Skillful Manipulation Based on High-Speed Sensory-Motor Fusion

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#Taku Senoo #Yuji Yamakawa #Satoru Mizusawa #Akio Namiki #Masatoshi Ishikawa #Makoto Shimojo #Dexterous Manipulation #Multifingered Hands #Sensor Fusion #highspeed robot #visual and tactile sensors #highspeed handarm manipulator

This video demonstrates skillful manipulation using a high-speed robot system. The system consists of visual and tactile sensors at a rate of 1kHz and a high-speed hand-arm manipulator. The high-speed sensory-motor fusion improves not just the speed of existing robot manipulations, but also expands robotic skills by introducing features unique to high-speed motion.

This video demonstrates skillful manipulation using a high-speed robot system. The system consists of visual and tactile sensors at a rate of 1kHz and a high-speed hand-arm manipulator.

