as Customs Service) was established; in 1973 name of Bureau of Customs changed to Customs Service)
found: Informações para visitantes, 1993:t.p. (Alfândega dos Estados Unidos) p. 5 (U.S. Customs Service; Portuguese)
found: Consigli utili ai visitatori, 1993:t.p. (Dogana Degli Stati Uniti) p. 5 (U.S. Customs Service; Italian)
found: Conseils pratiques à l'intention des visiteurs, 1993:t.p. (Douane des Etats-Unis) p. 5 (U.S. Customs Service; French)
found: Consejos para los visitantes, 1993:t.p. (Servicio de Aduana de los Estados Unidos) p. 5 (U.S. Customs Service; Spanish)
found: United States Customs Service, Atlanta, Georgia, 1995:p. iii (USCS)
found: Clasificación arancelaria de futuras importaciones, 1989:p. 5 (Servicio de Aduanas de los E.E.U.U.; seal: U.S. Customs Service)
found: U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Customs and Border Protection web site, May 28, 2003:menu selection: Welcome (CBP became an official agency of the Department of Homeland Security on March 1, 2003, combining employees from the Department of Agriculture, the Immigration and Naturalization Service, the Border Patrol and the U.S. Customs Service) menu selection: Mission (single unified border agency of the United States; on Mar. 1, 2003, the U.S. Customs Service transfered to the new department. Customs and the Border Patrol, the INS, and APHIS joined together to form the Bureau of Customs and Border Protection)
found: U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement web site, July 2, 2003:click on "reorganized"/Press Room, Press Kit, Border Reorganization Fact Sheet, U.S. Department of Homeland Security Press Office/under heading: Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (Bureau brings together the enforcement and investigation arms of the Customs Service, the investigative and enforcement functions of [the] Immigration and Naturalization Service, and the Federal Protective Services)