December 2024, Volume 41, Issue 1
- 1-2 Editorial to the Special Issue “The Immortal Adam Smith”
by Heinz D. Kurz - 3-27 Adam Smith’s Pluralism and the Limits of Science
by Richard Sturn - 29-50 Market Dummy and Social Animal: Adam Smith’s Models of Man
by Manfred J. Holler - 51-66 Isaac Newton, Robert Simson and Adam Smith
by Mark Knell - 67-90 Corn, Cattle, Land and Labour: Physiocratic Ideas in the Wealth of Nations
by Christian Gehrke - 91-121 Karl Marx’s reading of Adam Smith
by Jonathan F. Cogliano & Duncan K. Foley - 123-152 Adam Smith: Evolutionary Social Theorist ante litteram
by Heinz D. Kurz
December 2023, Volume 40, Issue 1
- 1-3 Giuseppe Eusepi (1949–2020)
by Geoffrey Brennan & Hartmut Kliemt - 5-17 Deconstructing Public Debt: Who Owes What to Whom?
by Richard E. Wagner - 19-38 Subjectivism and Constitutionalism
by Alan Hamlin - 39-59 Politics as Exchange?
by Geoffrey Brennan & Hartmut Kliemt - 61-78 Is a Minimal Federal European Constitution for the European Union Necessary? Some Preliminary Suggestions Using Public Choice Analysis
by Friedrich Schneider - 79-93 On Curing Political Diseases: The Healing Power of Majoritarian Elections in Multi-Member Districts
by Reiner Eichenberger & Patricia Schafer - 95-101 Is Public Choice Still Vivid?
by Bruno S. Frey - 103-103 Correction to: Giuseppe Eusepi (1949–2020)
by Geoffrey Brennan & Hartmut Kliemt
December 2022, Volume 39, Issue 2
- 113-116 Special Issue on “Crooked Thinking or Straight Talk: Modernizing Epicurean Scientific Philosophy”
by Manfred J. Holler & Hartmut Kliemt - 117-125 The Social Contract, the Game of Life and the Shadow of the Future
by Brian Skyrms - 127-144 Ken Binmore: Behavioral Scientist
by Luciano Andreozzi - 145-184 An Epicurean State of Nature
by Peter Vanderschraaf - 185-197 The Pleasures of Tranquillity
by Alex Voorhoeve - 199-217 Vaihinger’s Fictionalism Meets Binmore’s Knowledge-as-Commitment
by John A. Weymark - 219-244 Why Have Leaders At All? Hume and Hobbes, with a Dash of Nash
by Kaushik Basu - 245-257 Philosophic Fables
by Gerald Gaus & John Thrasher - 259-288 Bargaining, Fairness and Conflict
by Charles A. Holt & Katri K. Sieberg
October 2022, Volume 39, Issue 1
- 1-2 Albert@100 ‒ Special Issue in Honor of Hans Albert
by Max Albert & Hartmut Kliemt - 3-24 Hans Albert’s Systematic Approach to Critical Rationalism
by Jitka Paitlová - 25-35 Critical rationalism and metaethics
by Armin Engländer - 37-68 How to Escape from Model Platonism in Economics: Critical Assumptions, Robust Conclusions, and Approximate Explanations
by Max Albert - 69-82 An Albertian View of Buchanan’s Contractarianism
by Geoffrey Brennan & Hartmut Kliemt - 83-111 The Economic Tradition and the Problem of Social Order: Hans Albert’s Critique of Welfare Economics and the Perspective of Constitutional Political Economy
by Viktor J. Vanberg
December 2021, Volume 38, Issue 1
- 1-14 Evaluating Utility Streams
by Ken Binmore - 15-28 “Not This One”: Experimental Use of the Approval and Disapproval Ballot
by Annick Laruelle - 29-36 Are Weighted Games Sufficiently Good for Binary Voting?
by Sascha Kurz - 37-47 Elections with Multiple Positive and Negative Votes
by Tanya Gibbs & Henry W. Chappell, Jr. - 49-57 Corruption in Organizations: Some General Formulations and (In-)Corruptibility Results
by Fang-Fang Tang & Yongsheng Xu - 59-75 Power in Networks: The Medici
by Manfred J. Holler & Florian Rupp - 77-108 From Polytheism to Monotheism: Zoroaster and Some Economic Theory
by Mario Ferrero
December 2020, Volume 37, Issue 3
- 155-182 Complexity, Power Laws and a Humean Argument in Risk Management: The Fundamental Inadequacy of Probability Theory as a Foundation for Modeling Complex Risk in Banking
by Christian Hugo Hoffmann & Charles Djordjevic - 183-211 The Political Economy of Polytheism: the Indian Versus the Greco-Roman Religions
by Atin Basuchoudhary & Mario Ferrero & Timothy Lubin - 213-236 Modelling the Quest for Status in Ancient Greece: Paying for Liturgies
by George Tridimas
November 2020, Volume 37, Issue 1
- 1-6 Introduction to the Special Issue “Bargaining”
by Claus-Jochen Haake & Walter Trockel - 7-41 Nonconvex Bargaining Problems: Some Recent Developments
by Yongsheng Xu & Naoki Yoshihara - 43-57 Reconciling Consistency and Continuity: A Bounded-Population Characterization of the Nash Bargaining Solution
by William Thomson - 59-65 Some Impossibility Results on the Converse Consistency Principle in Bargaining
by Youngsub Chun - 67-85 The Balanced Threat Agreement for Individual Externality Negotiation Problems
by Peter Borm & Yukihiko Funaki & Yuan Ju - 87-104 The Nash Solution as a von Neumann–Morgenstern Utility Function on Bargaining Games
by Anke Gerber - 105-120 A Concessions-Based Procedure for Meta-Bargaining Problems
by M. Carmen Marco & Josep E. Peris & Begoña Subiza - 121-153 Divide and Invest: Bargaining in a Dynamic Framework
by Francesca Flamini
December 2019, Volume 36, Issue 3
- 111-133 Coordination Failure in Capacity-then-Price-Setting Games
by Werner Güth & Manfred Stadler & Alexandra Zaby - 135-163 Anti-Western Conspiracy Thinking in China and Russia: Empirical Evidence and its Link to Expectations of Collusion
by Alexander Libman & Björn Vollan - 165-192 Group Identities in Conflicts
by Martin Kolmar & Andreas Wagener - 193-207 On the Nature of Fair Behaviour: Further Evidence
by Agnès Festré - 209-226 Success, Survival and Probabilistic Voting: The Case of a ruling Party
by Artyom Jelnov & Pavel Jelnov - 227-248 Democracy as a Game of Trust: The Limits of Generality Constraints
by Alexandra Oprea - 249-279 Partial Versus General Compulsory Solidarity: an Experimental Analysis
by Andrej Angelovski & Arianna Galliera & Werner Güth
October 2019, Volume 36, Issue 1
- 1-5 Buchanan@100: Special Issue in Honor of James M. Buchanan
by Geoffrey Brennan & Hartmut Kliemt - 7-23 Apple Trees for Firewood: James Buchanan’s Case for a Balanced Budget Amendment in the Context of U.S. Fiscal Policy
by Romina Boccia - 25-40 Democracy Unchained: Contractualism, Individualism, and Independence in Buchanan’s Democratic Theory
by John Thrasher - 41-69 Constitutionalizing Leviathan: A Critique of Buchanan’s Conception of Lawmaking
by Daniele Bertolini - 71-85 Containing Ideological Rent Seekers Expanding the Reach of Buchanan’s Constitutionalism
by Kevin Vallier - 87-109 The Status Quo in Buchanan’s Constitutional Contractarianism
by C. M. Melenovsky
April 2019, Volume 35, Issue 4
- 255-276 Grandparents Matter: Perspectives on Intergenerational Altruism and a Pilot Intergenerational Public Good Experiment
by Marianna Baggio & Luigi Mittone - 277-293 The No-Show Paradox Under a Restricted Domain
by Dan S. Felsenthal & Hannu Nurmi - 295-313 Coalitions and Voting Power in the Greek Parliament of 2012: A Case-Study
by Constandina Koki & Stefanos Leonardos
September 2018, Volume 35, Issue 3
- 143-166 Divine Competition in Greco–Roman Polytheism
by Mario Ferrero & George Tridimas - 167-184 The Detroit Discontinuity
by R. Warren Anderson - 185-206 Public Economies and the Endogenous Choice of Institutions
by Eduardo Zambrano & Patrick Holder - 207-224 Explaining Hypothetical Bias Variations Using Income Elasticity of Demand
by Félix Muñoz-García & Tongzhe Li - 225-234 A Few Notes on the Paper “Proposals for A Democracy of The Future”
by Lorenzo Cioni - 235-254 Democratic Participation
by Shanti P. Chakravarty
June 2018, Volume 35, Issue 1
- 1-30 On the Process and Economics of Land Settlement in Oman: Mathematical Modeling and Reasoning in Urban Planning and Design
by Bernhard Heim & Marc Joosten & Aurel von Richthofen & Florian Rupp - 31-52 Vote Probabilities, Thresholds and Actor Preferences: Decision Capacity and the Council of the European Union
by Madeleine O. Hosli & Běla Plechanovová & Serguei Kaniovski - 53-79 An Evaluation of the Benefit of Using Two-Stage Election Procedures
by William V. Gehrlein & Dominique Lepelley & Florenz Plassmann - 81-90 How Can We Keep Direct Democracy and Avoid “Kolotoumba”
by George Tsebelis - 91-100 On Sortition. Comment on “Proposals for a Democracy of the Future” by Bruno Frey
by George Tridimas - 101-109 On the Necessary and Sufficient Condition for Increasing Direct Participation Rights in Democracies: Comment on “Proposals for a Democracy of the Future” by Bruno S. Frey
by Benoît Maux - 111-116 A Different Perspective on Current Problems: Comment on “Proposals for a Democracy of the Future” by Bruno Frey
by Marta Orviska - 117-121 The Voter in the House of Mirrors: Comment on “Proposals for a Democracy of the Future” by Bruno Frey
by Luigi Alberto Franzoni - 123-126 Testing Proposals for a “Democracy of the Future”
by David Stadelmann - 127-131 Some Thoughts on Frey’s “Proposals for a Democracy of the Future”
by Monika Köppl-Turyna - 133-141 The Democracy of the Future: Do Voters Want It?
by Peter Brouwer & Klaas Staal
December 2017, Volume 34, Issue 4
- 257-258 Introduction to the Special Issue “Plural Perspectives of Uncertainty”
by Max Albert & Hartmut Kliemt - 259-273 On the Foundations of Decision Theory
by Ken Binmore - 275-292 Uncertain Acts in Games
by Frank Riedel - 293-311 Knightian Uncertainty Meets Ranking Theory
by Wolfgang Spohn - 313-341 How Bayesian Rationality Fails and Critical Rationality Works
by Max Albert - 343-359 How to Cope With (New) Uncertainties—A Bounded Rationality Approach
by Werner Güth & Hartmut Kliemt - 361-379 Heuristics are Tools for Uncertainty
by Shabnam Mousavi & Gerd Gigerenzer
November 2017, Volume 34, Issue 2
- 97-115 Assessing Mental Models via Recording Decision Deliberations of Pairs
by Siegfried K. Berninghaus & Werner Güth & Charlotte Klempt & Kerstin Pull - 117-135 Intergroup Revenge: A Laboratory Experiment
by David Hugh-Jones & Martin Alois Leroch - 137-164 Climate Change and Environmentally Induced Migration Across Regions: Cooperative and Non-cooperative Solutions
by E. V. Petracou & A. Xepapadeas & A. N. Yannacopoulos - 165-190 Understanding “Development”: Insights from Some Aspects of Complexity Theory
by Christopher A. Hartwell - 191-194 Comment on “Proposals for a Democracy of the Future” by Bruno Frey
by Norman Schofield - 195-200 Comment on “Proposals for a Democracy of the Future” by Bruno Frey
by Dan S. Felsenthal - 201-205 Reforming Democracy: Comment on “Proposals for a Democracy of the Future” by Bruno Frey
by Hannu Nurmi - 207-212 Developing Democracy. Comment on “Proposals for a Democracy of the Future” by Bruno Frey
by Keith Dowding - 213-222 Pitfalls on the Road to Frey’s Democracy of the Future
by Antoaneta Dimitrova & Bernard Steunenberg - 223-228 Democracy of the Future. Comment on “Proposals for a Democracy of the Future” by Bruno Frey
by Jarosław Kantorowicz - 229-235 Well-Intentioned Fantasy? A Comment on “Proposals for a Democracy of the Future” by Bruno Frey
by Sean Fox & Ron Johnston - 237-242 Direct constitutional democracy: Comment on “Proposals for a Democracy of the Future” by Bruno Frey
by Hartmut Kliemt - 243-251 Aligning Democracy: A Comment on Bruno S. Frey’s “Proposals for a Democracy of the Future”
by Ryan Kendall - 253-255 Domenico da Empoli (1941–2016)
by Emma Galli & Giampaolo Garzarelli
April 2017, Volume 34, Issue 1
- 1-9 Proposals for a Democracy of the Future
by Bruno S. Frey - 11-32 Historical Migration and Geographic Clustering of Prominent Western Philosophers
by John O’Hagan & Alan Walsh - 33-46 Marijuana Prohibition and Rent Seeking
by R. Warren Anderson - 47-65 Ancient Athenians, Californians and Modern Greeks: A Comparative Analysis of Choice Set Under Direct Democracy Procedures
by Emmanouil M. L. Economou & Nicholas C. Kyriazis & Theodore Metaxas - 67-78 Simple vs. Sophisticated Rules for the Allocation of Voting Weights
by N. Maaser - 79-96 Land Grabbing: Last Ditch Effort of Colonialism? A Survey of a Few Contributions and a Couple of Suggestions
by Gianpaolo Rossini
December 2016, Volume 33, Issue 4
- 297-310 Which Economics? Which Economies?
by Heinz D. Kurz - 311-316 Getting Innovation Right: The Key to Happiness and Flourishing?
by David E. Hojman - 317-320 The Just and the Good
by Maurice Salles - 321-332 Economics, an Uncertain Glory
by Vikas Kumar - 333-339 A Comment on “What Is Wrong with the West’s Economies?” by Edmund Phelps
by Vesa Kanniainen - 341-347 Why Can’t You Fly Anymore? Italian and French Declining Creativity and Growth
by Giorgio Brosio - 349-355 Phelps on the Western Economies and Economics in the West, and the Rest
by Jacques Cacheux - 357-365 Edmund Phelps on Productivity Slowdown: Limits to Utilitarian Economics
by Shanti P. Chakravarty - 367-381 A Well-Behaved Index of a Priori P-Power for Simple N-Person Games
by Dan S. Felsenthal - 383-383 Erratum to: A Well-Behaved Index of a Priori P-Power for Simple N-Person Games
by Dan S. Felsenthal - 385-401 Axiomatic Models of Rational Behavior and Interpretations
by Susanne Fuchs-Seliger
October 2016, Volume 33, Issue 3
- 197-204 The Political Economy of Land Grabbing
by Tim Krieger & Martin Leroch - 205-217 How Institutions Shape Land Deals: The Role of Corruption
by Matthias Bujko & Christian Fischer & Tim Krieger & Daniel Meierrieks - 219-242 The Powerful, the Powerless, and the Grabbing: Non-Nash Land Grabbing in the Lab
by Felix Albrecht & Björn Frank & Simone Gobien & Maren Hartmann & Özcan Ihtiyar & Elina Khachatryan & Nataliya Kusa & Ahmed Rashad & Mohamed Ismail Sabry & Sondos Shaheen & Thomas Stöber - 243-260 Land Grabbing and Ethnic Conflict
by Tim Krieger & Daniel Meierrieks - 261-279 Local Perceptions and Vertical Perspectives of a Large Scale Land Acquisition Project in Northern Sierra Leone
by Franziska Marfurt & Fabian Käser & Samuel Lustenberger - 281-295 International Land Acquisitions and Hal Varian’s Concept of Fairness
by Luis Tomás Montilla Fernández & Johannes Schwarze
August 2016, Volume 33, Issue 1
- 1-2 Welcome to the Future of Homo Oeconomicus
by Manfred J. Holler & Martin Kocher & Katri K. Sieberg - 3-10 What Is Wrong with the West’s Economies?
by Edmund S. Phelps - 11-18 What’s Right, and What’s Wrong, with “What is Wrong with the West’s Economies?” by Edmund Phelps
by D. Roderick Kiewiet - 19-24 What is Wrong with the West’s Economies? An Alternative View
by John Hudson - 25-31 A Comment on “What Is Wrong with the West’s Economies?” by Edmund Phelps
by Branko Urošević - 33-36 A Comment on “What Is Wrong with the West’s Economies?” by Edmund Phelps
by Dušan Tříska - 37-41 A Comment on “What Is Wrong with the West’s Economies?” by Edmund Phelps
by Timo Airaksinen - 43-49 Mass Flourishing and Corporatism: Two Indian Stories
by P. G. Babu - 51-56 What is Wrong with Phelps’s Analysis of the West’s Economies?
by Donald Wittman - 57-76 Heuristic Voting Under the Alternative Vote: The Efficiency of “Sour Grapes” Behavior
by Jean-François Laslier - 77-91 Power Indices When Players can Commit to Reject Coalitions
by László Á. Kóczy - 93-120 Pure Bargaining Problems with a Coalition Structure
by Francesc Carreras & Guillermo Owen - 121-134 The High Profitability of Big Chinese State-Owned Banks and China’s Growth Model
by Marie Luise Funke & Helena Xiang Li & Horst Löchel - 135-156 Industrial Organization and Experimental Economics: How to Learn from Laboratory Experiments
by Max Albert & Andreas Hildenbrand - 173-195 Jesus and the Ratchet
by Mario Ferrero