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Curriculum Vitae

Université de Tours, Histoire et Archéologie, Faculty Member
COUMERT Magali, Date of birth: 3 October 1976, University lecturer (maître de conférences) in Medieval History at Université de Bretagne Occidentale Centre de Recherche Bretonne et Celtique (EA 4451) e-mail: coumert@univ-brest.fr Current position 2006 to date: University lecturer (maître de conférences) in Medieval History at Université de Bretagne Occidentale Previous employment 2003–2006: Ater at Université Paris X-Nanterre 2001–2003: Allocataire-moniteur at Université Paris X-Nanterre 1998–2000: Teacher in French secondary schools (Bègles, Aulnay-sous-Bois and Saint-Denis) Qualifications PhD in Medieval History “Les récits d’origine des peuples dans le haut Moyen Age occidental (milieu VIe-milieu IXe siècle)”, defended at Université Paris X-Nanterre on 24 November 2005, under the direction of Professor Michel Sot. Awarded the highest honour “Very good” (mention très bien) with unanimous congratulations from the jury composed of Professors F. Bougard, G. Bührer-Thierry, H. Inglebert, S. Lebecq and W. Pohl. History agrégation (June 1998) Zentrale Mittelstufenprüfung, gut (German, level C1) Languages Spoken: English, German Passive: Spanish, Italian, Medieval Latin Invitations to International Research Congresses and Seminars International Medieval Congress, Leeds July 2013 with Lukas Bothe (Berlin), Berndt Ridder (Berlin) and S. Esders (Berlin): Isidorus Hispalensis and the lex salica 3-4 mai 2013 à Berlin : workshop “barbarian laws in the Frankish carolingian world” Freie Universität Berlin, Friedrich-Meinecke-Institut, organization with L. Bothe International Medieval Congress, Leeds July 2012 with Timo Kirschberger (Göttingen), Christian Stadermann (Tübingen), and Alheydis Plassman (Bonn): Ways through the Minefield. Research on Medieval Ethnicity between Constructivism and Essentialism: Writing Frankish Past, History and Law under Merovingian Rule 18 December 2012, Berlin: “Ethnizität und Gesetz” Freie Universität Berlin, Friedrich-Meinecke-Institut, Seminar: Geschichte der Spätantike und des Frühen Mittelalters, invited by S. Esders 10 September 2012, Institut Historique Allemand de Paris: “La continuité des rois des Francs suivant Al Mas’udi”, Workshop: Concepts and their Transmission in the Medieval Euromediterranean. Theoretical and Visual Expressions of “Political” Thought in Situations of “Cultural” Encounter, invited by D. König April 2012,  Vitoria (basque country university): “Les prologues de la loi salique” and “The construction of an ethnic memory: the case of the Goths” Seminar: Basques and other barbarians, invited by J.J. Larrea May 2011, Copenhagen: “Where did we come from? The early medieval origines gentium” Center for Identity Formation, Literature and Identity Formation Semnar, invited by K. Ryholt April 2011, Toulouse: “Les origines des peuples britanniques : la compétition par le passé” EHESS seminar, invited by C. Delaplace March 2009, Institut Historique Allemand de Paris: “ Workshop: “Migration und religiöse Identität. Mittelalterliche und zeitgenössische Perspektiven im Dialog”, invited by D. König January 2008, Paris, Sorbonne: “Les premières réécritures des origines franques” Workshop: “médio-latin” [Medieval Latin], invited by M.-J.-L. Perrin June 2007, Göttingen: “Wo versteckt sich der Traditionskern? Fragen um die Theorie der Ethnogenese und die Grundlagen der ethnischen Identität” Seminar: Themen und Tendenzen der Mittelalterforschung, invited by H. Röckelein May 2006, Vienna: “Die Wahl der Königsvorfahren in fränkischen Herkunftssagen” Institut für Mittelalterforschung der Österreischischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, invited by W. Pohl June 2004, Göttingen  PhD student workshop: “Les tendances récentes de la recherche franco-allemande en histoire sociale du haut Moyen Âge occidental – Neuere Tendenzen der deutsch-französischen Forschung in Sozialgeschichte des Frühmittelalters”, invited by P. Depreux May 2004, Kalamazoo: “Early medieval accounts of the origins and the migration of the Goths: ancient ethnnography and geography in the service of a barbarian identity”, invited by E. Albu. Editorial and other scientific I am jointly responsible for the interdisciplinary research project (Medieval history and literature) called Histoires des Bretagnes [Histories of Brittain], with H. Tétrel and H. Bouget which is supported by Maison des Sciences de l’Homme in Brittany. Since 2007, we have published three volumes of papers presented during the thematic study days on the Medieval Britains. - 19 November 2010, 27 May 2011, 20 January 2012: Les conservateurs de la mémoire Published in 2013, under the direction of H. Bouget and C. Jeanneau: Histoires des Bretagnes. Les conservateurs de la mémoire - 25 September 2009, 29 January 2010, 4 June 2010: Itinéraires et confins Published in 2011, under the direction of H. Bouget and M. Coumert: Histoires des Bretagnes. Itinéraires et confins, Brest, CRBC. - 22 September 2007, 14 june 2008, 23 January 2009: Les mythes d’origine Published in 2010, under the direction of M. Coumert and H. Tétrel: Histoires des Bretagnes. Les mythes fondateurs Brest, CRBC. I have compiled and edited, with M. Isaïa, K. Krönert and S. Shimahara, “Mélanges” articles in honour of Professor Michel Sot which were published in 2012: Res gestae scriptor. Histoire et historiographie au Haut Moyen Age. Mélanges en l’honneur de Michel Sot, M. Coumert, M. Isaïa, K. Krönert and S. Shimahara dir., Paris, 2012, Presses Universitaires de Paris-Sorbonne. I organized a thematic study day the 27th september 2013 “Landévennec, the Vikings and Brittany. In memory of Jean-Christophe Cassard”. The publication is under process. Since 2012, I have been participating in the editing and translation workshop of the dossier Actes des évêques du Mans [biographies of the bishops of Le Mans], under the direction of Florian Mazel, which takes place one day per month in Rennes. Group responsibilities, juries and committees - Jury member for the medical PhD of B. Franckaert, Santé et pratiques médicales des Bretons insulaires et continentaux du Haut Moyen Age (V-Xe siècles). Revue de la littérature ouverte, analyse croisée des données historiques et archéologiques, defended at Université de Bretagne Occidentale on 16 january 2014. - Scientific Committee of the Congress of the Society of Medieval Historians in Higher Education “Nation, nations” (Nation, nations), Prague, 2013 - Elected Committee member for the Humanities and Social Sciences training and research unit (UFR) since March 2011 - Member of the selection committees in May 2010 (Brest) and May 2011 (Brest and Rennes II) - Jury president for 3rd year BA (2008-2010) then 1st year BA (since 2010) - Member of the Documentation Committee of the university (2008-2012) - Jury member for PhD thesis of F. Youinou, “La présence barbare au palais de l’empereur romain de Dioclétien à Anastase (284-518)”, under the direction of B. Lançon and G. Moitrieux, defended at Université de Bretagne Occidentale on 2 October 2009. Dissemination of scientific knowledge: - June 2013: speech at the Society of the Friends of Beauport Abbey - September 2012: speech at the History and Archeology Society of Brittany Congress. - Histoire et images médiévales, August-September 2011, “Les Bretons de Grande-Bretagne. Les migrations de part et d’autre de la Manche”, p. 46-49. - Historia spécial n°121, September 2009, Les barbares. La fin d’une légende noire, p. 52-57. - July 2009: presentation at Landévennec, at the Centre International de Recherche et de Documentation on Celtic Monarchism - 16 January 2009: conference at Saint-Dizier related to the exhibition “Nos ancêtres les Francs”. - 15 March 2007: participation in the broadcast “La fabrique de l’histoire” on the television channel France Culture.