- 133 Factors Influencing Organizations’ Responses on Employer Review Platforms
by Jana Kim Gutt & Karin Knorr - 132 Can Verbal Performance Appraisals and Machine Learning Models Improve the Accuracy of Performance Evaluations?
by Jana Kim Gutt & Kirsten Thommes & Miro Mehic - 131 Evaluators’ Consideration of Warmth and Competence in Verbal and Numerical Performance Assessments
by Jana Kim Gutt - 130 Evaluating competencies with spoken comments and machine learning
by Jana Kim Gutt & Kirsten Thommes - 129 Detecting and Mitigating Shortcut Learning Bias in Machine Learning: A Pathway to More Generalizable ML-based (IS) Research
by Matthew Caron & Oliver Müller & Johannes Kriebel
- 128 Using Machine Learning to Predict Firms’ Tax Perception
by Vanessa Heinemann-Heile - 127 Gradual Transition to Zero-Emission Bus Systems: Impact of Vehicle Scheduling on Charging Infrastructure and Fleet Replacement
by Miriam Stumpe & David Rößler-von Saß & Natalia Kliewer & Guido Schryen - 126 The On-Demand Delivery Problem: Assignment of Orders to Warehouses and Couriers
by Peter Dieter & Philipp Speckenmeyer & Guido Schryen - 125 Linking Network Structure & Performance: Influence in an Off-grid Financing Policy Network
by Lillian Donna Namujju - 124 Navigating Emergent Effects in Off-grid Systems: Ostrom's Design Principles and Rural Energy Policy Implications
by Lillian Donna Namujju - 123 Yes today, no tomorrow: Exploration of deal cancellations in televised pitch competitions
by Livia Boerner & Bernd Frick - 122 In search of unicorns: Overconfidence and missed opportunities due to stereotypical founder bias in televised startup pitch competitions
by Livia Boerner & Bernd Frick Author-2-Name-First: Bernd Author-2-Name-Last: Frick & Thomas Fritz Author-3-Name-First: Thomas Author-3-Name-Last: Fritz - 121 They want what I want: User entrepreneurship, egocentric bias, and overconfidence in early-stage entrepreneurial decision-making
by Livia Boerner - 120 Reviewing the simple things – How ease of evaluation affects online rating behavior
by Janina Seutter & Jürgen Neumann - 119 When to ask for a review: An empirical analysis of online review request timing for different product types
by Martin Poniatowski & Janina Seutter & Sunghan Ryu & Dennis Kundisch - 118 The origination of online reviews in B2B markets: A qualitative study of the underlying motives of review writers
by Janina Seutter - 117 Gamification as a Multichannel Marketing Instrument: A Systematic Literature Review and Future Research Agenda
by Isabel Kittyma Disse
- 116 The Importance of Intellectual Humility in New Venture Teams
by Marieke Funck & Slawa Tomin & Rüdiger Kabst - 115 A Conceptual Framework for Describing the Phenomenon of Hackathons for Entrepreneurial Behavior
by Marieke Funck - 114 The Role of National Culture in Hackathon Teams’ Capacity for Ideation
by Marieke Funck & Benjamin P. Krebs & Slawa Tomin & Bernhard A. Wach & Rüdiger Kabst - 113 The world's largest free trade agreement RCEP and its financial markets - A perspective on volatility and risk
by Marc Atkins & Christian Peitz - 112 Elucidating the Predictive Power of Search and Experience Qualities for Pricing of Complex Goods – A Machine Learning-based Study on Real Estate Appraisal
by Jan-Peter Kucklick & Jennifer Priefer & Daniel Beverungen & Oliver Müller - 111 An Experiment on Dilemma Aversion and Information Avoidance
by Fabian Bopp - 110 Social learning under ambiguity - an experimental study
by Fabian Bopp & Sara le Roux - 109 Does room for reflection reduce ignorance and increase pro-social behavior? An experimental study
by Fabian Bopp & Wendelin Schnedler - 108 Conformism of the Minorities: Theory and Experiment
by Fabian Bopp & Wendelin Schnedler & Radovan Vadovic - 107 Sounds too Feminine? Brand Gender and The Impact on Professional Critics
by Daniel Kaimann & Clarissa Laura Maria Spiess Bru - 106 Are Women (Really) More Lenient? Gender Differences in Expert Evaluations
by Bernd Frick & Clarissa Laura Maria Spiess Bru & Daniel Kaimann - 105 Does the Tasting Note Matter? Language Categories and Their Impact on Professional Ratings and Prices
by Clarissa Laura Maria Spiess Bru - 103 The Effect of Children on Health
by Beatrice Baaba Tawiah - 102 Does Education Improve Cognitive Performance Four Decades After School Completion? A Replication Study of Nicole Schneeweis, Vegard Skirbekk and Rudolf Winter-Ebmer (Demography, 2014)
by Beatrice Baaba Tawiah & Valentin Schiele
- 104 Predictive Maintenance on the Energy Distribution Grid - Design and Evaluation of a Digital Industrial Platform in the Context of a Smart Service System
by Philipp zur Heiden & Jennifer Priefer & Daniel Beverungen - 98 Shareholder activism around the globe: Hedge funds vs. other professional investors
by Jochen Hartmann & Matthias Pelster & Soenke Sievers - 97 Are women more resilient? Gender differences in the reaction to negative feedback
by Lisa Beck-Werz & Thomas Fritz - 96 Young, Male, Experienced: What factors drive overconfidence? Empirical evidence from marathon running
by Lisa Beck-Werz - 95 Capacity investments in a competitive energy market
by Lukas Block & Bastian Westbrock - 94 Network formation with NIMBY constraints
by Lukas Block - 93 Coalition formation versus free riding in rent-seeking contests
by Lukas Block - 92 The Impact of Product Differentiation on the Channel Structure in a Manufacturer-Driven Supply Chain
by Angelika Endres-Fröhlich - 91 The Impact of Product Differentiation on Retail Bundling in a Vertical Market
by Angelika Endres-Fröhlich & Burkhard Hehenkamp & Joachim Heinzel - 90 The Impact of Product Qualities on Downstream Bundling in a Distribution Channel
by Angelika Endres-Fröhlich & Joachim Heinzel - 89 Academic Performance and Salary Expectations of Competitive and Recreational Athletes vs. Inactive Students
by Laura Urgelles & Bernd Frick - 88 The Effects of Leisure Activities on Academic Performance
by Laura Urgelles & Bernd Frick - 87 ‘If it’s not on Strava, it didn’t happen’ – Identifying user archetypes of sport-specific social media platforms based on motivation and behavior
by Fabian Lensing - 86 When an exchange semester is no longer enough - Why and how the Bologna-reforms changed the behavior of high-ability students
by Bernd Frick & Fabian Lensing & Lisa Beck-Werz - 85 How talent reacts to crises - The rationality of high-ability graduates’ response to the financial crisis 2008/09
by Bernd Frick & Fabian Lensing - 84 Labor market spillover effects of a compulsory schooling reform in Germany
by Valentin Schiele - 83 Understanding the impact of gender and migration on high-ability students’ behavior: Exploring behavioral differences in business, law, and engineering students throughout their academic careers
by Lisa Beck-Werz & Bernd Frick & Thomas Fritz & Fabian Lensing
- 82 To see or not to see: A creativity feature to enhance business model ideation using business model development software
by Daniel Szopinski - 81 Peer attention and the disposition effect
by Minh-Lý Liêu - 80 Designing Digital Actor Engagement Platforms for Local High Streets: An Action Design Research Study
by Christian Bartelheimer, Ingo Berendes, Philipp zur Heiden, Daniel Beverungen - 78 Reviewing from a Distance: Uncovering the Negativity Bias of Psychological Distance in Online Word-of-Mouth
by Jürgen Neumann & Dominik Gutt & Dennis Kundisch - 77 When Biased Ratings Benefit the Consumer - An Economic Analysis of Online Ratings in Markets with Variety-Seeking Consumers
by Jürgen Neumann - 75 Systemic Instability of the Interbank Credit Market - A Contribution to a Resilient Financial System
by Thomas Gries & Alexandra Mitschke - 74 Central Bank Digital Currencies and Monetary Policy Effectiveness in the Euro Area
by Alexandra Mitschke - 73 Fighting Fire with Fire - Overcoming Ambiguity Aversion by Introducing more Ambiguity
by Dirk van Straaten & René Fahr - 72 Accounting for Heuristics in Reputation Systems: An Interdisciplinary Approach on Aggregation Processes
by Dirk van Straaten & Vitalik Melnikov & Eyke Hüllermeier & Behnud Mir Djawadi & René Fahr - 71 Incentive Schemes in Customer Rating Systems - Comparing the Effects of Unconditional and Conditional Rebates on Intrinsic Motivation
by Dirk van Straaten - 70 Anonymity and Self-Expression in Online Rating Systems - An Experimental Analysis
by Britta Hoyer & Dirk van Straaten - 69 Filling Big Shoes: CEO and COO Succession Planning in Family Businesses
by Patrizia Fanasch & Bernd Frick
- 76 The Fate of the App: Economic Implications of Updating under Reputation Resetting
by Dominik Gutt & Jürgen Neumann & Wael Jabr & Dennis Kundisch - 67 A pure bargaining game of dynamic cake eating
by Simon Hoof - 66 Establishing Life Meaningfulness Through Meaning-Making Activities And Practices Related To The Consumption Of Elderly Care Services
by Julia Rötzmeier-Keuper & Nancy V. Wünderlich - 65 Consumer Vulnerability: Overview And Synthesis Of The Current State Of Knowledge And Future Service-Related Research Directions
by Julia Rötzmeier-Keuper - 64 Pareto Efficiency in Weighted School Choice Problems
by Nadja Stroh-Maraun - 63 Stability in Weighted College Admissions Problems
by Britta Hoyer & Nadja Stroh-Maraun - 62 The Influence of Digitization on the Emotional Exhaustion of Employees: The Moderating Role of Traditional Job Resources and Age
by Kristina Reineke - 61 Diversity, Team Mechanisms, and Performance: A Meta-Analytical Test of an Opposing Path Model
by Kristina Reineke & Holger Steinmetz & Rodrigo Isidor - 60 Women on Top Management Teams and Firm Performance in German Medium-Sized Enterprises: The Moderating Role of Recruiting Source
by Kristina Reineke & Holger Steinmetz & Rodrigo Isidor & Rüdiger Kabst - 59 Share price reactions to tariff imposition announcements in the Trump era - An event study of the trade conflict
by Sascha Tobias Wengerek
- 58 Risk allocation through securitization - Evidence from non-performing loans
by Sascha Tobias Wengerek & Benjamin Hippert & André Uhde - 57 When in Doubt Follow the Crowd: How Idea Quality Moderates the Effect of an Anchor on Idea Evaluation
by Thomas Görzen & Dennis Kundisch - 56 Extracting the Wisdom from the Crowd: A Comparison of Approaches to Aggregating Collective Intelligence
by Thomas Görzen & Florian Laux - 55 Can Experience be Trusted? Investigating the Effect of Experience on Decision Biases in Crowdworking Platforms
by Thomas Görzen - 54 “What’s the Point of the Task?” Exploring the Influence of Task Meaning on Creativity in Crowdsourcing
by Thomas Görzen - 53 Sickness absence and unemployment revisited
by Stefanie Thönnes & Stefan Pichler - 52 The relationship between announcements of complete mergers and acquisitions and acquirers' abnormal CDS spread changes
by Benjamin Hippert - 51 Determinants of CDS trading on major banks
by Benjamin Hippert & André Uhde & Sascha Tobias Wengerek - 48 Outsourcing and Excellence of Core HR Practices: Comparing institutional mechanisms among market economies
by Klaas Szierbowski-Seibel & Marius Claus Wehner & Rüdiger Kabst - 47 HR Integration, HR Strategy, and HR Partnership - Comparing the "Strategic Partner" between the USA and Germany
by Klaas Szierbowski-Seibel & Marius Claus Wehner & Rüdiger Kabst - 46 Crumbling morals? An experimental study on how a social framing can affect embezzlement
by Nina Lucia Stephan - 33 Do children stop cheating when someone else reaps the benefits? A lab in the field experiment
by Julia Kramer & Silvia Lübbecke & Nina Lucia Stephan - 29 When letter writing increases kindness: Regulating emotions or activating pro-social thinking?
by Wendelin Schnedler & Nina Lucia Stephan
- 45 Revisiting a remedy against the chain of unkindness
by Wendelin Schneder & Nina Lucia Stephan - 44 The Traveling Reviewer Problem – Exploring the Relationship between Offline Locations and Online Rating Behavior
by Jürgen Neumann & Dominik Gutt & Dennis Kundisch - 43 A Homeowner’s Guide to Airbnb: Theory and Empirical Evidence for Optimal Pricing Conditional on Online Ratings
by Jürgen Neumann & Dominik Gutt & Dennis Kundisch - 42 Design of Review Systems - A Strategic Instrument to shape Online Review Behavior and Economic Outcomes
by Dominik Gutt & Jürgen Neumann & Steffen Zimmermann & Dennis Kundisch & Jianqing Chen - 41 Crowd-Driven Competitive Intelligence: Understanding the Relationship Between Local Market Competition and Online Rating Distributions
by Dominik Gutt & Philipp Herrmann & Mohammad S. Rahman - 40 In the Eye of the Beholder? Empirically Decomposing Different Economic Implications of the Online Rating Variance
by Dominik Gutt - 39 Wage Determination In A Regulated Labor Market: Empirical Evidence From Major League Soccer
by Franziska Prockl & Bernd Frick - 38 The Superstar Code - Deciphering Key Characteristics And Their Value
by Franziska Prockl - 36 Perception Versus Reality - Competitive Balance In Major League Soccer From 1996 – 2016
by Franziska Prockl & Dirk Semmelroth - 35 When Supervisors Start to Meddle: An Experiment on the Determinants of Intervention
by Silvia Lübbecke & Wendelin Schnedler - 34 Don't patronize me! An Experiment on Rejecting Paternalistic Help
by Silvia Lübbecke & Wendelin Schnedler - 32 Believing in Others’ Dishonesty: An Experimental Study on Beliefs about Lying
by Silvia Lübbecke - 30 A comparison study of realized kernels using different sampling frequencies
by Chen Zhou
- 25 Causal Reasoning in Corporate Annual Reports: The Truth and Nothing But the Truth?
by René Fahr & Anica Rose - 24 Over the top: Team composition and performance in Himalayan expeditions
by Bernd Frick & Anica Rose - 23 Gender Diversity is Detrimental to Team Performance: Evidence from a Field Experiment
by Bernd Frick & Anica Rose & André Kolle - 22 Subjective Appraisals of Employee Potential: Do Gender and Managerial Level Matter?
by Anica Rose
- 28 Unilateral Supply Side Policies and the Green Paradox
by Mark Schopf - 27 Special Interest Politics: Contribution Schedules versus Nash Bargaining
by Achim Voss & Mark Schopf - 26 Lobbying over Exhaustible-Resource Extraction
by Achim Voss & Mark Schopf
- 21 Is it Worth the Effort? - A Decision Model to Evaluate Resource Interactions in IS Project Portfolios
by Christian Meier & Dennis Kundisch & Jochen Willeke - 20 Identifying Output Interactions Among Is Projects - A Text Mining Approach
by Christian Meier
- 19 Goals as Reference Points: Empirical Evidence from a Virtual Reward System
by Tobias Mutter & Dennis Kundisch - 18 The Impact of Goal Achievement on User Effort
by Tobias Mutter - 17 Wage Returns of Company Training - Evidence from a Comparison Group Approach
by Christiane Hinerasky & Rene Fahr & Sabine Simons - 16 Learning Outcomes, Feedback, and the Performance Effects of a Training Program
by Christiane Hinerasky & Rene Fahr - 15 When the Early Bird Catches the Worm: Timing and the Impact of Training in Retail
by Christiane Hinerasky & Rene Fahr - 14 Advances in Training Evaluation - Psychological, Educational, Economic, and Econometric Perspectives on the Kirkpatrick Model
by Christiane Hinerasky - 13 The Interaction of Signals: A Fuzzy set Analysis of the Video Game Industry
by Daniel Kaimann & Joe Cox - 12 Combining Qualitative Comparative Analysis and Shapley Value Decomposition: A Novel Approach for Modeling Complex Causal Structures in Dynamic Markets
by Daniel Kaimann - 11 "To infinity and beyond!" A genre-specific film analysis of movie success mechanisms
by Daniel Kaimann - 10 The Signaling Effect of Critics: Do Professionals outweigh Word-of-Mouth? Evidence from the Video Game Industry
by Daniel Kaimann & Joe Cox - 09 Is it Always Best to be on Top? The Effect of Ad Positioning on Key Performance Indicators in Search Engine Advertising
by Philipp Herrmann & Michael Mueller - 07 The impact of the variance of online consumer ratings on pricing and demand – An analytical model
by Philipp Herrmann - 06 The Influence of Transparency on Investments in Climate Protecting - An Economic Experiment
by Elmar A. Janssen - 05 Do Election Results Affect the Value of Politically Connected Firms? - The Effect of the Schroeder-Merkel Change of Government on German Prime Standard Firms
by Elmar A. Janssen - 04 The Wage Effects of Social Norms - Evidence of Deviations from Peers' Body Mass in Europe
by Elmar A. Janssen & Rene Fahr - 02 Constitutions and Social Networks
by Ana Mauleon & Nils Roehl & Vincent Vannetelbosch
- 08 To Bid or Not to Bid Aggressively? An Empirical Study
by Philipp Herrmann & Dennis O. Kundisch & Mohammad S. Rahman - 03 Robust Equilibria in Location Games
by Berno Buechel & Nils Roehl - 01 Two-Stage Allocation Rules
by Nils Roehl