Penyakit Parasitik 9
Penyakit Parasitik 9
Penyakit Parasitik 9
1. Branchiura
Plate 28. Parasitic Crustacea continued: (p. 200) g. Argulus africanus from Bagrus docmac, northern L. Victoria
(SEM 64). h. Dolops ranarum, of same host and locality as a (SEM 47). i. Eggs of Argulus japonicus (live, by
courtesy of S. Sarig). j. Eggs of Dolops ranarum (live, by courtesy of A. Avenant-Oldewage). k. A. japonicus from
farmed carp, Israel (live, by courtesy of S. Sarig). I. D. ranaruminside the mouth of Clarias gariepinus, from Transvaal,
South Africa (by courtesy of L. Basson). m. Histological section of Bagrus docmac skin at D. ranarum attachment area
showing proliferation and displacement of the epithelium and haemmorhagic inflammation in the dermal layer.
2. Copepoda
Plate 27. Parasitic Crustacea: (p. 199) a. Heavy Ergasilus lizae infection of gills of pond reared Mugil
cephalus, Israel (courtesy S. Sarig). b.Carp tail with heavy Lernaea cyprinacea infection, Israel. c. L.
hardingi attached to tail of Oreochromis niloticus, Uganda. d. Released adult female L.
cyprinacea (courtesy L. Basson). e. Haemmorhagic lesions around L. cyprinacea attached to carp
skin. f. Heavy invasion of Barbus holubi by Argulus japonicus, Transvaal, South Africa (courtesy L.
Parasitic Crustacea Attachment organs :A. Lernaea cyprinacea B. same , holdfast, dorsal, C. L.
arcuota entire ventral D. L. Lophiara, entire lateral E. Same, holdfast, dorsal F. L. oryzophila, entire
Dorsal G. Same Holdfast H. L. Lophiara, entire latera, I. . L. oryzophila
Siklus hidup
Mollusca (bahasa latin, molluscus = lunak)
merupakan hewan yang bertubuh lunak.
Bercangkang dan tidak bercangkang,
Setelah juvenile, moluska ini akan lepas dari ikan dan hidup
sebagai moluska bebas.
Mollusca (mollusks)
Anatomi Mollusca
Struktur Radula
Leeches (Lintah)
Polydora sp.